These dragons are equipped with an armor of spiny reptilian scales which makes a bearded dragon a reptile.It is important to bathe a bearded dragon to maintain its good health. A small dip in a tub could prevent the attack of any harmful bacteria or fungus in a bearded dragon.A bearded dragon is a gentle and inquisitive reptile which makes them a good pet. Bearded dragons can drink tap water. The minimum requirements to give the bearded dragon a bath are clean and warm water and a toy for their fun bath time. If dragons are bathing in a dish, they might try to drink water. So it is advisable to not use soaps. Pet owners should lightly pour water on the head of a bearded dragon if they refuse to bathe.This way they will get adapted to the bathing process and start liking it. Bearded dragon’s skin gets damaged during the process of shedding. A bearded dragon’s body requires drinking water and bathing in order to live healthily. To maintain the temperature of the water, water thermometers are available online which are considered important for pet owners of a bearded dragon. After reading all about your dragon’s bathing requirements, do check out how to bathe a hamster and how to bathe a dog.Bearded Dragon Bath BehaviorOne of the most exciting activities you could do with your beardie is bathing it. It is necessary to give your bearded dragon a bath to provide proper hygiene and health. Letting the bearded dragons soak in water a couple of times has many benefits which we are able to examine below.Well, each bearded dragon is different. Some will revel in a pleasantly warm bath time at the same time a few will not. It is because of this purpose that you have to pay an awful lot of interest while you put them in the water. Some bearded dragons have a phobia of water as they hate being in the water. If a pet owner notices that their beardie freaks out when put in water, it would be better to quit bathing for them. Bathing a bearded dragon helps them to hydrate.If your bearded dragon gets touch annoyed, they can adapt and get used to it. If that is the case, you need to reduce the extensive type of baths to about as quickly as a week. It is crucial to clean bearded dragons to get rid of dirt and to help in shedding. As for those who enjoy baths, you may clean them every day. Just make sure that you keep a constant watch at the same time as bathing them.The situation where your bearded dragon raises its tail is to indicate that it doesn’t need its tail to get wet. Such reactions of the bearded dragons imply a lot and it’s important you notice. Some people say that this way bearded dragons get alerted if they are getting hurt. Some will do that while breeding.To conclude, for hygiene purposes, your bearded dragon should take baths frequently.Can you bathe a bearded dragon when shedding?Yes. We can bathe a bearded dragon when shedding. It is considered necessary to give bearded dragons a bath during the shed process. In fact, shedding bearded dragons should be bathed four to five times a week. Two times a week is not enough if your beardie is shedding. If bearded dragons are shedding their skins it’s necessary to bathe your bearded dragon three to four times a week. It is preferable to bathe your bearded dragon daily when they are shedding. Do not use soap during their bathing time.Bearded dragons have uncomfortable situations when their skin doesn’t come off naturally which usually happens on their toes or at the base of their tail.  It is always advised to never pull or tug on the old skin of a bearded dragon. To help your bearded dragon get rid of unwanted skin by shedding you can give them warm baths. A good soak will make their skin soft and fresh.You might want to make sure that the skin underneath is ready to come off naturally. Gently rub their scales with a soft toothbrush. To dry your bearded dragon after a bath, use a soft towel only. This helps to remove the dead skin which is sloughing off. Do not pull the skin if it seems loose.If your dragon is shedding, such a skin routine is necessary. If the bearded dragon is properly bathed, it will have better color and soft skin. Their behavior and desires vary wildly from one to the next. Because of this, it may be difficult to locate exact solutions to the questions like how to bathe a bearded dragon or if bathing a bearded dragon is necessary, on the internet.A warm bath is necessary for the bearded dragons. In order to bathe your bearded dragon, do the following steps.Fill the tub with tap water and heat it at 100 F (37.8 C) to the point we get lukewarm water. Check if the water temperature is not more than necessary.Soak your bearded dragon in warm water for 10-20 minutes. Do not leave them unattended.Use a soft toothbrush to bristle them gently.After this, pat dry them with a soft towel. This cleans the dragon’s skin properly.Place them back in their basking spot after the bath time is over.Bearded dragons should be given baths three to four times a week.How often to bathe a baby bearded dragon?Baby bearded dragons should be given a bath two to three times a week. If they don’t like water at least once a week is necessary for hygienic conditions. The procedure to bathe a baby bearded dragon is similar to that of a bearded dragon but on a smaller scale. Pet owners should avoid the use of soap.This is the process to give a fun bath to your pet beardie, which should be followed by bearded dragon pet owners. Fill a small tub or water dish with tap water and heat it till it becomes lukewarm water. Even the regular baths must be warm and pleasant. The water temperature should be maintained. As cold water affects the health of the beardies.Soak them in water for some time. Pour some water on your pet beardie gently. If they react aggressively, that is, their behavior becomes repulsive, remove them right away from the water. As they are small in size, prevent drowning by keeping a constant watch on them.Pet owners could also soak a soft towel in warm water and rub it against their bodies. You could also use a brush but only after they get acquainted with baths. Make sure water doesn’t go in their eyes. On normal days gently spray warm water two to three times a day on your pet beardie’s head.Normally, the bath time for a bearded dragon should always be between 10-30 minutes. Regular baths are for 15 minutes. It is necessary to maintain the temperature of the water and to see if the water is warm enough or not. Water temperature should be maintained as if the water gets cold, it could affect the health of a bearded dragon. If your beardie dislikes water, soak them in water once a week for 15 - 20 minutes. Owners should let a bearded dragon soak in water for 30 minutes during their shedding period. This helps the skin to soak water and stay hydrated. After this use a soft towel to dry them. This whole process takes 30 minutes.Do not use soap in bathwater as that could harm the eyes of your beardie. Bearded dragons often drink water while they are bathing. Just use tap water for their bathing process as they might drink soap water. Bearded dragon bath toys are available online for your pet bearded dragon if it loves to have fun bathing in a tub.After a bath, how to dry a bearded dragon?Bearded dragons are cold-blooded reptiles. That’s why they rely on heat sources for warmth and not their own bodies. Pet owners should always make sure that they dry their beardies right away after the bath time is over. Bearded dragons are used to hot environments and so being wet could be a whammy for their bodies.Once a bearded dragon’s bath time is completed, gently press a warm and soft towel to their bodies. This process helps them absorb moisture in their body. Try not to rub your pet beardie. If they allow, rub them gently by running your fingers in the direction of their scales. To get them at least 75% dry, put them to bask under sunlight or a heat lamp. This would make your beardie want to go back to its vivarium as soon as possible. Pet owners need to be more careful while drying their baby beardies. Baby bearded dragons have small arms and legs and so they are considered extra fragile.To keep the skin of your bearded dragon healthy and clean, it is necessary to give them baths. They should also be given bath time if they get too dirty. Bathing your bearded dragon also helps with other issues like shedding, constipation, and fecal impaction. It is noticed that owners generally bathe them at least once for 4-8 days. During the shedding period of a bearded dragon, it is advised to bathe them frequently.As far as the general rule goes, bearded dragons should be given baths three times a week.As a pet owner, you would want to make sure that the temperature of the water is ideal for your beardie before bathing. Fill the tub up to 1-2 in (2.5-5.1 cm) deep with water for them to have some fun and splash around.Only if your bearded dragon despises baths, it can resolute it to once a week. Bearded dragons need to drink water and bathe as well to not get dehydration. A bearded dragon drinks water from a syringe or small bowl and not from a water dish.The main reason to bathe your bearded dragon should be because they are dirty. Many people bathe bearded dragons because it’s a fun activity or they will get hydrated during their shedding time. One should bathe a bearded dragon for hygiene purposes. It is also necessary to know how to bathe your bearded dragon if they have a calcium deficiency.If your bearded dragon has hydration or calcium deficiency issues, a bearded dragon calcium bath is highly recommended.The process involves adding a few drops of liquid calcium to the water tub where the water is not so cold. Mainly it is beneficial only if you let your beardie drink the water orally. Use a paper towel after bathing to dry them.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how to bathe a bearded dragon then why not take a look at how to bathe a kitten or bearded dragon facts?

These dragons are equipped with an armor of spiny reptilian scales which makes a bearded dragon a reptile.