If a cat is wary of humans in general, take it slow and give it time to get comfortable with you before attempting any sort of interaction.Don’t try to pet or pick up a feral cat because it will probably scratch or bite you out of fear. For a cat to begin trusting someone, it needs to feel safe in their presence first.In essence, a person has to gain the trust of an animal over time until it begins to feel comfortable being close to them. A cat may not allow touching or cuddling at first, but that’s OK. Over time, a cat will build a trusting relationship with you that’ll lead to friendship and playfulness. Petting a cat on its back is also a great way to win a pet’s trust.You can create familiarity between yourself and your new cat by playfully stroking its neck in order to induce a sort of Pavlovian response.If you are trying to befriend a cat that has been abused or abandoned by its owner, then it might take time for the cat to warm up to you because of intense feelings of fear. However, with patience and care from both yourself and perhaps other experienced animal lovers in your area, the process will eventually work itself out.In this article, we will give you simple ways to make a cat like you if you let the cat behave in a certain manner or give the cat his or her favorite cat food. Afterward, do read related fact files on how to attract crows and how to attract cardinals.How To Know If A Cat Dislikes YouCats, like dogs, hate being annoyed and they notice when you do things that annoy them. Be sure to watch for signs of annoyance so you can avoid doing anything wrong in a cat’s eyes. The behavior of a cat that dislikes you will be avoiding you or spending time alone.A cat or dog will not come near people it doesn’t like because animals are naturally solitary creatures.  When they feel threatened, cats either ignore whoever’s around them or turn aggressive.You should also move slowly when approaching an animal and offer plenty of space for it to exit the situation if need be. If you get your cat stressed or anxious then it probably won’t show any interaction. Don’t force yourself on strays that you find; let the cat come to you once it’s ready! If, after following all these steps, your cat or dog still hasn’t warmed up to you, consider giving it some room before trying again another day.Be aware of any signals like slow blinks (suggesting sleepy boredom), tail thumping on the ground (a sign of happiness), and pawing or gently biting your hand (affectionate attention-seeking behavior).If you catch these signs, then the cat likes what you’re doing! Conversely, if you do not see one or more of these signs, then it probably means that this is not something that the feline wants.Remember that even though cats are intelligent, they can’t always clearly communicate their emotions. That’s why it is your job to pay attention and notice the signs that they might be giving off!Tips To Make A Cat Like YouIn the past, it was thought that stroking your cat in one spot repeatedly would eventually teach it to enjoy being petted in that area. However, recent studies have shown that this is not true. When repeated over and over, it can frustrate the animal and cause stress.  These tips have indeed worked with a lot of cats and kittens. These tips will surely work with your kitten too.Instead of making a pet get used to a certain type of touch with repetitive motions, wait for it to express its enjoyment of being touched in a certain way before continuing with it. This will reward the cat’s good behavior with further strokes and thus encourage positive feelings associated with you! If done correctly, this method can work wonders on any fearful or anxious animals.When getting a new cat, take time to get the animal used to its surroundings before trying to show any sort of affection. Cats are upfront animals. It should be visible and well exhibited if a cat likes you. It’s in their cat behavior.They need time to adjust and explore before they feel safe in your presence. As a new cat owner, keep in mind that you are less likely to have the same experience as with dogs. If your new cat starts to act skittish, hissing, or scratching you, don’t get discouraged. Keep doing what is right and eventually, your cat will begin to warm up to you!Give your cat or cats an appropriate scratching post if you notice a cat scratching furniture around your home. Scratching is a very important part of all cats’ lives, and they need to be taught which items are OK to scratch and where it is OK for them to do it. This will be useful when you want to pet or play with your feline friend.Get your cat to play with toys such as a laser pointer or small ball. Cats like these toys a lot. Cats need to play and exercise just like you. Make sure that you set up a certain time every day for playing with your cat, even if it’s for only 15 minutes. To get the most out of playtime with your feline friend, try using a feather on a stick, a piece of string tied to a pole toy, or another type of toy that will allow the cat to chase something down while also giving them exercise.Take care of their litter box to get your cats to like you. You may also try giving them their favorite food along with treats to befriend your cats.You don’t have to worry about whether your kitty is having fun while playing because they make cute little ‘play faces’ when enjoying themselves!How To Make A Stray Cat Like YouStray cats can be difficult at first because they tend to be wary of new people. If you want to get a stray cat to trust you, then it is best for them if you go very slowly and build up a level of comfort over time. You can offer them treats to get them to like you.Be aware that feral or wild cats might need more time to adjust than domesticated ones do. Feral cats tend not to like humans as much as their domestic counterparts do, so for this reason, patience will play a vital role in your success with befriending these animals. With affection, time, and understanding, however, you can be successful in winning over the trust of even the shyest or most suspicious cats. Finger stroking and time delay techniques can help with friendly relations.A veterinary visit is one of the most important aspects of turning a new feral cat into a loving companion. The first step is to take the animal to the vet for an examination and shots.How To Get A Cat To Like You AgainSome cats may just have a scared reaction when meeting new people. Try not to do too much at once, and keep trying to get the cat used to you.If you’re still struggling with getting your feline friend to like you, consider this easy step-by-step guide on how to make a stray cat like you. It doesn’t take long for animals of any kind (even humans) to feel safe when they are approached lovingly.Cats must feel safe and relaxed around a person to have a good relationship with them. You can help make an animal feel safe by maintaining eye contact and not looking at them directly in the eyes.There’s no need to worry. Your cat doesn’t hate you - your furry friend is probably just stressed out with all of the new changes in its life! If you follow these steps and take it slow, then your cat will quickly begin to warm up to you.If playtime is still a bit stressful for your new pet, consider getting a good book about dealing with cats, and give yourself some time to practice for playtime.Don’t worry if your kitty only seems to like you during kitten feeding times. Many cats prefer to have food brought to them in a quiet, secluded area. If this is the case, consider investing in a pet feeder.You can also try putting out some cat treats for your new pet.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘How to get a cat to like you’ then why not take a look at ‘How to attract dragonflies’, or ‘Sphynx cat facts’.

If a cat is wary of humans in general, take it slow and give it time to get comfortable with you before attempting any sort of interaction.