Even though mice may look small and adorable, they have a deadly bite!These minuscule rodents host over 30 different diseases and exposure to these can develop a range of painful symptoms in humans. Mice can also spread diseases through their urine and feces, so if you see mice around, it is recommended to stay away!If you are bitten by a mouse, the best thing to do is seek medical immediate action. It takes a few days for symptoms to occur, and taking medical treatment until then can greatly decrease the risk of infection and contraction of painful diseases like rat-bite fever, leptospirosis, lymphocytic chlorio-meningitis, and salmonella. The most common symptoms of any diseases cause by a mouse bite are fever, vomiting, body pain, and a rash. Identifying these symptoms and getting the bite treated in the quickly can help to prevent against severe consequences. It is important to know how to handle a serious mouse bite as well as how to recognize and treat these bites!Is a mouse bite dangerous?It is actually quite unlikely that mice will bite you without a reason. However, this is usually the case with rats. This does not mean that mice are totally in the clear when it comes to carrying harmful diseases.Having mice in your house can be quite dangerous, not just because of the possibility of them biting, but also the possibility of contracting a disease through mice urine and feces. These can unknowingly enter our systems by drying up and mingling with dust, which humans may breathe in.These rodents usually only bite people if they feel threatened or cornered. Shy and meek in nature, unlike their larger cousins rats, the first instinct of a mouse will always be to run away if it comes into contact with a human, rather than attacking to defend itself. The only time when it will truly attack is if it is picked up or it feels trapped.If you find mice in your kitchen, your bed, or any other place, it is probably because they simply followed their noses and picked up on the presence of food crumbs or leftover food. If you are bitten by a mouse without trying to handle it, then it might have bitten you because you startled it or unintentionally blocked it while it was trying to make its escape.While these small critters can look quite cute, wild mice are carriers of over 30 diseases including salmonella, hantavirus, and rabies. The most dangerous type of mice is field mice, which carry the deadly virus hantavirus. However, the good news is that you are not very likely to come across these mice as true to their name, they are only found in the great outdoors. You may, however, come across the occasional house mouse, which can be found living in close proximity to humans and can even be domesticized as a pet. House mice are not as dangerous as field mice and tend to stay out of the way. However, large groups of these animals can still wreak havoc in our homes and leave behind large amounts of urine and feces, which can be equally contaminated and dangerous.If you notice these small animals sneaking around your house, the best way to deal with them is by contacting an extermination service. You can also use mouse traps, however, a pest control service is more efficient and can smoke out mice from all the hidden corners of your house. If you decide to deal with a mouse infestation by yourself, always make sure to wear gloves and a mask while handling the traps, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Mice can still bite when threatened, and to prevent them from nicking your skin and any potential bacteria from being transmitted it is important to take the necessary precautions.What does a mouse bite look like?Mice are quite small and have tiny jaws, meaning a mouse bite can often go unnoticed if you don’t know you’ve been bitten. Abite from a mouse usually looks like a small puncture wound or a cut. Mice have small, sharp teeth which they use to bite, and these teeth often draw blood. The bite may also swell in size, or become infected if not treated properly. In a few cases, the bite may develop red streaks leading away from the bite around the swollen area.What should you do if a mouse bites you?If you notice that a mouse has bitten you, stay calm and do not panic. The chances of a mouse transmitting a deadly virus to you are quite rare, however, it is still very important to treat any bites caused by mice as they are very susceptible to becoming infected.The first step to do if you have an encounter with a mouse is to search for any bites on your body if you have come into contact with it. Mouse bites are quite small and can often go unnoticed, which can be very harmful if they become infected, or are laced with any deadly viruses or bacteria. Once you locate the wound, make sure to wash it thoroughly with soap and warm water. This must be done even if the mouse only scratches you. After you wash the wound, pat it dry with a clean towel and cover it with antibiotic cream. Bandage the bite so that the cream is able to seep into the wound and keep it safe from any chances of infection.If you have been bitten by a wild mouse, then it is always a good idea to book an appointment with your doctor. Though the wound may not seem like much, mice have a number of bacteria in their saliva that can prove potentially dangerous and inject potentially deadly viruses like hantavirus, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Rat-bite fever (RBF), and rabies. If you have been bitten by a mouse, consult your doctor immediately so that they can put you on medication to prevent any potential diseases. As of now, there is no sure way to know if you have been infected with any of these diseases until symptoms start to show, which is why it is always better to be safe than sorry, especially when the risk is high.If infected, symptoms will start to show around 7-12 days after initial contact. Different diseases will show different symptoms, so if you do show any symptoms after coming into contact with any rodents, then seek medical attention immediately, as early treatment is the best way to combat these diseases. If bitten, a doctor may recommend that you take the Penicillin G and Tetanus injections as well if you are not updated on your shots to reduce the risk of developing any other serious diseases.Side Effects And Risks From Mouse BitesThe most common disease spread through mouse bites is rat-bite fever (RBF). This disease usually takes effect about 3-20 days after the bite and is marked by periodic bouts of fever. Along with intense fever, a headache, vomiting, body rash, muscle and joint pain as well as intense swelling and growth of ulcers at the bite site could be experienced.If the wound gets contaminated and results in infection, patients may experience similar symptoms, which include fever, serious muscle and joint pain, swelling of the lymph nodes in places like the armpit, neck, and groin, redness of the skin, and the site of the wound becoming much more swollen and tender. If the bite happens outside, the person may also be at the risk of tetanus- so staying updated on all your shots is very important.These are the most common symptoms a person can experience from a contaminated mouse bite. Though the chances of getting more deadly diseases like rabies, leptospirosis, and hantavirus are rare, they must not be dismissed as the risk is still there. Always take precautions if you are bitten and get the wound checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. Rat-bite fever is a drawn-out and painful disease that may take time to treat, so precaution is always better than cure!

Even though mice may look small and adorable, they have a deadly bite!