This beautiful ruby-throated bird mostly feeds on fish in nature.Indeed, a variety of predators may avidly chase hummingbirds flying at feeding stations, nesting sites, near their nests, or favorite perches. Birders can assist avoid hummers from becoming an untimely dinner by learning about the most common hummingbird predators and typical reasons for deaths.A hummingbird is a bird that may appear to you as a cherished work of art that feeds on fish or flowers nectar, but to some creatures, it’s just a tasty treat. Scientists and birders believe to have observed that in nature, its predators come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from snakes and lizards that sneak up on unsuspecting hummers to praying mantises that snare them at nectar feeders.After reading about every hummingbird predator, also read how fast does a hummingbird flap its wings and how fast do hummingbirds fly?Does the hummingbird have any predators?What are the most significant dangers to hummingbirds? Hummingbirds are birds that are in danger by both natural and man-made factors, such as:Loss of habitat. While habitat degradation affects all birds and wildlife, dozens of the hummingbird species are threatened by urbanization, agriculture, logging, and development in tropical areas, pesticides, cats, inadequate bird feeders, and bad weather.Other threats include larger, more aggressive birds like American kestrels that may kill and consume smaller birds, squirrels raiding bird feeders, and insects invading hummingbird feeders. The hummingbird eggs and babies are eaten by squirrels, chipmunks, blue jays, frogs, and crows. Finally, avoid using chemical insecticides in your garden.As adorable as these birds are, they are threatened by many predators. Predators are any animals that hunt other animals for food. The hummingbirds have quite a few predators to watch out for.Hawks or eagles can fly very fast and will snatch the hummingbirds right off of feeders if the opportunity is available.Shadows - These are predatory birds that resemble a hummingbird but actually eat them! This threat is rarer than other bird-eating raptors because it’s harder to imitate a hummingbird than say a hawk or eagle, but still possible so be aware just in case! Shadows will even pretend to feed on a hummingbird feeder by hovering in front of it as if drinking the nectar, but instead they grab the hummingbirds as an easy meal.Bats  - These mammals can fly and snatch the hummingbirds right out of the air! They’re nocturnal too, so the hummingbirds are especially vulnerable at night when these birds (bats) go hunting.Hawks or Eagles  - These are a predator of the hummingbirds from small types like sharp-shinned hawks up to huge eagles which have been known to swoop down and pick off baby hummingbirds from their nests!Praying Mantises  - These birds are tasty meals for tiny insect species such as praying mantis who hide in flowers. Hummingbird predators like praying mantises will even eat the hummingbirds that are still alive!Orb-weaver Spiders  - These spiders can catch these birds if the opportunity arises, but generally a spider doesn’t catch these birds and prefer other prey.Insects  - Dragonflies, wasps, hornets, and bees all make easy targets out of the hummingbirds especially when they can sting them or paralyze them before feasting on their fresh nectar-filled bodies!Roadrunners and Frogs - These are predators will usually target the hummingbirds at their feeder, but luckily for the hummingbirds, they can normally escape their grasps.Cats - Many types of cats have been known to attack hummingbirds under the right circumstances which often include bird feeders near windows where a house cat can see them. In the wild, big cats like mountain lions and bobcats will also attack hummingbirds if they can get them in their talons!Dogs- House dogs have been known to catch hummingbirds when chasing them, but this is rare because not many dogs actually go outside and hunt for prey.Snakes and lizards- Smaller types of snakes and lizards especially love a nectar-filled meal of hummingbird with all that sweet juicy goodness inside! Some snakes are so fast though that they can strike out at hummingbirds before these tiny birds even know what’s happening!What are hummingbirds afraid of?The hummingbirds are constantly in motion and constantly hunting for food so they don’t have time to be afraid of much.These birds may become prey themselves, but otherwise aren’t usually the target of predators unless they’re caught by surprise or their normally hyper-vigilant behavior slips up enough to let one sneak upon them. Predators that will often catch the hummingbirds unawares if they can include hawks, spiders, bats, insects, and other fast little birds like wrens and sparrows who sometimes like eating them!Can a praying mantis kill a hummingbird?Hummingbirds are so tiny and the praying mantis is large enough to overpower them with ease. Praying mantis can also place themselves near a bird feeder to prey on this bird species.A praying mantis is not a very likely predator for a hummingbird, but if one mantis managed to catch a hummingbird by surprise it could kill it.Do dragonflies attack hummingbirds?The hummingbirds are pretty vulnerable to insects like dragonflies.Hummingbird predators that are insects are relatively unlikely compared to hawks or bats, but it’s always better safe than sorry. Just because you don’t see these insects all the time doesn’t mean they can’t be present so be vigilant!Other Fatal Threats To HummingbirdsHummingbird predators like hawks, bats, spiders, and insects are all capable of killing hummingbirds.Although none of these hummingbird predators are likely to kill a large number of them, sometimes they do attack in numbers at once which can lead to many casualties quickly. This is part of why it’s important to know the threats related to the hummingbirds so you can protect them as best as possible against people who would want to harm them or make their lives difficult.How To Protect Hummingbirds From PredatorsProtecting hummingbird nests from predators is difficult. House cats, squirrels, rats, jays, crows, and snakes are among the predators. The best protection is to hide the nest in a bush in the backyard. Hummingbird nests are frequently disguised with lichens and fragments of bark to blend in with the branch. Few methods areUse feeders with bee guards to deter bees from going after your feeder and making a mess! Many types of bee guards work great to keep the hummingbirds safe from bees and other predators at your hummingbird feeder!Use netting to enclose the area around your feeders where the hummingbirds usually forage. This will reduce the chances of them getting hunted down by predators like predatory insects, bats, cats and even larger birds that you may not expect could catch a hummingbird unawares!Keep your windows covered so house cats don’t have an easy time catching the hummingbirds! If you leave windows uncovered or if they are open/screened, make sure to keep bird feeders away so they aren’t easily accessible to any type of cat which could be lurking outside looking for prey!Keep hummingbird feeders out of the reach of predators like hawks, bats, insects, and spiders (when possible). Feeders that an insect or spider can’t get into, predators like hawks and bats won’t be able to get to either!Use different hummingbird feeders so predators have a harder time figuring out where they go! If you have ten feeders but use them all with the same type of hummingbird food, it is much easier for predators to find them and know exactly where they are so they will be more likely to try attacking your feeders.Only put up one kind of hummingbird food at once and only until the current supply runs out then switch to another kind. This way if any predators are looking for the hummingbirds in the yard, they won’t know which feeder has which food and will be forced to go searching them out individually!If you have plants or trees in the backyard, place the bird feeders amongst them so that the hawks can’t see the hummingbirds easily through the trees.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for hummingbird predators then why not take a look at how big are hummingbird eggs, or cinnamon hummingbird facts.

This beautiful ruby-throated bird mostly feeds on fish in nature.