Cats and dogs are the most loved and affectionate pets in the world.Cats are furry, cute, domesticated animals that make amazing pets. Humans can easily find a cat that fits their personality and entertains them.Cats are sometimes also called felines because they belong to the family of Felidae. These animals are carnivorous mammals. This means that cats do not eat plants or vegetables and give birth to live young as opposed to laying eggs. A male cat is often called a tom or a tomcat, while a female cat who has not been spayed is called a queen. Meanwhile, a juvenile cat is known as a kitten.Feline species come in a wide variety. That doesn’t just mean that they differ in size and appearance but also in aspects of their behavior. You can get a pet cat whose personality matches yours if you want someone to keep you company. Cats can remain aloof and lazy, or they can be playful and energetic. They can keep you on your toes. All in all, these adorable cuddly munchkins can be exceptionally great pets.Once you finish reading this fun facts article, you might also be interested in reading our articles on Seychellois cat facts and how long cats can go without water here at Kidadl.How To Make A Cat Like You That’s Scared Of YouOften, people choose to adopt dogs rather than cats because they feel that the latter doesn’t give a response that you usually expect. While dogs can portray their cheerful personality through their energetic movements, cats do not behave in the same way. However, this is not the reality, and cats are usually very friendly.An important point to note before you get a cat as a pet for the very first time is that you shouldn’t approach and try to handle an unfamiliar cat. Cats do not like strangers who instantly try to touch or grab them. Oftentimes, kittens get easily scared when strangers touch them, and they shy away from them. If you want a cat to like you, you should let the cat take the first step in this introduction. This is true even for a cat that is scared of you.In your first interaction with a new cat, you should actually let the cat approach you instead of the opposite. Generally, a cat’s first move is to sniff you. It is a well-known fact that cats have a sharp nose. They use this nose to smell you. This is an important means of communication for all cats. If a cat feels comfortable after smelling you, then it will approach you on its own.If a cat is scared of you, then the first thing you should do is to give it space to make it feel comfortable. Then, instead of directly touching it, let the cat sniff your hand or any other body part. This is a show of a positive attitude, and it also helps to create a bond between the cat and you. Once it has inspected your scent, the cat will then probably rub itself against you or ask for petting on its head.Another significant aspect to pay attention to when you want a cat to like you (especially when it is scared) is to keep control over your emotions. Being over-excited or energetic can further scare a cat. In order to get a cat’s attention and make it feel less threatened, you need to keep yourself calm. Avoid direct eye contact with the cat. Long and direct eye contact with an animal is often interpreted as a threat. Therefore, do not stare at the cat for too long. Even if there is direct eye contact, keep your gaze soft and unthreatening. Once it has completely checked you and started to interact with you, then you can give it treats and pet it gently.How To Make A Shy Cat Like YouCats are naturally wary of strangers, be they humans or any other creatures. You might have seen your cats hiding themselves whenever a new person comes to your house. This is because a cat’s shy nature and survival instincts come to the forefront during such situations.In order to overcome a cat’s shyness, you need to apply several techniques. First of all, humans should pay attention to their body language and tone of voice when interacting with a cat. It will not approach you if it finds even a bit of you threatening. Usually, in such cases, you should let the cat initiate the interaction. You can go a bit close to it and bring your hand forward with your index finger wiggling. This sends a signal to the cat that you want to shake hands with it.The cat then proceeds to sniff your finger if it is interested. When it is satisfied, it will usually nudge its head against your open palm. If this doesn’t work, you can try treats. Apart from cat food, cats like to munch on treats. These treats can range from liquid to solid food with different treats for kittens. A treat can lure a cat out of hiding most of the time. Moreover, a treat can also be used to make it learn a positive attitude.And if a treat cannot attract your cat, toys will surely do.How To Make A Cat Like You By PlayingIt is a common misconception that cats are lazy when, in fact, they are predators with great agility and sharp senses. A cat likes to play with its owner and its toys as much as it likes to lounge around.A cat constantly needs movement to keep it active and stop boredom from setting in. If you watch your cat and notice abnormal behavior, it can be due to lack of activity or boredom. One way to make your cat like you is to play with your cat. Playing ensures that the cat keeps active.Cats love their playtime. You can use different types of toys to play with your cat. A toy can keep a cat busy while also maintaining its agility. A cat’s toy can be an interactive toy too. This interactive toy is basically like a fishing pole which can be used to move in ways to make the cat utilize its hunting instincts. Playtime is not just a physical activity; it can also stimulate the mental health of a cat. However, the owner of a cat should also keep watch on the amount of playtime for each day so that it get to be exceed too much and exhaust the cat.How To Make An Abandoned Cat Like YouAn abandoned cat is similar to a scared wild animal, and it should be treated as such. When approaching an abandoned cat in a room, you should first give it lots of space.This creature feels alone, threatened, and scared. If you are not careful, the cat can also attack or scratch you. After making sure that the cat has a comfortable space around it, you can then change your behavior and body language to seem safe and unthreatening. You should keep calm while approaching such a cat. Give it time to get accommodated in the new environment and slowly let it get comfortable with your presence.Provide it with ample food, a clean litter box, a fresh water supply, and a toy to play with. Once it feels safe around you, you can then shower it with love and affection through gentle pets. The pet should also be soft and not grabbing or rough. The abandoned cat may get scared if you pet it too early in the interaction or too roughly. You should let it accept your presence and initiate a touch before petting it.All in all, cats can be great as pets, and if you are getting a new cat for the first time, don’t forget to keep these tips in mind in order to make the cat feel safe and comfortable.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our article and have enjoyed learning about how to make a cat like you, then why not take a look at our other fun facts articles about hyenas vs. wolfs or how many earths can fit into the sun?

Cats and dogs are the most loved and affectionate pets in the world.