The word ‘husky ’ has been referred to the people of the Arctic region, commonly known as Eskimos, and these breeds were used to pull the sleds in the Polar region.Huskies are purebred dogs and have a wolf-like appearance. In ancient times these breeds were used as sled dogs in Alaska, the Arctic, and Siberia.Huskies are known for their fast-pulling style in comparison to other dogs. Huskies are domestic animals, and they love the company of humans and love to serve them. Huskies are used for human and goods transportations in snowy areas. They have a thick coat of grey, white or black, and this coat helps them protect themselves from the cold in winter. The huskies have unique colored eyes that are brown or blue or a mixture of both. Can you guess how many types of husky breeds are there? These breeds are divided into two main categories purebred and mixed breed huskies.Purebred huskies are the ones whose parents are of the same breed. Mixed bred are the ones with one parent from a husky family and the other from a different breed. Here are a few types of huskies Siberian Husky- Chinook, Samoyed, Sakhalin Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Labrador Husky, American Eskimo Dog, and American Klee Kai.Among the other dogs, Siberian Huskies are the most popular and demanded dog breed. According to the AKC Breed Popularity Rank, this Siberian husky has been ranked 14th out of 194 breeds. The Siberian Husky’s popularity spread in Canada in 1930. The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized dog. They belong to the Spitz genetic family from the origin of Siberia. The Chukchi people of Siberia use these dogs as sled dogs, so these dogs are also known as Chukcha. Some common nicknames of these breeds are husky and sibe. However, these dogs in modern times are kept as a pet. The Siberian Husky is an omnivorous animal. These male Siberian Huskies have an average height between 20-24 in (51-61 cm), and the females have an average height of 19-23 in (48-58 cm). The male Siberian Huskies weigh between 45-60 lb (20-27 kg), and the females weigh 35-50 lb (16-23 kg). The male Siberian Husky is taller than the female. The male Siberian Husky is called a ‘dog,’ and the female is called a ‘bitch’. The young ones are ‘puppies’. The Siberian Husky has thick fur that protects them from cold weather. They have a fluffy tail when they hold their tail low, which is a sign of relaxation, and when it is upward, they are excited. These dogs do not bark instead they howl. The Siberian Huskies predominantly suffer from health problems related to the eye from an early age, like progressive retinal atrophy, juvenile cataracts, canine glaucoma, corneal dystrophy, and a few other diseases like seizures, gastric, bleeding disorders (Von Willebrand’s disease). Whereas hip dysplasia is very rarely found in the Siberian Husky.With regards to the Alaskan Husky, this dog breed is found in Alaska and is mainly used as a sled dog. In appearance, this breed looks similar to the Siberian husky. This Alaskan Husky has an average weight between 35 -75 lb (16-34 kg) and an average height of 20–26 in (51–66 cm). These breeds have a dense coat to protect from cold temperature and have brown color eyes. They have great smelling, hearing, and jumping qualities. This breed is known as working dogs, so they need more training and exercise to keep them fit. They need ample space to live and are not suitable for small apartments.The Labrador Husky is a strong dog breed. The Labrador Husky is a purebred origin from northeastern Canada. These working dogs are intelligent, active, friendly, and loyal. This active dog needs a lot of exercise and training to stay fit and healthy. These dogs have double coats. This breed is easy to groom and easy to train. They have a low barking tendency and chase smaller breeds. The Labrador Husky is apartment-friendly and is suitable for busy dog owners.River Huskies are scientifically known as Canis lupus familiaris. These dog breeds are found in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions and originated in Canada. They also come under the sled dog categories. River Huskies are loyal, friendly, eager, independent, dominant by nature. Male and female River Huskies have the same average height of 25-30 in (66-74 cm) and weigh up to 63-104 lb (29-47 kg). These breeds are suitable for the countryside rather than cities.As per the records, the breed of Sakhalin Husky is now facing extinction. Karafuto Ken is the other name for this Sakhalin Husky. Alaskan Malamute is known as the official state dog of Alaska. They have unique paws called snowshoes that protect them from the snow. Males are taller than the female Malamutes. They have double coats mostly in gray and white, white, or black color. They have eyes that are of almond shape and small ears. Malamutes are silent dogs and make woo woo sounds like they are talking. Other types of huskies are Chinook, Samoyed, American Eskimo Dog, and the American Klee Kai.If you liked the facts of husky lifespan, why don’t you check out our black lab lifespan and great Pyrenees lifespan?Average Husky Life SpanIt is said that small breeds live longer lives than bigger dog breeds. All the dog breeds suffer from health problems, and so does the husky. However, huskies are a little luckier as they have a longer lifespan because they are strong, healthy, and maintain an active life. But do you know how long the husky life expectancy is?This medium-sized husky breed has a lifespan of 12-15 years compared to the Siberian Husky, with an average lifespan of 12-14 years. So a question comes to our mind, is 11 old for a husky? You would be surprised to know the answer is no. Huskies live a longer life and usually live to the old age of 16. What can we do to help our pet husky live a longer and healthier life? So here are a few guidelines that you can follow to help maximize your huskies lifespan:Slim dogs live longer than overweight dogs. The huskies’ lifespan can be increased if they have a good diet and are not overfed. These dogs tend to eat more if not stopped.Studies have proved that spaying or neutering is necessary for a female husky; spayed females have a longer lifespan than unspayed female dogs.Vaccination is equally essential to the huskies as this can save them from life-threatening diseases.Huskies must get physical and mental exercise to keep themselves active, healthy, and away from boredom. If they are appropriately trained, they can also be apartment friendly. However, these dogs are only suitable for large-sized apartments that have a big lawn.Finally, breeding a healthy dog is necessary to produce a healthy and strong puppy.Male Vs Female Husky Life SpanFemale huskies are calm by nature when compared to males who are more active. Deciding between a male or female husky is difficult. However, both the female and male Siberian Huskies are perfect, loving, and kid-friendly. Below are some essential points about the breed that will help you make your decision:The average weight of a female husky is 35-50 lb (16-23 kg), whereas the male’s average weight is 44-59 lb ( 44-27 kg).Females are less active and need less physical activity. Female huskies require less effort to train than male huskies. Both the male and female husky will keep the house neat.The female husky is easier to handle compared to the male husky. Female husky puppies are expensive puppies in comparison to male puppies.Female husky’s litter size is between four to eight puppies. Reproduction in females starts at an early age of two years and ends at nine years.Female husky have a longer lifespan than male husky. Females can live two to three years more than the male husky.However, both male and female husky can be prone to some health issues.What health issues can huskies die from?Huskies are lovely dog breeds with sparkling eyes and are sweet, gentle, and active dogs. Despite all these beautiful qualities, huskies are no exception; they too suffer from various health issues.Huskies suffer from hereditary cataracts, which can cause premature loss of vision. This problem can develop at an early juvenile stage. So their vision can be limited but not dangerous. Another health issue these huskies suffer from is Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), which causes premature blindness. This can be dangerous and can sometimes lead them to be prone to accidents. Glaucoma is another health issue that they suffer from; in such a condition, the pressure is on the eyeball, leading to blurred vision and pain. Hip dysplasia is a hereditary disease that is transmitted from the parent to the young ones. Hip dysplasia causes pain in the hips. If the pain is normal, treatment is simple but if the pain is severe, then require hip replacement surgery. However, hip dysplasia can shorten the husky lifespan. Few health issues are life-threatening, like blood clotting that makes them bleed and lose a high amount of blood. Cancer can also be found in some huskies and is one of the primary causes of death in older dogs. Huskies are not designated as endangered breeds. They are commonly found and considered domestic pets. Huskies have gained popularity after watching the TV series, Game of Thrones.How to help your husky live longer?In comparison to other dog breeds, huskies are considered one of the healthiest dog breeds. For that, it is essential to understand the life expectancy of huskies. How can we help a husky to live a longer life?The foremost thing we can do to give the husky dog a long life is to help them maintain a healthy weight. An overweight dog is always at a risk of a low lifespan and suffers from can lead to serious health issues. The two primary points to help keep a husky fit and healthy are diet and exercise. Always ensure to give the right amount of the best quality and nutrient-rich dog food to the huskies. Another way to help them live a longer life is to have physical exercise daily, and the dog owners should engage them in a few games like fetching the ball, walking, running, etc. Though these breeds are not recommended for apartments, these huskies are very active and do best indoors if properly trained and have a fenced yard. Huskies are known for their energetic and active nature. If Huskies do not find an energetic owner, they might develop bad barking habits and develop boredom. If they are not engaged in any physical activities, they might get bored or frustrated. In such cases, they might harm the owner or other animals by barking or chasing them.Longest Living HuskyThe lifespan of a dog entirely depends on the type of breed. The smaller the breed size, the longer the dogs live. Smaller dogs have an average life expectancy of 12-16 years and some close to decades.As per the records, no Siberian Husky has made it onto the list of the longest living dogs although, there has been talk about the oldest husky that lived up to 18 years.Helping A Siberian Husky Lead A Healthy LifeAnyone can fall in love with these friendly, active, and loving dogs. The husky owners can help the Siberian Husky lead a healthy life by taking care of a few things.Due to seasonal changes, huskies tend to shred their fur once or twice a year. Good quality shampoo should be used while bathing to prevent more shredding and maintain the shine of their fur. Unless the dog is dirty, bathing should be given often. Their fur should be brushed regularly and trimmed when it is required.Husky’s teeth should be brushed at least two or three times a week to protect them from gum diseases and bad breath. Owners should clean the eyes and ears regularly. Their nails should also be trimmed when grown to prevent these Huskies from hurting themselves or hurting others. Finally, regular health checks up with your vet are a must.Suppose you are planning to become a pet owner of such a beautiful dog breed, buying a pup is not enough; you must know everything about the breed. You should always keep an eye on your dog, and if you find anything unusual, consult your vet. And it is always good to buy a puppy from a reputable, ethical breeder, this will help in knowing about their parents. Last but not least, spend more time and give them love as much as you can. We hope our article about husky lifespan will help you in selecting the best pet for you.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for husky lifespan, then why not take a look at Australian shepherd lifespan or Siberian Husky facts.

The word ‘husky ’ has been referred to the people of the Arctic region, commonly known as Eskimos, and these breeds were used to pull the sleds in the Polar region.