Usually shiny black in color, the bird has no other color spread over its entire body other than gray in some species.Crows can be found almost in all continents with temperate weather conditions except in South America and many more islands. Before reading how to attract crows to your yard, you must make place some horizontal roosting poles around your yard.Crows belong to the genus Corvus. The Corvus genus covers not just crows but rather rooks, ravens or other birds who closely resemble a crow. Crows hail from the family of Corvidae. The genus Corvus comprises nearly about 45 members. This bird is considered to be one of the world’s most intelligent birds. Crows have an encephalization quotient that is equal to that of the encephalization quotient of many non-human primates.A crow builds its nest in urban areas and reproduces by laying eggs. An interesting fact about crows is that crows can recognize a human and distinguish a bad human from a good one by squawking in presence of the first and congratulating the latter with small gifts. Thus, crows and humans have a good interaction. After knowing the important tips to make crows come to your yard, do check how to attract cardinals and can dogs eat carrots?What do crows like to collect?Do you like crows and want crows to come to your yard? Then you must read recent posts on what do crows collect and place the stuff in your yard.While we have watched movies where crows are often seen in association with evil characters. Even crows are signified as bad omens in various pictures. Similarly, it is also a myth that shiny objects attract crows and that crows like to collect shiny jewelry and anything that would shine under the sun.Well in reality it is not at all like that. Crows firstly don’t signify any bad thing which is about to take place. These birds can be loud creatures and might cause a disturbance in your peaceful sleep but no they are not evil. Neither do shiny objects and reflective surfaces attract crows always. Maybe sometimes a young crow would fondle along with something shiny perhaps because it’s just curious about it. But, an adult crow would never consider collecting any jewelry or shiny objects. In the wild, a young crow is often found collecting stones or acorn caps and playing with them. Crows being omnivorous creatures eat both vegetables as well as scraps of meat.An adult crow would spend its time collecting edibles like discarded fruits, vegetables, or scraps of meat and sometimes garbage. A foil packet lying nearby might attract crows, especially young ones and these birds might pick it up and fiddle with it. If you are thinking of befriending a crow and wondering how to attract crows, well there are various ways of attracting a crow and you can do that either by showing it food, providing a birdbath, or even doing some crow calls.Plants That Attract CrowsThe members of the Corvidae family include not just crows but ravens, rooks, magpies, and many others. All these species are considered to be very intelligent and usually, these birds are not afraid of humans. These birds can be characterized by stout beaks, slender strong legs, feet, and wings.These birds build their nest on trees and are usually attracted to trees and shrubs for building nests or for food. These birds collect nuts, seeds, and insects from trees. Now regarding how to attract crows? Crows love certain trees which are helpful for them. Crows are even popular for one of their nasty activities, which include robbing food from the nest of other birds. However, Jays, a member of the Corvidae family, is also helpful for calling out sharply when there is a threat thereby alarming other birds.Some common plants and trees that attract crows are written here. Crows love coniferous trees. These trees are a popular site for crows to build their nest. These trees are also a source of food for crows. Crows peck small insects from the bark of these trees with their stout beaks. During winters crows are attracted to mast crops like oak acorns and beechnuts. Oaks often shelter a large number of caterpillars that crows will eat. Crows also love sunflower seeds.Attracting Crows To Protect ChickensEven though crows steal food, often farmers create a false dummy made up of hay to get rid of crows from destroying their seasonal crops. But, sometimes the crows can be of great help too. Crows are one of the most favored birds by poultry farmers.In poultry farming hens, roosters are kept in farms for both eggs as well as meat. Crows can be a great companion in protecting roosters. Having excellent eyesight which helps a crow in spotting a predator from a distance, the crow will caw at a predator loudly while surrounding the predator. These birds warn farmer of threats like foxes and cats and dogs trying to break in and steal roosters. Their loud caws can wake anyone from sleep. Thus, attracting crows is important to keep your chicken protected.Wondering how to attract crows easily? There are various ways of attracting crows to protect chickens. You must know how to attract a crow. These include the following.Food: getting from the store some bird food and trying to feed crows is actually of no help. A crow can’t stuff small food items in its mouth because of its long beaks. So, if you are trying to attract and befriend crows, what you can do is, you can lay or spread foods on soil for them to feed. A crow will get attracted to it. Foods like cat food, dog food, berries, eggs, and corn are a few of the favorite delicacies of a crow. Consider feeding them to get their attention.Feeding platform: wild crows naturally feed on the ground. Crows can be extremely picky about the place of eating. You can either build a solid eating platform or you can build a concrete birdbath and distribute food on it.Make a home for them: you don’t need to build a crow home for getting a crow’s attention. Consider building something for the crow to perch on. You can use discarded boxes for them.Don’t make noise: crows are noisy creatures. However, crows do not like noisy surroundings. Making a slight noise like unlatching a rusty gate, or opening a door, or shouting for someone will scare them away. Therefore, to get their attention make as little noise as possible in your yard. Keep your cat or dog away from the region. Call crows with a soft and subtle voice.Shiny objects: crows like shiny objects like aluminum foil paper that glitters under the sun. They are curious about nature and will peck at shiny objects trying to explore it. Thereby you can decorate your yard with shiny metals. Just make sure that the shiny objects don’t spin or move cause it makes a crow uncomfortable.Do some crow calls: imitating a crow’s call can get you a crow’s attention. Do some crow calls when crows are around. You can use sound boxes too or a speaker for making crow calls. These attention calls are sure to attract one crow.Tips To Attract CrowsAs said before, crows can be indecent at times and they might steal food or things from your home. But, we can all agree with the fact that crows take extremely good care of chickens. You might think that a crow will eat chicken’s eggs or feed upon the young chickens or other smaller pets. However, the fact is that crows do not do these.Instead, a sick chicken might eat away or harm other chickens in the coop. If you own a chicken coop then make sure your farm is visited by crows regularly. Predators like foxes often visit hen coops to steal or hunt hens. In situations as such this, a crow will be the first creature to spot a predator because of its excellent eyesight and will caw loudly to warn the owner of the predator. To make crows visit your farm there are tips you need to follow.Roosting poles: crows prefer a roosting ground or a roosting place where it can sit and notice what’s going on around itself. Thereby, building a roosting ground with ample plants for a crow is sure to attract it. Crows normally love horizontal poles for sitting. You must have noticed crows perching themselves on top of a tree to notice what is going on itself. Make a roosting pole by using lonely tree branches or a fence.Bird bath: want to attract a crow every day? Often, a birdbath attracts a crow. Building a concrete birdbath in your yard is sure to catch the attention of your crow. You can even consider spreading food on the bird birth for the crow to feed upon. Thus, a birdbath serves as a good feeding ground for crows. Crows are extremely choosy while selecting a place for feeding. The birdbath will also serve as a perching or a roosting ground for crows to sit and observe the surroundings.Place some crow decoys: crows have a tendency of roaming in groups or following a group of crows and flocking at a given place. They love to socialize. Therefore if you can build some crow decoys that resemble a crow and place the decoy on a birdbath, a crow is sure to visit it and explore the decoy. When it sees one crow eating something in your yard it will follow that crow instantly. Make sure that the dummies can move because a crow being very intelligent is sure to spot a fake crow.Crow calls: mimicking a crow call can attract a crow. Make sure you mimic properly because crows can’t be easily fooled. The best is you can play an accurate crow call in a speaker and try to get a crow’s attention.A proper routine: crows will visit your yard daily when you give them the right food for them to eat at particular timings. They will know that this time is their food time and will pay a visit to your yard for the food. But, make sure that you give them the proper right food. Crows are fond of dog and cat food, insects, stale food, and leftovers. Placing this food near a birdbath, a proper feeding ground will fetch you the crow’s attention.Make sure you place proper arrangements in place to prevent the cats or other pets from scaring the crows away.Thus, crows can be extended helpful for poultry farming and their visits to your farm can protect it from being robbed by predators. But if you have smaller birds in your yard, then think twice before attracting crows to your place.While attracting crows to your yard in under four minutes might seem to be a daunting task, there are some things you can do to ensure that. This includes creating a roosting area, placing fresh water and food in the yard along with a decoy bird, mimic some bird calls, and getting rid of the objects that may scare them.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how to attract crows then why not take a look at how to crate train dogs, or crow facts.

Usually shiny black in color, the bird has no other color spread over its entire body other than gray in some species.