With an area of 133 sq. mi (344.5 sq. km), Grenada is the second smallest independent country in Western Hemisphere.As the second-largest producer of nutmeg, Grenada is also known as Spice Island. So buckle up and let these interesting facts about this little country spice up your holiday bucket list.Also known as the ‘Island of Spice’, Grenada is a small Caribbean country in the West Indies with a population that stands at just 113,000 (as of 2020). Grenada has a total area of 133 sq. mi (344.5 sq. km) with its main island being approximately 21 mi (33.8 km) long and 12 mi (19.3 km) broad. The capital city of this country is St. George’s which also happens to be the largest city in the entire country. This tiny country lies somewhere between the Caribbean sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It is located in the northwest of Trinidad and Tobago, the northeast of Venezuela, and in the southwest lies St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The Island of Spice has a small economy with the major foreign exchange earner being tourism. In Spice, Grenada mostly exports nutmeg, mace, and cardamom. Other exported items include non-fillet fresh fish, wheat flour, cocoa beans, frozen fruits and nuts, and more. With this introduction to this little country, let us dive into the interesting facts about Grenada.If you love interesting facts like these, further reads like Austria facts and Finland facts should be your next stop.Grenada History Grenada appeared around two million years ago and ever since, it has remained a pure beauty.About two million years ago, when Grenada was not even named, the island is said to have emerged as a submarine volcano from a shallow sea. Most of the terrain of this country is a result of volcanic activity that might have happened about a million years ago, including the contribution of a few unknown ones that helped in the creation of Grenada and its horseshoe-shaped harbor and two extinct ones that are now known as Grand Etang Lake and Lake Antoine.Christopher Columbus, during his third voyage, sighted this pretty little island and named it ‘La Concepción’ in the year 1498, which later might have been renamed as Mayo by Amerigo Vespucci. Post discovery by Columbus, Grenada was still dominated by the warlike Caribs people for almost about 150 years. When British merchants tried to establish a settlement in the year 1609, the Caribs didn’t hesitate at all to use their full force to resist them.Later in the year 1650, the French governor bought Grenada from a French company. These French settlers formed a settlement at St. George’s and ruled Grenada until 1762 when the British invaded and the French surrendered. Grenada, which was called La Grenada by the French, was renamed again and was called ‘Grenada’ by the British government, a name which is speculated to have been inspired by the Spanish city named Granada. Later Grenada was recaptured by the French in the year 1779 and was again taken back by the British.During the British rule, they saw a lot of potential in sugar production and decided to bring in African slaves from Africa to work in sugar plantations. Between the years 1795 and 1796, the French started a rebellion against slavery. By the year 1833, slavery had finally ended in Grenada.Grenada was finally granted freedom from British domination on February 7, 1974. Grenada became a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as their head, who is represented by the Governor-General and a fully-functional, democratically elected government headed by the Prime Minister.What is Grenada famous for?Grenada, also called the Spice Isle, is famous for its spices, beaches, and vibrant coastal areas.An important thing worth mentioning when talking about famous things found in Grenada is the local spices. Grenada is one of the world’s top producers of most of the common spices found in North America. How many of the spices in your kitchen cabinet do you think are natives of this island? Want us to help you out? Well, spices like cinnamon, cloves, and mace are all produced here. But among all, the spice that is most famously produced is nutmeg.Moving away from the spice department, Grenada is also full of pleasing sightseeing locations that make it a perfect tourist attraction. One such place is Grand Anse beach which is located at Saint George’s. What attracts tourists to the Grand Anse beach is a stretch of fine white sand along with crystal blue water that extends for a good 1.86 mi (3 km), and oh yes, scuba diving.The next but one of the most famous is the underwater sculpture park. This underwater sculpture park is located on the west coast of the capital St. George’s as well and is a wonderful attraction. Found at the Molinere Beauséjour marine protected area, this fascinating underwater sculpture park that Grenada boasts has the first underwater sculptures that can be accessed through a glass-bottom boat, snorkeling, or diving. Okay, we get that sculptures on the ocean floor are a wonderful idea, but honestly, that’s not even the part that makes this underwater sculpture park great. The 75 sculptures present in this underwater sculpture park are made from materials that promote corals and marine life growth. Now, how cool is that?This country is full of rich flora and fauna and also has beautiful waterfalls to go have a good time in. The Seven Sisters Falls is another tourist attraction that can be found in the Grand Etang National Park. This waterfall has a stunning view that can be enjoyed after a 45 minutes hike which can be tiring but in the end, very rewarding.While we’re already talking about the grand Etang national park, this place also has another fascinating sight which is the Grand Etang lake. The Grand Etang lake found in Grand Etang National Park has unique eco-zones that are formed due to the varied elevation levels. The Grand Etang lake is also said to be a bottomless lake. So, calling all nature lovers, the azure blue waters is a great place to definitely add to your bucket list.Other main sightseeing places include Fort George, located in Saint George’s that was constructed in the year 1705, is filled with cannons and gives a fantastic view of the bay and the capital.Another fort worth mentioning is Fort Frederick that was built by the French to secure their position in the year 1779. This is one of those living historical pieces that will take you on a time travel journey into its past.If you love bird-watching, the Levera national park is the place for you. It is a lagoon-based coastal area with a spectacular scenic view.Grenada Culture Facts Grenada people are about 80% of African descent.Grenadian culture and languages tell us the story of its history and past struggles. The Grenada population is composed of a majority of African descent that were brought here by the British. People from various areas of the world also co-habit the islands. These other groups include people from South Asia, Arawak, and Carib people, and people of English and French descent, and a few East Indians as well.Although a mix of different people, the culture that majorly influenced Grenada country is that of its African-origin inhabitants. The currency used here is Eastern Caribbean Dollars (XCD) like many other Caribbean islands. The national bird of this island is the Grenada dove, which is only found in Grenada and is an endangered species.So we’ve come to see that Grenada is full of amazing culture and is an amazing island but what about the food, right? Well, that is another fascinating thing about this country. Wonder what their national dish is? It is something called ‘oildown’, which is a meal that is cooked and soaked in coconut milk.What language is spoken in Grenada?The official language of Grenada is English.If you plan to go to Grenada and are wondering about the Grenada language, we bet this really takes a lot of worries off your chest. If you speak English, you are all ready to go enjoy a good time and even make new Grenadian friends. However, English is not the sole language spoken in Grenada. The other languages that are spoken on this island are Grenadian English Creole and Grenadian French Creole. These three different languages being spoken are the result of the presence of many groups that live in this country and serve to showcase Grenada’s past as well as its present.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Grenada facts then why not take a look at Hungary facts, or Jamaica facts.

With an area of 133 sq. mi (344.5 sq. km), Grenada is the second smallest independent country in Western Hemisphere.