Many ‘fake’ diamond equivalents can now be mistaken for genuine diamonds.For example, white topaz, white sapphire, and white zircon are natural stones with a remarkable resemblance to diamonds. Unfortunately, it’s often impossible to tell if a diamond is fake or real simply by looking at it.If you have a diamond ring and are unsure about its authenticity, it is recommended that you seek assistance from a competent jeweler. A lab with the competence and technology to discern between natural diamonds, gem simulants, and synthetic diamonds and detect diamond treatments, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), will be able to do so. You know you have a true diamond if it already has a GIA diamond report, such as a GIA diamond dossier or GIA diamond grading report. The studies not only identify the diamond but also provide you with an unbiased opinion on its quality. If you’re in a rush, there are some basic tests you may do at home to determine whether your stone is genuine or a fake.With that in mind, you’re curious as to how to tell if a diamond is real or not. Continue reading to find out how to tell the difference between a genuine and a fake. If you like knowing more fun facts about the things in the world, then you should definitely take a look at how to erase pen and how to float in water.Real Diamond Vs Fake DiamondsWhen it comes to distinguishing between imitation and real diamonds, you have two alternatives. The first alternative is to solicit the assistance of a professional who can do a diamond test using advanced equipment.You can also utilize a few at-home methods to determine whether your loose diamonds are fake or real if you don’t want to hire an expert. Contrary to widespread assumption, lab-created stones or diamonds aren’t imitation diamonds; they’re just made in different contexts. A synthetic (lab-grown) equivalent exists for many natural diamonds. The artificial substance’s chemical, crystal, and physical and optical qualities will be nearly identical to the natural gem gemstone.Chemical vapor deposition and high-pressure crystal formation are two procedures used to generate lab-created stones or diamonds. In this process, the diamond is formed layer by layer which can take an extended period. On the other hand, real diamonds may need centuries to develop on Earth. Artificial synthetic diamonds have the same qualities as natural diamonds. Although lab-grown and natural diamonds are both real diamonds, the price distinction between the two can be significant. Synthetic rutile, colorless synthetic spinel, and colorless synthetic sapphire are all the result of man’s inventiveness in the lab, as are synthetic moissanite and CZ (synthetic cubic zirconia).What does a real diamond look like?Under a black light, most diamonds will show blue fluorescence; as a result, you’ll see a mild to intense blue color, indicating that the diamond is genuine.If you don’t detect the blue fluorescence and instead see a somewhat green, yellow, or gray fluorescence, the gem isn’t a true stone. When compared to a step-cut diamond, a brilliant-cut diamond will appear brighter. This is because the more facets a diamond has, the more reflective surfaces there are for light to bounce off of and scatter. Although a poorly cut diamond is still a diamond, it may not produce the desired visual appearance.Tests To Identify A Fake DiamondWhen differentiating between real vs. fake diamonds, it’s crucial to understand the distinction between mounted and loose diamonds when deciding whether they’re true or false.A genuine diamond, or one that hasn’t been placed in a setting, is easy to inspect for genuineness and defects. However, mounted diamonds’ settings can conceal cracks and chips and reflect light into the diamond, making it difficult for anyone other than recognized jewelers to judge the stone’s color or clarity. Numerous at-home tests can be used to uncover the truth - but are not the most reliable. How to tell if a mounted diamond is real? Check the kind of mount used if your diamond has previously been set in a ring. Only high-quality jewelry, such as platinum, yellow gold, white gold, halo or pave settings, and side-stone mounting rings, should be used to set it.Examine the inside of the ring for markings to see if the setting is as described. If a diamond is mounted, you should never be allowed to see through it to the bottom if it is a genuine diamond. The reason for this is the way light flows through the various facets of the stone. If a loose diamond is laid face down on a newspaper, the writing should not be visible, and if it is, it is an issue. Any potential diamond acquisition, first and foremost, should always be accompanied by the required certification. The most acceptable sources to utilize as a basis for a diamond’s genuineness are a grading authority like the GIA, IGI (International Gemological Institute), or AGS (American Gem Society), and an independent assessor linked with a professional organization.Fog test is an easy and quick way to tell if your diamond is real or not; place the ring or stone next to your mouth, then fog it up using your breath.  If the fog clears up within a second or two, the stone is real; nevertheless, if the carat stays fogged for three seconds or longer, the stone is fake. It is because diamonds disperse heat instantly, making it challenging to fog up. Ensure your diamond is clean and free of oils before performing this test. To perform a sandpaper test all you need is sandpaper with a pinch of elbow lubricant, this is a straightforward diamond test. First, gently scrub the stone with the rougher surface of the sandpaper. Since diamonds are among the toughest materials in the world, they should be unaffected by sandpaper and remain in excellent shape. But it will scrape if it is a false diamond.The scratch test, which was once a standard method of determining the hardness of a gem’s mineral, entailed scratching the loose gemstone against a mirror to check if it scratched the stone or the mirror. While diamonds are constructed of exceptionally tough materials, imitations like cubic zirconia, moissanite, and even black spinel stones are scratch-resistant and long-lasting. As a result, the scratch test is no longer accurate as a result of these diamonds.Although not everyone has recourse to a diamond scale, your local diamond jeweler most likely does. A fake diamond of the same shape and carat will weigh more than a real diamond of the same carat. This is because cubic zirconia weighs around 55% more than a diamond. Therefore, you’ll need two stones to execute this test: a genuine diamond and a replica of the same shape and carat weight. Before performing the diamond newspaper test, ensure your diamond is clean before doing this test. Place the stone on its bottom edge on a piece of newspaper with many letters to test its refractivity. The diamond is fake if you can read the words from the newspaper, whether they are fuzzy or not.However, if the diamond is real, its facets will refract illumination in various directions rather than in a straight line. You won’t be able to see thru the diamond to read the letters on the paper as a result. To conduct a heat test use a lighter to burn the diamond for a few seconds to see if a diamond is real or fake. Put a loose gemstone to an exposed but controlled fire for 30-40 seconds to perform the heat test correctly. To avoid burning yourself, try to hold the stone using a set of tweezers with a rubber handle. Place the gem in a container of cold water soon after heating. There will be no reaction from a genuine diamond.Fakes aren’t as good as diamonds at heat conduction and dispersing it evenly all across the stone. This heat test evaluates the stone’s quality and durability. The extreme heat and rapid adjustment to frigid water will damage anything besides real diamonds, so don’t attempt this home test unless you’re ready to destroy a fake diamond. Because all you need is your eyes to perform the sparkle test, it’s quick and straightforward.For performing a sparkle test place your diamond under a regular light source and watch the dazzling shimmers of light bounce off of it. Because it reflects white light so well, a real diamond has an extraordinary sparkle. Diamonds can also refract fire or colored light, creating a stunning display. You’ll be able to see a significant difference in the white and colored light sparkle when contrasted to stone-like cubic zirconia. Cubic zirconia emits a distinct rainbow of light. However, it is not recommended that you use the sparkle test as your sole means of testing.How to tell if your diamond is real using a magnifying glass? Put a magnifying glass up to the diamond to determine to see whether a diamond is real. Keep an eye out for imperfections in the stone. Through this glass, if you can’t find any, the diamond is almost certainly fake. Inclusions are imperfections found in the bulk of real diamonds. There are perfect diamonds available, but they are either lab-created or incredibly costly.How to tell if a diamond is real with a black light? You’ll need to have a black light for this test. Turn off the lights and place the diamond next to the black light once you have it. Under UV light, most diamonds will glow blue, resulting in a medium to bright blue tint, indicating that the diamond is real. If you don’t detect the blue fluorescence and instead see a somewhat green, yellow, or gray fluorescence, the gem isn’t a real diamond. But keep in mind that this isn’t a foolproof test, and not all real diamonds will fluoresce blue.How to tell if a diamond is real with a loupe? A jeweler uses a loupe, a small magnification instrument, to see minute details up close. A diamond professional will have admittance to the loupe, which they will use to inspect your diamond for flaws and imperfections. While a synthetic diamond can be flawlessly constructed, a real diamond has some characteristics that can’t be replicated, called inclusions, which are microscopic imperfections in the diamond’s structure. A conductivity test will also reveal whether the gemstone is moissanite or a genuine diamond. A real diamond in sunlight will radiate both rainbow colors and white light. The diamond isn’t real if you receive one of the two.How to test a diamond with water?Fill a glass with water, it’s not important what kind of water you use. Place the diamond in the water glass.When a real diamond is placed into water, it will sink due to its high density. It’s a fake if the diamond glides to the top or center of the glass. If you buy a diamond ring from a reputable jewelry store, you won’t have to worry about whether the stone is real or fake. The diamonds in these jewelry stores are only of the highest quality, GIA-certified stones. In addition, diamonds set in a combination of gold and silver can be seen in antique jewelry. Finally, if you’re unsure about your diamond ring, bring the stone to a jeweler, who will be able to tell if your diamond is real or fake almost instantly.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how to tell if a diamond is real then why not take a look at how to tell if gold is real, or how to tell if silver is real.

Many ‘fake’ diamond equivalents can now be mistaken for genuine diamonds.