Tear stains are a normal phenomenon in dogs up to a certain extent, but, if you notice an excessive amount of discharge, consult with a vet to make sure that your dog isn’t suffering from a medical condition. Dogs that have light-colored fur are the ones that suffer from this condition the most.It is easier to notice the tear stains on a dog with light-colored fur than on a dog that has a dark-colored coat. There are certain dog breeds that suffer from this condition more than other dogs due to their genetics, such as a short nose. Short noses do not allow for the natural dissipation of tears, meaning the tears then collect in a small pocket-like area and are visible in the form of a tear stain. It is your responsibility to clean your dog’s eyes and the area around the eyes to prevent your pet from suffering from any kinds of allergies or infections. If you do not clean the gunk from your dog’s eyes from time to time, it can lead to a serious infection in your pet’s eye.If you enjoy this article, why not also read about Mastador facts and how to clean dog ears with vinegar here on Kidadl?How To Clean Around Dogs’ EyesEyes are arguably the most sensitive organs in the body, and this is the case not only with us humans but with our dogs too. As much as it is necessary to clean the area around a dog’s eye, it is equally dangerous. You must be very careful and operate delicately when cleaning the area around your dog’s eyes.The best method to carry out this process is to use a damp washcloth and ensure that it is slightly warm. Hold it around the skin of the eye socket where the debris is present and, once it has become soft, wipe it gently with the washcloth. If the warm cloth doesn’t help in making the debris soft enough to be removed, you can try to use warm water too. Now, as you gently wash the area, the debris and any other particle or existing tear stain must come off. In case your hand isn’t steady using the washcloth, take your dog to a veterinary doctor for its eyewash. You must use a different washcloth for both the eyes and then clean your dog’s eyes using very soft strokes so that your dog doesn’t make any sudden movements. If you carry out regular grooming practices for your dog, it helps restrict the brown stains which form under your dog’s eyes. Additionally, if you think of using any market products to clean your dog’s eyes, it is wise to consult a veterinary doctor first, just to make sure that the product does not have any side effects like irritation around the eyes.How to Clean Dogs’ Weepy EyesEye issues can develop in dogs due to a number of reasons, and weepy eyes leading to tear stains is a common issue. The tear stains not only look dirty on a dog with light color fur but also prevent the tears rolling out of their eyes from draining. As the tears get collected in and around the eye, the dog’s eyes cannot function like before.There are various symptoms such as when your dog keeps on running into stationary objects or if they are hesitant to walk out in a place with low visibility. This condition of weepy eyes can largely be seen in dogs who have a lot of hair around their eyes and those who naturally have a rounded eye socket such as a Chihuahua. The easiest way to avoid this hindrance is grooming. You can trim the excess hair around the eyes of your pet as this will at least decrease the chances of such problems. Although the task at hand might seem simple, a dog often gets restless during such activities, so it is better if you go to a veterinarian. Sometimes, this issue of weepy eyes can take place because of a blocked tear duct, too. However, if it is a case of a blocked tear duct, it is better if you meet and consult with a veterinarian at the soonest possible moment because, if left untreated, it can be painful for your dog and can lead to blindness in extreme cases. In order to clean your dog’s eyes, first of all, clean your dog’s eyes by flushing them with clean water or a veterinarian-prescribed solution. Rinsing and flushing an eye reduces the irritation in the eye as it removes dust particles and small hair strands. Additionally, this step also reduces the chance of any sort of infection affecting your pet dog. The next step is to use a damp cloth or a cotton ball, and slowly wipe the area where the gunk and the brown stains are present. This will greatly help in reducing irritation in your dog’s eyes and also remove any tear stains. Some people believe it is not the best to use cotton balls as some strands of the cotton can, later on, cause irritation in the eye of a dog.How To Clean Tear Stains Around Dogs’ EyesBefore we get into how to clean the tear stains of your dog, let us first see how your pet gets these stains on its beautiful fur. Well, the tears that pour out from the eye of your dog need an exit point, at times, the physiological features of dogs such as a short nose don’t allow this liquid to discharge. Additionally, cleaning this area of your dog comes under the regular grooming your dog requires. In case of an unusual amount of tear discharge, contact a vet for the required treatment.The brown stains formed from the discharge of the tears might seem like a big task to deal with it, but in reality, it’s a piece of cake. All you need to do is grab a damp cloth, pour a small amount of slightly warm water and begin the cleaning process under the eye of your dog. Gently wipe the spots which have the stains and this will clear all the spots of the discharge and provide your dog some relief from the irritation. In order to provide some path for this liquid to discharge, trim the hair of your dog near its eye. You do not need to use any special solution but, if the stains are pretty serious and you decide to use a solution, consult a veterinarian.Why Cleaning Your Dog’s Eyes Is ImportantImagine if you did not apply bathing soap on your face while taking a shower. It is a basic necessity of your dog to keep its organs clean including the all-important eye. If not treated in time, the residue of such stains and gunk can lead to an infection in the eye of your dog. Some breeds of dogs suffer from the issue of tear stains and irritation more than others owing to their features.Your dog not being able to see properly, bumping into objects and not being willing to go into the dark are some of the basic symptoms that it is high time you take proper care of your dog. Sometimes, the issue might be as small as some dirt in its eye, but that too needs to be treated accordingly. Additionally, do not take any symptoms lightly; if not paid attention to, your dog could be suffering from an infection in no time. Some people use sea salt and water as a home remedy to deal with an eye infection in dogs, but this might not be the wisest thing to do. Sea salt and water are a temporary fix for issues as trivial as redness in the eye but they are not great for dealing with an infection. The best option is to contact a veterinarian.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how to clean dogs eyes? Why cleaning your dog’s eyes is important? then why not take a look at pet cat dander: how to get rid of cat dandruff? Or how to get rid of algae in a fish tank? Get rid of algae naturally?

Tear stains are a normal phenomenon in dogs up to a certain extent, but, if you notice an excessive amount of discharge, consult with a vet to make sure that your dog isn’t suffering from a medical condition. Dogs that have light-colored fur are the ones that suffer from this condition the most.