Horses are animals that are full of power, and a horse kick can inflict injuries to any unsuspecting person near them.The strongest surviving trait for horses is their sturdy legs. Over centuries of evolution, horses have discovered that kicking is by far the most effective way to remove an object, animal, or person they do not want to be around.Unfortunately, some horse riders understand how it feels to get kicked by a horse and how painful it can be. The amount of pain generated from a horse kick has been compared to the force of a compact vehicle driving at 20 mph (32.1 kph) by emergency care professionals! A horse kick even has the potential to fracture a bone or traumatize muscle tissue. Medical publications have recorded cases of patients falling into cardiopulmonary arrest after being kicked in the chest. So, as a responsible person, stay clear of horses whenever you see a warning sign.After you have read about horse kicks, how they pack a punch, and how to stay safe from them, why don’t you read about how long a horse lives, and how long a horse is pregnant?How hard can a horse kick?Did you know that a horse kick is called bucking? A horse kick can be hard enough to cause severe injuries.Horses can strike for several reasons. When a horse develops colic, it will kick towards its abdomen. It might also kick and stomp if a thorny plant rubs its legs and tummy.Horses inside a meadow have been frequently observed kicking one another. While playing, they will give weak kicks that seldom deliver damage to other horses. It’s often a sign of a good mood. Horses can also buck while they gallop to expend excess energy. For horses, kicking is one of the most potent modes of expression.Are you wondering how bad does a horse kick hurt? Walking towards a horse trailer or any animal carelessly is very risky in itself. It could even be potentially fatal. To the horse, it may seem like you’re taking away its space or attacking it from behind. Since you may not be aware of this, it may attack you for coming near its trailer ground. Each horse has big ears, immense power, a huge body, and a very strong kick. It can be one of the most dangerous animals when it comes to causing injuries. The horse can even severely damage itself through kicking.A hard hit by a horse could be fatal. Many doctors compare the injury received by a horse kick to those experienced if someone were to be struck by a car going at 20 mph (32.1 kph). If the kick lands on your chest, you can have fractured bones or significant lacerations from a hoof, and it can even result in cardiac problems. You might also suffer from concussions, which can in rare cases be deadly if the collision is severe. It all depends on where the kick lands and how angry the horse is.Can a horse’s kick kill you?Horse kicks have the potential to kill. Deaths as a result of a horse kick aren’t just theoretical. It is strongly advised that you do not attempt to train chronic kickers without the assistance of a trained professional. One incorrect movement might be dangerous. If you’re fortunate, you’ll only get a nasty gash. However, if you’re unlucky, you might end up with fractured bones and extensive muscle injuries.Whenever something suddenly appears behind stallions, they tend to feel threatened and act out of self-defense. Even if another horse is uncomfortably near, they can become agitated and start kicking to scare them off. Several horses feel threatened around cats, dogs, or donkeys and may attempt to kick them if they come close.Horses strike primarily to safeguard themselves. However, they also kick to assert authority or express frustration. It is best to be cautious while approaching them. Horse kicks may inflict bruising, severe gashes, fractured bones, or even death in certain situations. Horses possess incredible strength in their hindquarters, which can be lethal once unleashed in the form of a kick.How do you tell if a horse is going to kick?Are there any warning signs to look out for?When a female horse isn’t willing to breed, it might kick at the male horse. Horses that have been injured while being mounted by a rider may frequently kick as they anticipate getting pinched or hit.Certain horses may strike near humans as a warning. Even though the kicks are targeted at you, the horse understands it is not close enough to land a blow.Throughout the past, the horse species had to protect itself from violent creatures in their space. If a horse hasn’t been appropriately trained and is restless or anxious, it will be more prone to kicking.Before kicking, these animals will try to communicate. They will usually express their discomfort so you must try to understand and respect this behavior beforehand. Horses frequently pin their ears down against their heads, flick their tails, or stamp their feet before kicking. You must understand the scenario and observe both yourself and your horse. If out of fear, the power and force of horse kicks can cause a severely painful blow to the body.How likely are you to get kicked by a horse?Horses battle or flee when they are intimidated or scared. You are likely to be kicked if the horse is untrained, abused, or generally unaware of your presence.Foals begin to utilize their limbs as soon as they can sit and feed. Domesticated horses are typically aided by their owners during weaning. The horse herd hierarchies exploit every opportunity and resource available. If a foal becomes too demanding and violent while feeding, the horse replies by elevating its hind leg and softly pushing its foal aside. This action conveys to a young horse that it is inappropriate. Mares in the wilderness, on the other hand, must wean their foals on their own. This slight push might be forceful, but it’s not powerful enough to cause significant harm.We also frequently observe younger horses bucking and kicking one another in what appears to be playful enacting. This activity seems critical in training and practicing using their defense system. If a mare is ahead in the chain of command, it has first dibs on grain and water, the initial pick of shelter or shading trees, and so on.How to protect yourself from a horse’s kick?Horses generally are lovely and docile animals, but in some circumstances, they can deal a devastating punch. Their kicks may fluctuate dramatically in pressure, and they can sometimes be strong enough to kill or pin someone down. To avoid getting kicked by a pony, you can try releasing them in a meadow. Approach them mainly from the corner, so that they can realize you’re arriving. Prevent shocking them by approaching from their blind peripheral vision. Always maintain your distance if they get riled up. Recognize where the safe areas around every animal are. Finally, practice due care throughout mealtimes. Having these things in mind can go a long way toward ensuring your safety around horses.How you lead and transfer your pony to its pasture or barn is also critical. As horses return to their stables, the overwhelming majority of them seem to be happy. Do you know the most common blunders to avoid while bringing your horse to the ground? You must not face your horse as you walk out of the area. When you depart, turn your back on the mare.Ponies possess two blind areas which you should stay mindful of at all times. The first is immediately behind them. This means that they may not see you approaching from behind. A pony’s second blind spot is just in front. When a pony goes to bed and tends to forget you are across from them or when you abruptly but gently stroke their heads from one of their blind regions, they may be surprised and may inadvertently react and injure you.How can you teach a horse to stop kicking?The first point to remember is that it is difficult to stop a pony from kicking in all circumstances.Kicking another horse may be taught to be unacceptable behavior.Horses can kick from all four legs. Almost all of the time, if we talk about kicking, we’re talking about the rear legs, but each of the four legs can be utilized to kick in some way. The hind legs can kick forwards, backward, or sideways. The front foot is used to stomp and hit forwards.If you’ve got a persistent, violent kicker, it is strongly advised that you seek the counsel and assistance of a competent horse trainer. Keep in mind that those legs can be potentially deadly. A hostile reaction to a kick, such as hitting and kicking back, will not make your horse stop kicking. It is not the correct way to handle this behavior.When the horse shows a negative temper or misbehaves, it should receive a time-out as a punishment. This is the fundamental training technique that is used to instruct ponies not to kick. Any training of horses not to kick must be carried out by a trained professional.So, why do horses kick? Kicks are crucial to horses. Our horse companions may kick to indicate their physical and psychological status. If the horse kicks or threatens to kick or has pinned back ears, you can be sure that it wants to communicate with you. Kicking is also a symptom of a horse that may be in discomfort. Horses can’t speak to us, therefore, horses attempt to alleviate the pain themselves often. Although it is a cry for help, this is not a good habit, and addressing this regular behavior is important.When you see a horse kick each time you happen to groom a specific location on its body, it is probably because of some discomfort and they could be hurt in this area. The solution might be as easy as being kinder and more aware of your horse’s preferences while grooming. Anxiety could also be a catalyst to kicking in certain ponies. You should have authority but still, always show respect towards your horse.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for facts about horse kicks then why not take a look at how far can a horse travel in a day, or horse facts.

Horses are animals that are full of power, and a horse kick can inflict injuries to any unsuspecting person near them.