In nature, trees and shrubs fall into two main categories which are known as deciduous and coniferous.Both of these tree types have their own differences and unique qualities which separate them from each other. However, there are certain trees that exhibit qualities of both tree types such as deciduous conifers.Deciduous trees, like the oak tree, refer to any tree that drops its leaves in the season of fall and enters the state of being dormant in the winter. When temperatures go up, deciduous trees will produce new leaves.On the other hand, coniferous trees, like pine trees and Christmas trees which are also referred to as evergreen trees, have needles or cones instead of leaves that do not fall off. A coniferous tree is any tree that reproduces through its cones. It’s the basic leaf structure that makes the difference between both coniferous and deciduous trees, but there are a lot of other differences as well.Read on to understand the difference between deciduous and coniferous trees and thereafter, also check out facts about jungle trees and what is a tree.Cones And SeedsOne of the key differences between coniferous and deciduous trees is how both of these tree types spread their seeds.The reason why coniferous trees are called coniferous is that they spread their seed through their cones. If these cones are picked from one spot and dropped to another, it helps the coniferous tree to spread and plant new seeds in a different location.On the other hand, deciduous forests are flowering plants, which means that they produce seeds that are spread through insects and birds which feed on them.Biodiversity In Coniferous Vs Deciduous ForestsThe variety of biodiversity is different in coniferous forests and deciduous forests.The basic determinant of biodiversity in any forest is the location of the forest.As we move towards the equator from the poles, biodiversity, animals, and plant life increase in the forest. As coniferous forests are closer to poles, the biodiversity found in these coniferous forests is relatively less in comparison to that found in deciduous forests which are located near equator regions.Coniferous forests are home to evergreen trees, for instance, a pine tree, a Christmas tree, and others. However, the lesser biodiversity of coniferous forests does not mean that there is a total absence of biodiversity; it is just that fewer species are found in comparison to deciduous forests where a large number of species are found of both plants and animals.Animals In Coniferous And Deciduous ForestsDeciduous and coniferous forests have different kinds of animals living in them; there are many different factors for their residence in these forests.When it comes to a coniferous forest, cold-blooded vertebrates such as snakes and frogs dominate these coniferous forests because of the low temperatures of the forest and the surrounding region. Different kinds of birds such as owls, kinglets, grouse, hawks, woodpeckers, and crossbills are found in coniferous forests.In the case of mammals, squirrels, moose, reindeer, lynx, wolves, and shrews are found in these forests. Animals that make coniferous forests their home usually have thick fur which protects them against the harsh, cold temperatures of the forest, and some of them go into hibernation to avoid the frigidly cold temperatures.In deciduous forests, a wide variety of animals, plants, insects, reptiles, and birds can be found. Mammals that are commonly found in deciduous trees are skunks, bears, raccoons, wood mice, mountain lions, timber wolves, and elephants. The behavioral patterns adopted by animals of deciduous forests are quite different, and some of these animals tend to store food.Squirrels and chipmunks of the region tend to collect nuts in summer and consume them in winter. The reason for the increased variety of animals in deciduous trees is the weather which is warmer and humid in comparison to the weather of where coniferous trees are located.Coniferous Vs Deciduous Forest CharacteristicsThere are many differences between the physical characteristics of both tree types and their forests. They both are unique.Deciduous forests have trees that have hardwood. Leaves of trees which grow in deciduous forests are broad and flat; they bloom during the months of spring and shed off in autumn. Deciduous forests are mainly found in warmer parts of the world and trees of this forest produce colorful fruits and flowers.In comparison, coniferous forests have trees that have needles and these have replaced broad leaves found in deciduous forest trees. Coniferous forests have softwood trees that are used to make paper, and no fruits or flowers are produced by trees of coniferous forests.Main Differences Between Deciduous And Coniferous TreesDeciduous and coniferous tree types have a lot of differences with some similarities between them.Conifers and deciduous trees are both woody trees and are used for the production of timber.The main difference between deciduous and coniferous trees is the structure of leaves which is found in both of them. Deciduous trees are broadleaf trees, whereas, coniferous trees have needles instead of broad and flat leaves on them in order to survive the harsh, cold weather. The shape of deciduous tree foliage is also quite different as compared to the shape of coniferous tree foliage.Deciduous tree foliage grows in an outward direction, spanning a region in order to maximize the absorption of light through leaves. Coniferous trees are different in the manner that they instead grow long heights in the shape of a cone in order to prevent themselves from collapsing due to snow formation on the tree. Deciduous trees, unlike evergreen forests, change the color of their leaves from time to time, and this happens during the months of autumn where they turn into shades of red, orange, and yellow. Evergreen trees or coniferous trees do not change the color of their leaves and remain the same throughout the year.Deciduous trees produce flowers which are marked by the absence of leaves on the tree, whereas coniferous trees are not known to produce flowers. Another distinction is seen in fruits and flowers produced by each type of flora. Coniferous trees yield no fruits or flowers, but deciduous trees produce a wide range of them.Pros And Cons Of Growing Conifers And EvergreensThere are a lot of pros and cons of growing conifers and evergreens.Winter and summer energy savings are provided by evergreen conifers. They may minimize chilly winds in the winter and give shade in the summer if properly planted and tended for. As evergreen conifers retain their leaves throughout the year, they are ideal for use as windbreaks to protect against high winter winds. A windbreak is a dense clump of trees placed near a home, structure, or outdoor space to intercept and reduce prevailing winds.They are generally planted in numerous parallel rows. Windbreaks reduce the amount of energy required to heat buildings by reducing the wind speed. These same trees may give shade in the summer if they are properly placed. Carbon dioxide, which is produced when fossil fuels are burned, is a heat-trapping gas that prevents heat from escaping into space and instead traps it in our atmosphere. Trees take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis which they utilize to fuel plant construction and function.In exchange, they release pure, fresh oxygen into the atmosphere. There is a period of the year when air pollution is at its worst and photosynthesizing leaves are scarce: winter! This is where evergreen and conifers come to the rescue.Dense coniferous branches and evergreen hedges create a natural privacy screen for your yard, allowing you to enjoy winter activities with your family and early spring garden work without being seen by others near your garden. Conifers in the wild have a lifespan of 300-500 years.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for the difference between coniferous and deciduous trees then why not take a look at yew tree symbolism or average pine tree height?

In nature, trees and shrubs fall into two main categories which are known as deciduous and coniferous.