Everyone loves the beautiful sight of an orchid blooming which is why many people choose to keep this flower indoors.What many people don’t know is that orchids only bloom one time in a whole year. Orchids may also bloom more than once if they love how their owner is taking care of them!Orchids are flowering plants that come in a wide range of approximately 28,000 species. These beautiful plants brighten up any indoor space. They are known to bloom only a single time in a year, but the duration of their bloom and the frequency of the bloom can be altered with proper care and nourishment. An orchid bloom can be enjoyed for about 6-10 weeks. Keep reading to discover more about orchid blooming and learn tips to increase the duration of a bloom!If you enjoy this article, why not also read about if pansies are edible and if roses are edible here on Kidadl?When do orchids bloom?Orchid plants typically bloom during the winter season as the summer season has high temperatures throughout, which aren’t suitable for blooming. Cattleya orchids bloom in winter and continue until the late spring season. Lady’s slipper orchids bloom in the winter season and keep doing so until spring. Moth orchids bloom during winters as well but continue to do so until early summer.Different orchid species have varying blooming seasons. If you want your orchid flowers to bloom during a particular time of the year, you must research orchid species that naturally bloom at that time. You can even increase the bloom’s duration by keeping a suitable environment, maintaining moisture, potting the orchid well, and watering it appropriately.How long do orchids bloom for?Orchids can bloom for a period of months during a single bloom cycle one to two times a year. The blooming duration of an orchid depends upon its species. The flowering time of an orchid relies upon the care it is given and the environment around it. It can bloom one to two times and can live for several years. Some species of orchids have been recorded to live for more than 100 years! The Phalaenopsis orchid is the most common orchid that blooms for a period of two to four months. The bloom period for each orchid is different. The Cattleya blooms for 7 to 21 days, the Oncidium blooms for 1-1.5 months, the Paphiopedilum blooms for 1.5-2 months, and the Dendrobium blooms for 1.5-3 months.The blooming period of your plant can be increased by adhering to certain healthy practices. As a beginner, one must buy an orchid that has a healthy and strong flower spike along with a few buds that are unopened. This is proof that the flower spike is in growing mode and is capable of producing new buds. It is recommended to keep orchids in a cooler setting as doing so slows the growth, lengthens the flowering duration, and stimulates its flowering process. The ideal temperature for the majority of orchid species is between 64-77°F (18-25°C). An orchid plant owner must avoid changing the temperature of the house suddenly as it causes stress on the plant and lessens the blooming period. It is proven that a cold temperature causes orchids to produce continuous flowerings! Humidity is another essential factor in maintaining the health and growth of an orchid. Appropriate levels prevent the orchid from wilting. If conditions dry around an orchid, it can cause stress for it. Humidity levels greater than 40% in a home are good enough for an orchid. If a home cannot achieve the desired humidity, a humidifier can be used to increase the level. A humidity tray can also be kept beneath the pot of the orchid. Gentle circulation of air is a contributing factor to the growth of orchids. Orchids also require soft light to grow. If natural light isn’t available, artificial light can also be used. If artificial light is being used, a timer can be used to stimulate the natural daylight and darkness cycle. It is important to note that orchids are negatively impacted by ethylene gas which can be found in air fresheners and is also released by ripening fruits. This gas can cause orchids to die prematurely. Thus, an orchid plant must not be placed anywhere near air fresheners or ripening fruit.How often do orchids bloom indoors?Most orchid plants bloom only once every year. However, there are always exceptions. Some orchid flowers can even delight their owners by blooming longer or with a rebloom! The natural blooming cycle of an orchid is six weeks long but can extend up to 10. It is easier if you don’t keep watching your orchid pot, waiting for a bloom, because it will feel like watching water boil, with the water not boiling until you stop watching it.There are many factors that contribute to the wellness of the plant. Most of them are dependent upon the owner. Orchids require proper humidity, watering, pruning, light, and temperature. Orchids tend to die when they are overwatered by their owners. The watering schedule must be based upon the plant’s environment, pot size, and potting medium. You can water them by submerging them, using ice cubes, or pouring. For submerging, orchids prefer their roots to be crowded so pot the plant into a pot of the same size. Hold it with its leaves so as to allow its roots to suspend into the pot. Some species of orchids prefer to be potted in bark or moss as it allows their roots to breathe better than when in soil. The orchid must be in a clear pot that has some potting medium like bark or soil. Distilled water must be used to submerge or some tap water can be boiled and used after it has cooled down. Fill the clear container with water and hold the orchid pot over it to submerge the orchid roots. As orchids do not require a lot of water, submerging only once a week is sufficient. If the orchid is being overwatered, its roots will turn brown. Ice cubes can also be used that are of a small to medium size. Ice cubes have the ability to enhance absorption and stop roots from rotting. Orchids can also be watered with a watering can, but the orchid must not constantly have water as its roots will rot. Aim to pour under the leaves. If water gets on the leaves, it can be dabbed away gently with a towel. Orchid flowers need their surroundings to be similar to their natural habitat, so their surroundings must be recreated by the owners in order for the plant to thrive. Misting is another way to achieve the appropriate humidity levels for the plant to grow well. Spray the plant with water two times daily to moisten the aerial roots. To estimate the moisture present, the orchid can be touched. If the leaves of your orchid are turning brown or buds are falling then it is a signal to mist the orchid flowers more. However, if you see any signs of rotting or mold growth, then you should mist less. Do not keep your orchid in the presence of direct sunlight. Even a couple of hours can cause sunburn to your orchid. The orchid must be kept in a room that has the same temperature throughout the day, where it can get direct sunlight in a sufficient amount. You can place your hand on top of the leaves to see how harsh or soft the light is. To ensure flowering every year, orchids must be pruned during the hibernation period, which is in autumn. Tools cleaned with hot water must be used to cut brown, unhealthy spikes. One must be careful to not snip off the leaf, as even if a small part gets snipped, the whole leaf can die. Green spikes would need trimming 1 in (2.5 cm) above the flower bloom node. For orchids that possess double spikes, one spike will need to be cut at the base and the other 1 in (2.5 cm) above the lowest flower bloom. The cutting should be done diagonally. When one prunes their orchids, reblooming can occur.How can you make orchids bloom again?Orchids bloom at least once a year. Reblooming can be possible with the right care.The orchid must be placed in a room near a window. The room must have a cool temperature. After sunset, the temperature drops further and this stimulates the orchid for re-blooming. Fertilizer is to be used on the orchid one to two times a month. The fertilizer used must be a balanced houseplant fertilizer at half strength. It is important to note that the orchid is not to be watered on weeks when fertilizer has been used. Orchids are also known to re-bloom when they get a lot of indirect sunlight. New flower spikes are known to emerge at cool night temperatures between 55-65o F (12.7-18.3oC).Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how often do orchids bloom then why not take a look at are trees plants, or deciduous forest animals!

Everyone loves the beautiful sight of an orchid blooming which is why many people choose to keep this flower indoors.