There are different kinds of bears all over the world, ranging from polar bears to giant panda bears to an Asian black bear.The brown bear is one such species, usually found in northern America, Asia, Russia, and Scandinavia. The brown bear which is scientifically known as Ursus arctos. There are two subspecies of brown bear known as the Kodiak bear and the grizzly bear, or as scientists call them Ursus arctos horribilis.As the name suggests for Kodiak bears, they are limited to the islands of the Kodiak Archipelago and got their name from this place. Grizzly bears on the other hand, are found everywhere else. We will be primarily focusing on the grizzly bear in this article. Locals living in North America distinguish between the grizzly bear and the brown bear by looking at their color. The grizzly bear carries a lighter shade of brown and is spotted in internal areas, whereas, the brown bear has a deeper brown color on its body and lives near coastal areas where there is salmon.There are two schools of thought concerning this discussion. One believes that the brown bear and the grizzly bear are one and the same species. Others believe that the grizzly bear is a subspecies of brown bear and is limited to the interior of North America. Bears are undoubtedly huge creatures and the grizzlies are no exception, which makes us more curious about exactly how tall they are. As unlike a lot of other animals, these bears can stand on their hind legs which makes them way taller than an average human being or even a lot of animals. The tallest bear ever recorded had a mammoth height of 11 ft (3.4 m), it was way above the average height of any bear species. This was recorded way back in 1960 when it was shot dead in Alaska. At that time, this bear weighed around 2209 lb (1002 kg).If you enjoyed this article, why not also read about Have you ever wondered how do whales sleep? Curious facts for kids, and how tall is a giraffe here on Kidadl.How tall is a grizzly bear standing up on its hind legs?A grizzly bear has its heigh measurement from the ground level to shoulder heigh when standing on all its four legs. An average grizzly bear’s height is around 3.4 ft (1 m). Similar to all the other bear species and majority of animals too, the male grizzly bear always tends to be taller than the female grizzly bear. It has been recorded that some of the largest grizzlies even when standing on four legs are known to be 5 ft tall (1.5 m), which is quite tall keeping in mind they are standing on four legs. Grizzlies aren’t the biggest of bears in the world, but they still are frightening and not to be messed with at any cost.Now, let’s see how tall these grizzly bears are when they stand on their hind legs. Interestingly, not a lot of animals can do this, and when these brown bears stand on their hind legs, they seem like humans but more like a giant human being. When a grizzly bear stands on its hind legs, the maximum height it can attain is almost 10 ft (3 m) tall on its hind legs. You can get an idea about how tall bears are keeping in mind that a 6 ft (1.8 m) tall human human is considered tall! An average adult male grizzly bear when standing on its hind legs can be around 8 ft tall (2.5 m), and this stat rises in case of typically large grizzlies. Some grizzly bears size may stand at 9.8 ft tall (3 m).There might be a question popping up in your mind at this moment that what is the need for these grizzlies to stand on their hind legs when they are comfortable on all four? Well, grizzly bears stand on their hind legs for better vision and a better sense of smell. Grizzly bears can look for food, keep their young ones in sight, and be aware of any danger around when standing up on their hind legs. You will now be left baffled by an interesting fact about the size of bears now. Polar bears are regarded as the largest bears among all bear species. It is said that there once lived a Kodiak bear which even to date is regarded as the largest bear to have lived. It was around 14 ft (4.3 m) tall and weighed a mammoth 2500 lb (1134 kg). However, this was just an exception. It is the polar bear which is considered the dangerous of all bears, owing to its size, as well as, its aggressive nature, and it also has a carnivore diet, unlike many bears including Ursus arctos which is largely dependent upon plant produce.How tall is an adult grizzly bear?A full grown grizzly bear, whether male or female, is taller than an average human being when standing on its hind legs. The average height calculated of an adult grizzly bear is somewhere around 5 ft (1.5 m), this is calculated from the ground level to their shoulder height.However, when these grizzly bears are standing, they normally are around 8 ft (2.5 m) tall , both female grizzly bears and male grizzly bears can attain this height. Although it is more common to see a male of this size than a female grizzly bear or a sow. Female grizzly bears are also known as sows, whereas, male ones are referred to as boars. There are some people who often get confused between Kodiak bears and grizzly bears and brown bears. Well, the Kodiak is a subspecies of brown bears, and some believe that grizzlies and brown bears to be the same but some do not. Kodiak bears live on an island located to the south of Alaska and are believed have lived there for over 1000 years now. Owing to their isolation from the rest of the bears, as well as, a huge chunk of humans, they are in healthy numbers on the island and are believed by some to be the largest carnivores on land.How tall is a female grizzly bear while standing up?Female grizzly bears are relatively a bit smaller than male bears. You can find these grizzlies in the internal areas of northern America. One can identify this bear easily just from its physical appearance. It has a large shoulder hump along with a pair of rounded ears, a concave face and really dark brown fur. The fur color in some grizzlies is lighter than the majority, but at the same time, there are some who have nearly black grizzly bear fur.An average adult female grizzly bear usually is around 3.3 ft (1 m) at shoulder height. The height increases when it shifts to standing on its hind legs from all four of its legs. While standing upright, even the largest female grizzly bear can reach a height of 8 ft tall (2.4 m). The female grizzly bear tends to stand on its hind legs for a number of reasons. The primary ones being to have better vision of the area around and to be better able to get the smell of any relevant item. At times, a female grizzly bear may look to stand on its legs to ensure that its cubs are in sight and safe. Additionally, it has also been noted that female grizzly bears stand up to look for their male counterparts, boars. In the case of female Kodiak bears, they too have a similar height range as that of female grizzlies and weigh around 1050 lb (476.3 kg). Pregnant sows give birth to cubs during the months of January and February and tend to come out of their den after late June along with their cubs. A typical litter size for a female bear consists of two to three cubs but it can increase if it has adopted cubs from some other litters.How tall is a baby grizzly bear?Baby grizzly bears or cubs are quite adorable even though they are born in pretty harsh climatic conditions. A mother grizzly bear gives birth to its cub in the winter months of January and February when it is hibernating inside its den, and it is known that grizzly bears are more often not born in pairs.When born, a grizzly bear is very small in size approximately 8 in (20.6 cm) in length. At the same time, it weighs just over 1 lb (0.5 kg) if born healthy. They are born blind and without fur on their body, and it is difficult for all of the cubs to survive in such harsh winter conditions without having any fur. Therefore, 25% of cubs usually die even before they can leave the den for the first time. Some of them are not able to survive the harsh conditions and some of them become prey to a male grizzly bear’s cannibalism. In the initial days, the cub survives on the milk provided by the mother grizzly bear. Unlike human babies, grizzly bear cubs grow at a very fast rate as the milk they consume from their mothers contains 33% of milk. This helps them to develop at a rapid rate. In the starting one or two years of their life, the cubs spend a lot of time with their mother, and during this period, they become taller as well as gain considerable weight. They go from weighing around 10 lb (4.5 kg) and a couple of weeks after their birth, they weigh 99 lb (45 kg). These cubs eat a variety of food and they are omnivores in true sense, unlike some polar bears who heavily rely on carnivorous food. Some of these grizzly bear cubs, a subspecies of the brown bear, have a different type of fur from the majority.It is light tan, almost white, in some of the cubs.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for How tall is a grizzly bear? Amazing grizzly bear facts for kids, then why not take a look at How often should I floss? Oral hygiene facts for kids, or grizzly bear facts?

There are different kinds of bears all over the world, ranging from polar bears to giant panda bears to an Asian black bear.