Dogs are animals that have unique personality traits and are amongst the most sociable animals in the world.Most dog breeds are generally friendly animals to stay with. When thousand years ago, dogs were domesticated, it was considered to be in their best interest as they were evolved to woo humans for shelter and food.Humans and dogs have had the best kind of friendship, and we are sure you will agree with us. The value addition a dog offers in a human’s life is irreplaceable. Their loyal and loving behavior is the best kind of therapy you can get after a long and tiresome day. Your inner child will surely be happy once you play with dogs, so if you are confused about buying the best dog for yourself, then continue reading this article as we give you some key tips for choosing your pet.Are you fond of dogs? Then we bet you will enjoy reading our similar articles on the easiest dog breeds to train and fastest dog as well.Most Friendly Small Dog Breeds It’s universally known that a man’s best companion is a dog, and so it has become synonymous with pets, and as a pet, who would want one that would snap or growl at their family members and children? A well-behaved and polite dog who gets along even with strangers is what most of us want in our dogs. So, choosing a friendly dog breed that is outgoing, active, affectionate, and fun to play with is ideal. Many friendly dogs such as the Irish setters, golden retrievers, poodle, border collie, Shih Tzu, Boston terriers, Labrador Retrievers, bulldogs, and Staffordshire bull terrier are some of the super friendly dogs to have around. Let’s look at some small, friendly dog breeds to keep.The Bedlington terrier is a high-energy, alert and intelligent companion to have around. It is a small, sweet, loyal, and family-friendly dog. It loves being the center of attention whenever a group of people surround it and is quite the entertainer too.The Boston-terrier is another small, smart, affectionate, smiley, lively, and most gentle of dog breeds to have. Owners of this dog seldom have any complaints against it, as it is also known by the title, ‘American gentleman’! The Boston terrier can be a great companion for kids and is one of the most fun-loving dog breeds to have around.Beagle is often termed as a happy-go-lucky dog breed that can get along with anyone, be it children or any old adult, so they are a great family dog. They are sweet, loyal, affectionate, and are extremely sociable. A Beagle is used to running in packs as they were originally bred as hunting dogs, which is why they have friendly nature towards the family they live with and become one of the best companions to be with. Beagles are very active and need lots of playtime and exercise.The crested dog breed is a happy and alert dog breed that can make new friends quickly and get accustomed to anyone with just a snuggle! You can expect many kisses and hugs, as these dogs have very affectionate personalities. They love being around everyone and are super sweet. This breed is a popular dog in terms of families and people who want a small dog only.Their grumpy looks can be deceiving to most, but a bulldog is anything but that! It is termed as one of the friendliest dogs that are easygoing, low-maintenance, and full of life. They make steadfast companions who are ready to go wherever you wish to go. This dog breed is equally sociable and is great at making new friends. All they need is moderate exercise and good training, along with some space for their routine activities as they are also very active in nature.Most Friendly Medium Dog Breeds According to Brandi Hunter from the American Kennel Club (AKC), whenever a family chooses a medium-sized furry companion, they should always choose ones with considerable activity levels and temperaments that match the family’s lifestyle. Continue reading to find a list of medium-sized friendly dogs.Basset hounds are gentle, medium-sized dogs that have an easygoing personality when interacting with humans. They are perfect for children and families.Remember Lassie, the lovable and heroic pup from a popular TV show? It is a collie and is one of the friendliest dog breeds you can find for your children that is both natural and smart with kids. These dogs love to remain active, so they require running, aerobic exercise, and playing to sustain their high energy. This is why collie dogs also bark when they get bored.The poodle is another loved dog and is most popular for its creative hair-dos and fluffy coat. Poodles are loved most in France but actually come from Germany. Poodles are known to be active, smart, and very people-pleasing if trained correctly. They love to entertain and please other humans and children. Like other dogs, they are sweet, loyal, and outgoing.The Labrador Retriever is one of the favorites for medium-sized dogs due to its enthusiastic and outgoing nature. They are loyal and will always be ready for anything, be it dress-up, fetch, or even swimming. All the Labrador Retriever requires is exercise, and post-training, they will be the most well-mannered companions you can ever find for your kids and family!Most Friendly Large Dog BreedsThe list of friendliest dog breeds for pets goes on and on. When it comes to large dog breeds, these dogs are recognized for their loving, sociable, loyal, and gentle demeanor despite their larger size. In fact, their large size makes them a great cuddle for kids. They are known for their patient, calm, and lapdog personalities, which work well when you have children. Let’s look at some popular large dog breeds families have as pets.German Shepherds have long been known to be police dogs that generally serve in the military and in search and rescue operations. This group of dogs is known for their intelligence, and they live quite a hard-working life.The Golden Retriever is your typical quintessential family pet, and it is quite evident from its popularity in various TV shows and movies. The positive energy, loving nature, patience, and intelligence make the golden retriever popular amongst many families. The golden retriever is also recognized for being a therapy dog due to its comforting nature.The Boxer is another large dog breed that has an incredibly affectionate personality and is quite the attention-seeking kind. This group of dogs can be pretty exciting as they respond well to attention. They have loads of energy as they tend to jump a lot on people, including strangers. The boxer usually does not get along with children, but it still has a protective instinct towards its owners.Bernies, Berners or Bernese Mountain dogs, are a Swiss breed that is known for its protectiveness. The dogs of these breeds are so protective that they would even risk their lives to help stranded people!Alaskan Malamutes are another powerful and high-energy dog breed to have as they are completely tame and gentle. These dogs are so powerful that they can prey on animals like seals and bears too. These dogs would be a good choice for pets.How To Choose A Friendly Dog For FamilyChoosing the best friendly dog breeds for families is a decision that involves several factors that need to be considered, such as the dog’s temperament, the budget of the family, and the family’s lifestyle. Remember, whenever you get a dog, it should be compatible with your family so that the dog’s transition into your life is smooth and happy. Let’s look at a couple of factors to help you choose the best dog for your family.Look into the kind of lifestyle your family has. Most dogs need outdoor training and enjoy a lot of physical activity. You must be able to give ample amounts of time to your dog for the same purpose. Most children enjoy active dogs like Dalmatians, but the catch for an active dog is to give it at least an hour of exercise daily. So, if your kids are engaged in sports or other outdoor habits, they will surely enjoy active dogs.The space available in your house is another key factor when deciding on the dog breed you will bring home. Larger breeds such as German shepherds, Labrador retrievers, and St. Bernards are more suitable to be the pets of people who have their own house with significant space for the dogs to play, train, and exercise. For larger dogs, having access to dog parks, open spaces around your house, and other pet-friendly communities is a must. If you live in urban areas and reside in an apartment, then go for smaller or medium-sized breeds like the collie or bulldog.Lastly, the cost of raising the dog is also another essential factor to look for while choosing the dog. Remember, the cost of raising the dog will always be higher than its purchase cost, as its monthly expenses of food and healthcare will be a significant addition to your daily living expenses. Hence, choose the dog that best suits your budget.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for the most friendly dogs then why not take a look at the most expensive dog breeds, or chow chow facts?

Dogs are animals that have unique personality traits and are amongst the most sociable animals in the world.