Passion fruit is considered to be an exotic tropical fruit.Passion fruit is native to Brazil. This tropical fruit is available all year round as it is produced in many parts of the world.The passion fruit gets its name from the vine plant it grows from. The passion fruit vine is a climbing vine with striking flowers. As exotic as its name is, the fruit itself is quite unique. There is also a story that Christian missionaries named the vine when they saw the parts of the flowers that they thought resembled the Christian teachings regarding the resurrection of Christ.There are many varieties of passion fruit that comes in various color. The two most popular colors are purple and yellow. The fruit is also named differently in different parts of the world. The term used for this fruit in Hawaii is ’lilikoi’. Meanwhile, in Brazil, it is known as ‘maracuya’. Another name of the passion fruit is ‘granadilla’. The maracuya and the granadilla are variations of this fruit that are produced in different regions of the world. While granadilla is yellow in color and grown in Peru, maracuya is grown in Brazil.If you find this article interesting, you might also enjoy reading our articles about how to use hair oil and how to use an abacus here at Kidadl.What does a passion fruit look like?Passion fruits have a very distinctive appearance that sets them apart from other fruits. This delicious fruit comes in two colors: purple and yellow.The purple-colored passion fruit is endemic to Paraguay, Brazil, and some parts of Argentina. Meanwhile, the origin of the yellow passion fruit is a mystery that hasn’t been solved as of yet. Much like an orange, the shape of the passion fruit is round. The tough outer cover of the fruit, which is called the rind, is hard and waxy. This cover or rind becomes wrinkly when the fruit becomes ripe.The inside of a ripe purple passionfruit contains orange juice sacs with seeds. These seeds are extremely crunchy. And yes, you can eat passion fruit seeds. The juice sacs, along with the seeds, are called the pulp.You can tell that passion fruit is not ripe when it is green and the rind is not wrinkled. Green-colored passion fruit will not ripen if it is plucked from a vine. However, if you keep the ripe passion fruit at room temperature away from direct sunlight for a few days, then its sweet taste can increase a lot.Health Benefits Of Passion FruitThere are many benefits of passion fruit that lead to good health. Passion fruit is considered to be a food that is low-fat and high in dietary fiber.Passion fruit contains iron, protein, vitamin C, vitamin A, folate, B-vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. The dietary fiber in this fruit can help to regulate bowel movements and improve your digestion. Meanwhile, the vitamin C present in passion fruit can boost your immune system.Studies have found out that eating purple passion fruit can reduce your risk of developing a cardiovascular illness due to fasting glucose among type two diabetic people and systolic blood pressure. Moreover, the peel extract of this tropical purple fruit can work as an alternative treatment for adults suffering from asthma. The peel extract is helpful in improving symptoms, such as shortness of breath, coughs, and wheezing, among adults suffering from asthma.Furthermore, passion fruit is also a rich source of antioxidants. The antioxidants are chemicals that counter or restrict the oxidation process, which creates free radicals that damage the cells of an organism. Therefore, passion fruit can also improve skin health.Ways To Eat A Passion FruitFruits can be eaten in many ways. They can be eaten raw as they are, or they can be blended to make juice out of their pulp. These fruits can also be added to various food recipes to add more flavor. Similarly, passion fruit can also be consumed in many ways.The simplest way to eat a passion fruit is to cut it in half with a knife and scoop out the pulp along with the seeds with a spoon and eat it raw. The yellow pulp is easy to scoop out, and the seeds are edible too. However, before you cut it, remember to wash the fruit properly. This is to ensure that no dirt particles or germs remain on the wrinkly skin of the fruit.Passion fruit recipes can also include fresh tropical fruit juice. You can use a spoon to take out the yellow pulp and then push it through a cheesecloth or steel sieve. The juice can then be drunk after a bit of sugar is added to balance the flavor properly. The flesh or pulp of the purple passion fruit can also be blended with milk and sugar to make a smooth and sweet drink. You can also add ice to it in order to make it refreshing.Other recipes with passion fruit include passion fruit nectar. In this recipe, after washing the fruit, it is cut in half and put in water to simmer. Every part of the fruit, including the flesh, seeds, and all, is used in this recipe. When the fruit becomes soft, you can then blend it and add a bit of sweetener.One healthy breakfast recipe with fresh passion fruit in it can be a mix of yogurt and fruit. You can add a scoop of the passion fruit pulp to a cup of yogurt and eat it to energize yourself in the morning with something delicious.What does a passion fruit taste like?Eating passion fruit can be an adventure for many people. Because of the texture of the juicy pulp, many people avoid or are hesitant to taste the fruit for the first time.However, after eating it, the passion fruit flavor can be a surprise to many people. The juicy flesh or pulp can be sweet. Meanwhile, the seed of the fruit tastes a bit tart. Therefore, people add sweeteners to the fruit to counter the tart flavor. Moreover, when you cut the wrinkled outer layer of the tropical fruit, you can smell the enticing aroma that is inside it.The smell can definitely attract you and make you want to try the fruit if you haven’t already tried it. If eating the raw pulp is not possible for you, then you can try to drink its juice or add it to a smoothie.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our article about how to eat passion fruit, then why not take a look at our other fun facts articles about how to eat a kiwi or how to eat a rambutan?

Passion fruit is considered to be an exotic tropical fruit.