Parakeets have long been considered the most popular pet bird species.The budgerigar, sometimes known as a shell parakeet, is the most popular caged parrot breed. This parakeet breed sometimes referred to as a lovebird, is present in hundreds of color variations.These birds generally have a long lifespan that can extend even beyond 20 years. But the exact lifespan for which these birds will live depends on their diet and habitat. With proper veterinary care, you can considerably extend the lifespan of a parakeet. These pet birds are strong caged birds and can lead a normal relationship with their owner.After you have learned how long do parakeets live, check out when do baby birds leave the nest and where do birds go at night?Wild Parakeet Lifespan Vs Parakeets In CaptivityParakeets come from all over the world, but the majority come from Australia. When in the wild, parakeets do best as part of a colony. A parakeet bird’s natural environment, like that of other living animals, plays an essential part in deciding how long they live.Although parakeets have had long and fruitful lives in their native habitats, factors such as severe weather in the wild and poor food are guaranteed to shorten their life. In the wild, parakeet lifespan ranges anywhere from 7-10 years as long as they are not harmed. Because larger birds feed on them, they don’t usually live past that age.There are many different species of parakeets, each with a different life expectancy. The name parakeet really refers to a group of birds that are tiny in size, have thin bodies, and have long tails. How long do parakeets live? That is an excellent question to consider before deciding to adopt one. They are delicate small creatures, yet as members of the parrot family, they have a long life span. Each of them has a life expectancy that varies between 5-10 years. When living in captivity, the parakeet lifespan is up to 5-10 years on average. This species of parakeets live in Australia. It is said to be one of the world’s tiniest parrot species. However, with proper care, these parakeets live for up to 20 years in captivity. It is possible for a pet parakeet to live for 9-12 years, but with the proper nutrition, it can even live longer than 12 years.As previously stated, parakeets in the wild have a shorter lifespan, unlike parakeets in captivity who live a long life, due to their exposure to a variety of environmental factors. Danger from big birds in the outdoors is one element that affects the longevity of parakeets in the wild. Additionally, as is the issue of diseases being passed from one bird to the next. Bushfires and other natural disasters pose a threat to parakeets’ lives. They are poisoned by fumes. Another factor that can shorten the average lifespan of wild parakeets is environmental destruction. On the other hand, because they are not exposed to the elements in the wild, birds that are cared for at home, can have a longer life expectancy. In addition, they receive the required vet care, proper toys, and nourishment. In reality, as a pet owner, you have a significant impact on how long pet parakeets survive in captivity without any diseases.How to tell how old is your parakeet?There are several methods for determining a parakeet’s age. The strategies listed below will assist you in finding an answer to this question. Check your parakeet bird’s head. This is among the most reliable techniques for determining the age of your bird. A parakeet molts for the first time when it is around 3-4 months old. If your bird is younger than that, it has signs of stripes running from the top of its head to the back of its neck. It loses the stripes on its forehead after its first molt.Check your parakeet’s eyes. The iris (colored portion) of a parakeet gradually lightens from birth until around 8 months. If your parakeet’s eyes are entirely black, it’s usually under 4 months old, and at least 8 months old if its iris is quite bright and contrasts sharply with its pupil.If your parakeet arrived with an Identification band around its ankle, you may use it to figure out how old it is. Check the band’s abbreviated letters, as various groups use different colors to mark years. The American Budgerigar Society, marked the pet bird if the band reads ‘ABS.’ Red bands for 2012 and green bands for 1998 are two examples of ABS bands that denote distinct years.Main Factors Affecting Parakeet Life ExpectancyHow long do parakeets live also depends upon their lifestyle. Lifestyle matters a lot, and they tend to survive better in captivity than they do in the wild, thanks to their parents’ care and protection. Many pet birds have been known to live for 20 years in captivity on average when cared for properly. However, the average age stays significantly lower, at roughly 8-10 years, owing to poor parental care and neglect. A variety of factors influence how much a budgie will live, and can be directly dependent on us.Budgies’ respiratory systems are complex, and they can become affected by poisonous gases, pollution, home cleansers, and so on.Budgies are also easily startled, and loud sounds can trigger a flight into the bars of the cage, resulting in serious injury. As a result, how long pet parakeets are able to survive in captivity is totally dependent on how well you safeguard your pet birds from these conditions in their cage.Nutritious diet: A plain and healthy diet that includes both fruits and vegetables is important. Because parakeets have lower fat reserves than other birds, any skipped meals or insufficient water consumption can swiftly lead to being sick or acute dehydration.A proper cage might make your parakeets feel restricted and make them more susceptible to diseases. Banging their head against the walls of the cage can result in bone fractures, which can lead to bleeding and an increased risk of infection. As a result, selecting the appropriate cage with a few toys and more than enough space to fly for this pet bird is critical.Vet care: You should definitely take your pet parakeet to a veterinarian, preferably an exotic vet. Parakeets might suffer from broken bones since their bones are delicate and hollow. If you don’t address it, your pet could end up with various ailments.What do parakeets usually die from?Despite the fact that well-cared-for pet parakeets live up to 15 years in certain situations, budgies have a very limited lifetime. Dealing with the death of a feathery companion can be a difficult experience, but it is one that all pet owners must face at some point. Parakeets are poisoned by certain fruits and beverages. Onions and garlic contain a toxin that kills red blood cells, while arsenic is found in many fruit pits and seeds. Also, parakeets are poisoned by the toxin solanine, which is found in the leaves of tomatoes, rhubarb, potatoes, and such vegetables.Budgies could die from loneliness, but it’s usually not because they’re sad and depressed, but because they don’t have a grooming companion. Budgies require frequent care from other budgies in order to maintain the health of their feathers and skin. Pet parakeets require a well-balanced diet as well as enough water. Dehydration can easily kill your bird, so keep water in its enclosure at all times. Too many fruits can produce an imbalance in blood sugar, which can lead to passing away quickly and unexpectedly.How to know if my parakeet is getting old?The birds, often known as budgies, achieve full maturity around the age of eight months. Before that, there are a few techniques to estimate the age of a parakeet.If your parakeet has plain stripes from the top of its head to the bottom of its beak, it has not yet completed its first molt and is a youngster. At around four months of age, the stripes on the top of the head are replaced with a hat of pure white or yellow feathers. If you buy a parakeet with bars on its head, be sure it’s at least eight weeks old and has been properly weaned.Baby parakeets have a single hue in their eyes, which is coal black. The pupils of budgies remain black as they get older, but the irises around them fade to a light gray or brown by the time they reach the age of eight months. If your budgie’s eyes are totally black, it is as little as four months old. You can estimate its age between 4-8 months if its eyes are dark grey with black pupils. A fully grown bird has light grey irises.Your parakeet’s nostrils are positioned on the cere, which is a strip at the base of the beak. The cere in young birds is generally grey or blue in hue. Males’ cere intensifies in hue once they reach one year of age. The male’s cere will take on brilliant colors of violet, pink, purple, or blue, depending on the breed of the budgie parakeets. Ceres will be white, tan, brown, or light blue in color.How to check the health of your parakeet?Parakeets are tough birds that can endure a lot. They typically do not display signs of illness until they are in the later stages of any disease or illness. It’s critical to keep a check on pet budgie’s health and to examine him or her on a daily basis for signs of disease. There are also a variety of things you can do to ensure that your parakeets remain in excellent health and have a long life. Therefore, it is critical to understand what is typical for your budgie and when it is necessary to intervene in order to address a medical condition.If the following conditions are met, parakeets can be deemed to have a healthy life, their toes and feet are immaculate, it’s upbeat, energetic, and inquisitive. Its eyes and beak do not have any crusting. It demonstrates a desire to make friends with both other birds and people. It is curious to play in its cage, toys, and perches.Increasing Your Pet Parakeet’s LifespanIn the same way that the average human life expectancy has increased from 40-60 years in recent ages, it is not difficult to extend the average lifespan of your parakeets. As a result of setting a good example, parakeets may begin to live for longer periods of time in the future. And it isn’t all that difficult either. Simply put, you must put up the effort to care for your little bird in order to extend your parakeet’s life and ensure that it does not fall sick. If you want to extend the life of your pet parakeet, you must ensure that it is provided good care and receives adequate attention. Keeping track of your parakeets will allow you to ensure that it has a good diet, adequate lighting, toys to play with, a clean and proper cage, regular vet visits, and companionship.Oldest Living ParakeetNow that we know that if proper care is provided a budgie can live up to 20 years, it’s time to know the oldest living parakeet. Charlie, a budgie hen bird, was the oldest living parakeet. Budgie Charlie was born in April 1948, and continued to flutter until June 1977, when she was 29 years and two months old! She was also called Charlie the Curser. Miss J Dinsey of Stonebridge London was Charlie’s owner. In 1995, this record was also added to the Guinness Book of World Records. As a result, Charlie is the world’s oldest parakeet bird.The main argument for having only one parakeet is that a single bird is often more devoted toward its owner. When left alone, a parakeet will perceive you as being part of a flock. However, because the parakeet is a sociable species, it will be lonely if left alone all day. If you work full-time and are concerned about whether you will be able to adequately care for your bird after work due to your hectic schedule, you should purchase two birds to be fair to your pet.Parakeets are flock birds, so being social comes naturally to them. In the wild, parakeets live well in a flock of the same species. Their human parents, on the other hand, become their flock when they are inside their homes. Their habitats are now their cage and surroundings, and they form strong bonds with their family and home. They go through all of the same emotions as the rest of the family: joy, mischief, grief, and loneliness.When parakeets are lonely, they show it through some obvious or subtle signs, just like people. All you have to do is keep an eye out for these indications to catch the problem early on and avoid losing your birdie to sadness.Your parakeet will begin plucking his or her feathers. Loneliness causes a reduction of appetite in animals, just as it does in people. There could be a change in its feces. They will become increasingly irritable as it longs to be alone. The tone of voice will change, and it will lack normal zeal.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how long do parakeets live? Then why not take a look at why do birds fly, or slaty-headed parakeet facts.

Parakeets have long been considered the most popular pet bird species.