Lima beans are edible beans that are flat, crescent-shaped seeds.At an average period of three to four weeks of the last frost in the spring season, lima beans are grown in the garden. One must make sure to keep the soil temperature up to 65 F (18 C) or more and this remains the same for at least five days and the daytime temperature is consistently hot.Lima beans can be grown indoors two weeks before the last frost has passed the spring season, lima beans require warm temperature conditions and need frost-free days to reach harvest varieties and types of the beans. It requires proper plantation and harvesting to be grown properly.There are two types of lima beans, known as poles or vine and bush. Bush lima beans are grown to about 2 ft (0.6 m) tall and bush beans have small-sized seeds but can bear more than pole lima beans. The size pole varieties are 10-12 ft (3-3.6 m) high, lima bush beans are also called butter beans, sieva beans, Burma beans, Madagascar beans, Carolina beans, and ‘baby limas’ because of their small shape and size. The dry beans which we buy are also called potato beans or large-sized beans because of their huge size as pole beans, lima beans consist of green color bean pods of a size of around 3-4 in (7-10 cm) and 5-8 in (12-20 cm) long, depending upon the variety, but the bean pods are not edible in the case of lima beans. Bush lima beans, or butter beans, take 60-80 days to get ready for harvest after sowing whereas on the other hand pole beans take 85-90 days to harvest after sowing. The soil temperature needs to be maintained while planting and harvesting the lima beans and proper care needs to be taken after planting and spacing of the lima beans.If you wish to learn more similar facts, you may also visit these how to get rid of skunks and when do your feet stop growing.How to grow lima beans in a cup?The origin of lima beans can be traced back to Central America and South America and grow well in temperature above 60 F (15 C) as the weather also matters in growing these seeds. They are easily grown indoors and even in cups as the weather does not matter at these places and also these beans grow in the warm season. Lima bean plants do not require much maintenance and therefore gardeners enjoy planting these seeds as low or minimal maintenance is required and also they grow very fast as compared to other plants. There are four key stages of lima beans to understand the planting, harvesting, and its life cycle in a better way. The four stages are growing lima beans in containers or planting in your planter, lima seed germination, lima seedling, and lima harvesting. There are various steps that show how to grow lima beans in cups.The first step includes purchasing your choice of lima bean from your supplier which should be of good quality and check before buying that the beans are not so dry as dry lima beans do not germinate and they are stored more for eating not for growing. Next, you have to take a cup and fill the soil to the top of it and then make a hole in the middle of the soil and then insert a finger deep into the soil. Then place the lima bean seeds in between where you have made the hole and after planting it in cover the hole with soil, do not leave the soil loose and make sure you compress it well and also do not overcompress, or else the roots and other growing parts will get blocked. The next step is a basic one which needs to be done for planting any seed that is watering the lima beans or just sprinkle water on it to keep it moisten and do not make it very wet as moist soil is good to grow lima beans. It needs to be kept under the full sun as it requires sunlight six to eight hours daily on its demand. After getting proper sunlight the lima bean seeds will sprout and this will happen between three to five days. When the roots will grow 1.5 in (2.5 cm) long then transfer it to the clay pots and then again repeat the procedure of making a hole in between and placing the roots of the beans in the pot and at last covering the pot with soil. It will take seven days after they have been planted and then you may see the leaves growing out of the plants and then they are ready to be transferred to your garden.What are the varieties of lima beans?There are two types of lima beans, and they are bush varieties and pole lima beans. Now as further classified these beans are further associated with butter beans because of their small size and shape and in the south the lima beans are often known as butter beans. The best part of eating lima beans is that they may be eaten in both stages; that is during their stage of immaturity which is green and fresh and even at their mature stage when they are beige in color and dried. Other than this, there are seven types of beans namely, the great northern beans which are ideally used in soups and purees, fava beans, kidney beans, navy beans, pinto beans, black beans, and chickpeas.These beans are two to four in number within the pod in the kidney-shaped seeds and are called lima beans, which are usually green or cream in color but in certain varieties of this seed other colors are also found like white, red, purple, brown, or black. Growing lima beans is not at all difficult as it does not require much cost and time. In the US, these lima beans are called the Henderson or Dixie variety, and the same process is followed in growing Henderson lima beans. They are flat and easily chewable and the color ranges from green to off-white. But proper care should be taken during the crop rotation of lima beans as they may be affected by pests and diseases. Remember to keep the soil moist for better growth and the warm season is better and is the growing season. They can be grown with the average of the last frost if planning to plant indoors. More gardening tips can be taken from a proper gardener.How to harvest lima beans?Lima beans originated from Peru. They are very nutritious and provide protein and iron. Lima beans are grown in warm temperatures and planting lima is not a big task, in fact, it is very easy. Once the lima bean plant is ready to harvest they need six to nine days to complete the whole process. There are several ways and instructions to harvest lima beans so you can grow lima beans plant seeds at your own place. There are two types of lima bean seeds, bush beans, which need around 60-80 days to generate ripe pods and then get ready for harvest. There are also the pole varieties that take around 75-90 days and the soil temperature should be around 65 F (18 C). Bush beans and pole bean pods are ready to harvest when the pods become firm and plump. Then wait for up to two weeks after the last frost before planting lima beans or harvesting them. Lima beans (green beans) can be affected by some common pests and diseases.When the stage of developing pods is there the lima plant should be watered daily one inch and it also shows some signs of germination after some days of plantation and you need to thin the plants for about 4-6 in (10-15cm) apart. During the harvesting of this plant make sure you pull out the beans from the plant very gently or they may break and ensure that you do not pull the stems or vines which are attached to the plant. Pods are the source through which there will be more promotion of sprouting throughout the season as soon as they get ready. The ph level of soil should also be fixed at 6-6.8 and should be well-drained or else the seeds in the plant may fail during the process of germination and the roots may also rot.Where to care for lima beans to grow?Some gardening tips are provided to know how to take care of lima beans, the main and basic things which need to be kept in mind are the frequency of light, water and soil temperature, humidity, and fertilizers, and it is very important they should be protected from common pests and diseases.When growing lima beans in the classroom they should be faced toward the sun to get better results as it will help in keeping the vines dry and most importantly away from fungal problems. The soil should be well-draining and not overly rich but should be moderating in organic matter, soil with heavy clay will not work with these plants of lima beans as they have deep, expansive roots and do not like to sit in wet soil and the ph level of soil should be neutral which is 6.0-6.8. The soil should be kept moist until the process of germination is not done then the plants should get water of at least 1 in (2.5 cm) apart per week. Water the plants frequently in a more hot season to keep the ground cool and when the plants start setting pods they should be provided water daily. Lima plants grow well in temperature which is around 60-70 F for some months but these plants cannot survive frost. Lima beans belong to the legumes and do not need extra fertilizer when the soil is already rich. Lima beans are affected by some pests like aphids and beetles but should be controlled or else they will destroy the plant.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how to grow lima beans then why not take a look at where do huckleberries grow, or how to groom a Goldendoodle?

Lima beans are edible beans that are flat, crescent-shaped seeds.