Cockroaches are small, usually brown insects that are considered household pests.There are over 4600 different species of these bugs. They are thought to have existed at the same time as dinosaurs or maybe even before them!Unfortunately, this also means that they are quite hard to get rid of which is why it is important to catch an infestation of these pests early on. In order to keep these unhygienic pests from entering your home, there are a few precautions you need to take.To learn more about different creatures read our other pages on scavenger animals and how long do wasps live?What do cockroaches eat?Cockroaches are scavengers and follow an omnivorous diet in nature. They consume both edible and inedible organic matter and are drawn towards garbage and decaying food.Cockroach infestations usually happen when a blockage of drainage or unhygienic conditions are present in the home. They are considered pests as cockroach infestations can spread fast and these winged creatures can take over your home and give the impression of unclean surroundings.Cockroaches can mostly be seen feeding on sweet, starchy, and meaty substances. They will flock towards open and decaying food of any sort, which helps them to reproduce. Cockroaches thrive under three conditions. These conditions include when they have food, water, and shelter. You will usually find cockroaches hiding in dark spots in your kitchen like under the sink, inside cabinets, or in dark spaces under appliances such as under the fridge or microwave. It is very important to clean up your kitchen every night and lock away any uneaten food to avoid attracting cockroaches.What is the lifespan of cockroaches?The average cockroach lives for between 20-30 weeks, from the egg stage to the adult stage. Each female cockroach is capable of laying eight egg capsules in her lifetime, each of which may contain between 30-48 eggs meaning one cockroach pair can give rise to over 400 baby cockroaches.Eggs hatch after 28 days of being laid, and small wingless cockroaches called nymphs are born. They are smaller in size, lighter in color, and move faster than fully matured cockroaches.The lifespan of various species can differ from one another. The longest living species, the giant burrowing cockroach, can live for up to 10 years!Cockroach Species Based On SizeThere are over 4600 cockroach species, out of which 30 can be found living near humans.The most common is the German cockroach species, which can be identified by the two black lines down their backs. They usually measure between 0.5-0.6 in (13-16 mm), meaning they are quite small in size. A large infestation of these can be detected by the pungent smell they give off, which comes from the juices used by them during digestion. Asian cockroaches, found in many parts of Asia, are similar in size and appearance to German cockroaches.American cockroaches are the largest species of household cockroaches. Despite their name, they are found in Africa and the Middle East. They are large and dark brown in color, and have the longest lifespan out of all household roaches. These cockroaches live for around 100 weeks. They measure 1.6 in (4 cm) in length, which can make an infestation of them quite scary!The largest cockroach species is the Megaloblatta longipennis, which can be found in Ecuador, Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru, and Panama. This large bug can grow up to 3.8 in (9.7 cm) long, with a massive wingspan of 8 in (20 cm)! Thankfully, this cockroach species can only be found in the wild. Despite the large size of these creatures, they are quite harmless.The world’s heaviest cockroach is the great burrowing cockroach, which measures around 3 in (7.5 cm). It can weigh up to 1 oz (30 g), which is quite heavy for an insect! These roaches also have an impressive lifespan, and can live for as long as 10 years! Unlike other cockroaches, which are considered pests, these tropical bugs are actually seen as exotic insects and kept as pets! This big bug also plays an important role in its natural rainforest habitat, where it feeds on dead and decaying vegetation, helping in natural waste management.How to get rid of cockroaches in your house?Cockroaches can reproduce very quickly and are found in environments where dead and decaying matter is present, making them pests. In order to keep these insects from entering your home or get rid of a growing infestation, there are some helpful steps that you can follow.First of all, cockroaches are attracted to food sources, which is why proper waste disposal is important. Keep your dustbins covered and never keep uncovered food out overnight. These bugs may also enter your house through leaky taps or drainage pipes, as they thrive in humid environments. You can get rid of cockroaches by spraying cockroach repellant in the dark corners of your house, where they are sure to be present, as well as using sticky traps. Getting rid of any cockroaches you see as soon as possible is vital before these pests start laying eggs and multiplying. You can also spread out baking powder or another natural solution as they either repel cockroaches due to their smell or cause reactions inside them when consumed, killing them.Cockroaches must also be kept at bay as they can transfer dangerous bacteria and diseases onto food, which may be consumed. They do not generate any such diseases themselves, however can be carriers of unclean bacteria.If a bug infestation gets out of hand, then the only option left is to call the exterminators, who will drive out the roaches safely, as well as help you prevent future infestations. You can also try to remove large infestations yourself using a roach bomb, however, this is advised against as it is highly toxic and can cause health issues to you and your family.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked learning about the largest cockroach then why not take a look at the largest centipede, or the largest reptile.

Cockroaches are small, usually brown insects that are considered household pests.