Agriculture is the practice of growing crops and breeding livestock.The sole purpose of agriculture is to provide a sufficient quantity of edible food for all people. It is one of the keys to survival, as it produces what is vital for mankind to thrive.Agriculture is not limited to farms. Even a little potted plant in your home is recognized as an agricultural contribution. Earth’s soil, water, air and sun are key requirements to sustain agriculture. Agriculture is often carried out by farmers, and a farm typically holds all the secrets to raising plant life.It starts with the process of preparing the soil to host whatever seeds or saplings need to be planted to flourish into edible crops. This soil needs to contain all necessary components needed for plant growth, for example, minerals and water. After the sowing stage is completed, the soil needs to be fed nutrients regularly, and this is where organic manure comes into play. Manure comes in two types: compost manure and green manure. They are both very helpful to crops. Two other conditions need to be taken care of during cultivation: periodic and sufficient irrigation as well as the removal of unwanted weeds. This must be done to protect the healthy growth of crops. Then comes the time for harvesting, which is when crops are cut and separated, after which they are stored carefully to send off to the local market where they are bought for consumption.Almost every region in the world discovered its first domesticated plant. South America found potatoes, while Asia largely cultivated rice.There are different types of agriculture. One of these kinds is known as intensive agriculture. Intensive farming nurtures both plants and animals for consumption. This agricultural process involves a large amount of land and a great amount of input, labor being a fine example. Another type practiced is called modern agriculture. This type emphasizes the need to equip farmers with eco-friendly techniques for farming that do not employ too much of nature’s already scarce elements.Breeding animals has proved to be productive in the same amount as the cultivation of major crops like rice and wheat. Dairy farms, for example, are needed for milk production, and this milk is extracted from the livestock. Another instance is that raw materials, like wool, are contributions of livestock like sheep.If you enjoy this article, read our Florida agriculture facts and learn why we cook food on Kidadl.Why do kids need to learn about agriculture?Agriculture has a lot to offer. It is a way of life that, if unlearned, will remain alien and put the future of the next generation at risk.First of all, the basis of all life is nutrition. Without food or a sufficient amount of it, life will deteriorate. Therefore, food crops must be bred correctly to ensure a fruitful harvest. It is truly unfortunate when kids claim that they do not know where their food comes from because these kids are the future. They can be taught to appreciate the tedious contributions of farmers in keeping the whole world well-fed through their efforts to produce a wholesome food supply. It is important to educate the youth from an early age as to what agricultural production is, for only then can they carry the legacy of producing crops to guarantee the food security of future generations.Brain Growth By Learning AgricultureAgriculture is a world of its own; there is a wide range of ideas and techniques to grasp and learn from. Thus, learning of agricultural activities contributes largely to brain growth, for it teaches us so much about the Earth.The process of plant growth includes several useful things to teach kids. It educates them about soil makeup, highlighting what components soil is made of, including the importance of roles played by minerals, water, air, other organic matter. There are soils that possess traits of disease resistance, a highly beneficial quality to ensure safe food production. Kids can learn all of the concepts involved in the process of farming for agricultural products.The most important of all ideas is the introduction of organic farming. This agricultural policy focuses on emphasizing the use of sustainable farming methods to produce foods. A fine example of this eco-friendly technique is replacing chemical fertilizers used in farming with manure made of compost and other organic components to grow crops. Organic farming also promotes the use of crop rotation, a defense mechanism of the developing world to protect the food grown on a farm that faces threats from pests and other deteriorating agents, disabling the process of growing plants.Mindset Growth For Kids When Learning About AgricultureLearning agriculture also widens the horizon of a kid’s mindset, for they are exposed to so many values of life.Farmers play a notable and rather uncredited role in the breeding of crops. The effort they put into their farm has enormous effects on producing what people eat. They dedicate their lives to producing food that keeps the world fed and healthy, and often they earn very little from it. Farmers do not just plant foods and leave them be. They look after them until it is time for harvesting crops that they spend a whole season taking care of. Farmers are also known for raising animals for two purposes, and these farm animals are categorized according to the purpose they serve. First, the reasons behind farmers keeping animals correspond directly to raising livestock, for they are domesticated to provide animal products like meat or milk extracted from their bodies, leading to the production of extra food. Secondly, many farmers also engage in animal husbandry to use these animals for the protection of their crops from predators that may damage their farms.Thus, a child’s learning of agriculture opens up their mind to ideas and feelings that were previously alien to them. Kids learn how to appreciate farmers for cultivating life. They understand the depth of what it takes to own a food farm and keep it alive. They are willing to contribute to agriculture in the smallest possible ways. This leaves them with a sense of responsibility, for they are working to take on mature tasks.Health Benefits For Kids When Learning About AgricultureAgriculture is pretty healthy. More often than not, it is difficult to feed children healthy foods. They do not know why they are compelled and instructed to eat their greens and fruits. When they are exposed to the wonders of agriculture, they are allowed to explore the importance of these foods.Food crops are cultivated for more than just one purpose; this can best be explained by the food chain. Plants grow on the Earth’s soil. They have a life of their own and, if not taken proper care of, they die. These plants are consumed by all living forms, including animals. Humans obtain nutrients from these plants in two ways, either by chowing down on these veggies directly or treating themselves to the meat of an animal rich in these fibers. So, one way or another, agriculture is a prime component of our diet.Not only this, but agriculture has many other uses. Crops nurtured correctly are also employed in the medical field, where they are utilized in the production of many medicines that effectively treat ailments. Thus, while consumption of all that is formed in agriculture contributes directly to our bodies, a sprinkle of it in medicines is also fruitful in beneficial ways!Cool Agriculture Tricks And Tips For KidsThere are so many tricks and tips that make agriculture doable as well as cool for kids!Always start small, for growth is a gradual process. Having a reliable water table helps in protecting crops from damage. It is always helpful to look up to an experienced person and learn from their techniques. Choosing the perfect crop, especially one that you know a lot about, is the ideal way to go. Gathering information about your crop will only do you good, so keep a lookout!Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked reading about agriculture for kids, then why not take a look at our articles about where food comes from or ocean facts for kids.

Agriculture is the practice of growing crops and breeding livestock.