The Stone Age was a period of human prehistory characterized by the use of stone and bone tools, and its beginning is used to distinguish it from the preceding Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) and to succeed Bronze Age.The period began roughly 3.3 million years ago when stone tools were first developed and ended between 6000 and 2000 BCE with the advent of metalworking.Cave paintings from Europe and Africa show scenes of hunting, fishing, and animal husbandry, which implies that these are the activities that humans have been practicing for a long time. In some Middle Eastern countries like Israel, cuneiform writing was found in 5000-year-old clay tablets that detail how crops should be grown for fertility.Ancient Egypt was one of the first civilizations to develop writing, mathematics, medicine, and astronomy. Ancient Egypt was also home to Imhotep, the first person known by name who may have practiced medicine in ancient Egypt.The Sumerians were a civilization located in Mesopotamia (in modern-day Iraq) from around 3500 BCE-1300 BCE. Sumerians invented cuneiform writing, developed irrigation systems for agriculture, invented the wheel, and created the first cities. They once had an advanced culture that pioneered human development, still evident through discoveries like musical instruments, the wheel, and the plow.What did Stone Age people eat?In the Stone Age, people ate a wide variety of foods. Different events happened during this period. For example, during the Stone Age, glaciers formed in Europe, which changed the climate.People in the Stone Age ate foods and diet forms like meat and insects, fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds, honey, and beeswax.The stone tools found in archeological excavations show that people used these tools to process non-pasteurized food items, including meat and fruit skins - well before humans had developed refrigerator technology.These people used simple cooking techniques. They made their food by slicing and then cooking it on a fire-based grill. Cooking was an important part of daily diets because it helped kill microbes that might be harmful to humans. For this reason, they would cook their food in pots or baskets. The baskets were also used to store food to stay longer in the wild or while they were traveling.These types of food were an important part of the diet in the Stone Age because they were fresh and unprocessed, which were two of the main things that people ate.Meat is the flesh of slaughtered animals, processed into different foods like sausage or jerky. This indicates that meat consumption was higher than previously expected.Another study has indicated that the average intake of meat among Stone Age hunter-gatherers was high, with an estimated minimum of 10.58 oz (300 g) per day and a maximum of 25.4 oz (720 g) per day.The human body can only store a limited amount of sodium. Hence, the consumption of sodium-rich foods like meat and dairy products is very crucial since they are used to maintain hydration levels in the body. Meat is also an excellent source of protein that builds muscles, which in turn provides energy to work for humans.Fruits and vegetables have various health benefits for people. Non-pasteurized fruit contains vitamin C, manganese, and fiber. On the other hand, non-pasteurized vegetables and fungi may contain vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, copper, and protein. Some vegetables are very beneficial because they have a high amount of calcium that helps boost bone density in young women and develop healthy teeth.Nuts are high in fat and protein, which helps to build bones and muscles. Seeds are also a mixture of fat, protein, and minerals like iron for maintaining healthy heart function.Honey is a sweet secretion from bees. It is low in calories and is used to sweeten food and beverages. The sweetness of honey helps people lose weight since it takes more energy to digest the honey than other foods. Beeswax is also useful because it can be used as dental floss or trimming wax, making stone age food very beneficial to humans.What ingredients did they use?The ingredients that these people used in their foods are not the same as today. For instance, people in the Stone Age used animal bones, butchered meat, and insects instead of cows’ or chickens’ meat. People also used other animal brains instead of brains from a cow or a pig.The animal tissues were cut up and processed into pieces to be consumed. According to data gathered by researchers, fish was eaten as a stone-age food source during the time.The animals were cooked, and then the nutrients were filtered to extract the fish oil. Some of the fish they ate included trout, salmon, cod, herring, mackerel, and eel.Prehistoric people in Europe used fire to keep warm and cook food. They used rocks from the ground as a heating source. These rocks were heated until they became hot enough to burn wood or meat for cooking stone age food without using special utensils.Sometimes stones were thrown into rivers to heat water to be used for drinking. The fire provided heat and light, which helped them to do things like sterilizing needles and skinning animals.How did people in the Stone Age hunt?The stone stage is divided into three ages- Early Stone Age, Middle Stone Age, and Later Stone Age.Early Stone Age was also known as the pre-modern human stage. They used to throw stones for hunting. A target was made then the weapon was thrown as a slingshot to hunt. Other stone tools like scrapers and picks were also made. Those stones were not good for hunting large animals but were very useful in crushing bone, roots, and skinning plants and maybe animals.In Middle Stone Age there were excellent hunters, and people at this stage also started eating fish. They used to sharpen stone and then used resin to stick it on the wood. Those weapons were thrown on animals, and it is also said that the poison probably killed the animal, not the spear itself. The techniques were improved time by time.In Later Stone Age, there were different tools for different types of hunting used. Now people had discovered how to make bows and arrows. Bone and wood were used to make weapons. Large arrows from powerful bows were being shot to pursue animals. Hand axes had the force of the hammer, which killed the animal instantly. Poison on small arrows and spears was used to kill animals instantly. Just nicking the skin of an animal ensured death.Weapons and tools used for hunting were improved day by day, and it was also the need of those people. Because to survive in that era, hunting was very crucial. Without hunting, there was no stone age food and shelter for them. They gave their 100% to survive.People in the Stone Age hunted with weapons like spears, arrows, and stone-tipped arrows. They also used knives and other tools to butcher animals or skin them. Butchers used animals like deer and pigs for meat consumption, but some people also used rodents like rabbits.The hunting was mostly done for the Stone Age diet, and these activities eventually became a sport. People hunted using a wide range of stalking, tracking, trapping, pursuit, ambushing, or driving the quarry towards a trap.Spears, arrows, and stone-tipped arrows were used for hunting large game such as boars, bears, or elk.The animal skins were used for clothing, shoes, and other purposes. The bones of animals were also used for making tools like tools to cut bones into thin strips or use them to make baskets.Some parts of the animal’s body, like organs and marrow, were also used in medicine known as tonics. The meat was also boiled or baked, and then the ashes were added to a pot to add flavor.What did people in the Stone Age drink?Stone Age ancestors drank a wide variety of water, milk, wine, and ale as a part of their diet.These drinks were chosen based on the types of foods they wanted to consume.They also used soft drinks like beer and ale to add flavor to their meals.Stone Age people also used honey to sweeten some foods or drinks. Honey is made from nectar that comes from flowers or plants.Did You Know…The period in pre-history during which early humans started using stone and wood to make weapons and tools to survive was known as the Stone Age Period. It is one of the earliest known periods known for human history. It began around 2.5 million years ago. The Stone Age period lasted until around 2300 BC.There is a reason behind why it’s called the Stone Age period. Early humans who lived in this period were also known as cavemen. They mostly used stones for making weapons and tools in this period.Stones are the earliest known human tools that are why this period is known as the stone age period.People who lived in that period of time had only one main concern, which was to survive. And to survive, they needed food and shelter. They were known as hunter-gatherers.Humans had to either do the hunting for food or used to gather them from nature, like trees and other plants. For this, they used stone tools.People were used to moving from one place to another, so they didn’t have any permanent shelter. They used to have shelter in caves. They also used animal bones and animal hides to make a shelter.To survive in that period of time, they had no option other than hunting. They had to catch or find things to survive.The tools and weapons they used to hunt were updated from time to time. After hunting, they would cook their food on a fire. Animal skins were used to make clothes and shelter for them.They would spend their whole day hunting, then enjoying the food in front of the fire. And the next day, they went hunting again.Stone age food is also termed a caveman diet. With natural sugars, fruits, eggs, plants, nuts, and healthy food preparation methods, the stone age diet contributed to human evolution.Even today, researchers confirm that the stone age diet has ample health benefits for life.Prehistoric people went through several phases. While it can have a generic term of stone-age diet, diet forms were a bit different in the paleolithic period and the Mesolithic period.Though researchers agree that agriculture was the source of eating after a particular period, their lifestyle and diet forms went through a few changes over time.Specifically, the palaeolithic diet includes eating fish, eggs, veggies and avoiding sugar. Except for some unavoidable natural sugar content, most pre-historic people excluded sugar from their diet and eventually included eggs.Most people tend to learn only about the stone age and iron age, but there was the ice age, one of the most interesting and revolutionary concepts to learn.Did you know those ice age hunters domesticated dogs? And this data dates back to 23000 years. Dogs have been domestic animals since the ice age.Likewise, evolutionary nutritionists and researchers believe that the data they gather brings an interesting conclusion about the eating habits of stone age people. Researcher Loren Cordain states that the stone age diet is the only diet form that would fit our genetic makeup.Studies confirm that 73% of these societies eat plenty of lean meat fish but try not to eat dairy products as a part of the diet.They have focused on digesting a higher quality diet and adding less bulky plant fiber to the diet. Eating meat as a part of the diet seems to have contributed to the larger brains of our ancestors about two million years ago.Overall, it is safe to say that the prehistoric people were of the Iron Age, and the idea of paleo dieters who focused on health came definitely from the pre-historic era and their lifestyle.

The Stone Age was a period of human prehistory characterized by the use of stone and bone tools, and its beginning is used to distinguish it from the preceding Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) and to succeed Bronze Age.