There is a lot of discussion about how long hermit crabs live and whether they survive for a long time in the wild or captivity.Hermit crabs need a lot of care and attention in captivity but can survive more efficiently in their natural habitat featuring saltwater. Different people have diverse experiences with their pet hermit crabs.Land hermit crabs can live for more than 30 years if left alone in their natural habitat! Captive hermit crabs live a little less than wild hermit crabs because pet owners are unable to fulfill the habitat requirements of the animal, which means it is hard for this species to live for very long.Several species of hermit crabs are present in the world; some are marine, and some survive on land. These crustaceans have a long lifespan, but when kept in captivity, most of them live less than a year because they might be kept in an inadequate environment.Land hermit crabs require humidity, proper space to hide and molt, and when these pets are deprived of these, they experience stress and might even die.After reading all about these marine animals, do check how many legs does a crab have and what do crabs eat?Can hermit crabs die of loneliness?Hermit crabs are marine animals that belong to the crustacean group. Crustaceans are a group of aquatic animals that chiefly include animals with hard shells made up of calcium known as an exoskeleton which they use to protect themselves against predators.Hermit crabs are very friendly animals and grow more in groups. Loneliness is not one of the factors of which hermit crabs might die, but it should be considered so that these pets can thrive more with a friend.Hermit crabs are friendly pets and might get along with you easily; this can be beneficial for you and the animal to overcome loneliness. These pets need a lot of space, so consider buying a big tank with an optimum temperature and humidity so these crustaceans can breathe well. Avoid keeping them in a wired cage as the pet requires sufficient humidity and might die in a short span without it. Fill the tank with a proper flooring material like soil for them to burrow into while molting, things like rocks and sponges for them to climb, and a few shells for them to use when they discard their current one.Hermit crabs prefer to live in large groups as these pets are social animals and grow more with company. When you provide them with proper facilities, feed them good food, and give them the optimum environment to grow, these pets will not die of loneliness, but they might get lonely after some time. Try adding more pet crabs to the tank and look after them carefully whether they like the company or not, as some crabs might be incompatible with each other.Wild Hermit Crab Life ExpectancyWild hermit crabs live longer than captive pet crabs because they find suitable environmental conditions for them, unlike captive pet crabs who depend on owners to survive.Wild hermit crabs, on average, can live for more than a decade. Most wild hermit crabs can survive for as long as 30 years, whereas the oldest hermit crab recorded had a life span of 40 years.Wild hermit crabs can live a long healthy life of 30 years on their own. Let us understand the life cycle of a hermit crab. It starts with mating or breeding. Pet store owners can breed them in captivity, but they become stressed in captivity and do not want to breed. They lay eggs; baby hermit crabs hatch from the eggs and live in the ocean as larvae until they become adults. At the larvae stage, they are at risk of predation as fishes and other aquatic animals might feed on them. Hermit crabs that survive through to the adult phase live for more than a decade.There are two common risks to wild hermit crab life: predation and environmental factors.These animals can be prey for many predators like fishes, adult crabs, and other aquatic species, and on land, birds can eat them, so they burrow in the soil to protect themselves.Due to environmental factors like high tides and rain, they have to hide, which might lead to suffocation. Due to water pollution,they might eat or get stuck on plastic, causing death.How long can a hermit crab live without water?The life of a hermit crab is affected by so many things like the environment, humidity, temperature, food, and so on. They might easily be affected by a stressful environment, lack of humidity, low temperature, improper diet, chemical fumes, or toxic water.Hermit crabs can rarely survive without water and food for more than two weeks. It might seem that crabs are not drinking any water, but they require both fresh as well as saltwater for survival and can only last without it for a maximum of two weeks.Being a crustacean, hermit crabs require both fresh and seawater to live. You must provide both types of water to them. They can last without water for no more than two weeks. Hermit crabs have the tendency to submerge themselves in water to drink water and moisten their gills and shell. They need moisture to survive, thus living without water for too long can lead to death.While a pet crab submerges in water, look for them because they might not be able to breathe and drown in it. Crabs also store water in their shell for future usage. Do not give tap water to your pet, as it contains chlorine which is toxic to crabs; always give them filtered water, and for seawater, purchase sea salt from the pet store so that it is authentic and chemical-free.Similarly, hermit crabs can live without food for two weeks, but regular eating shows that the pet is happy, as they might stop eating while stressed. Give them fresh food like cuttlebone for calcium requirements, coconut, fruits, nuts, seeds, and pellets. Some hermits like pellets, whereas some might refuse to eat them.So they might survive without water and food for some time, but you should feed them regularly.Why do hermit crabs live less long in captivity?Hermit crabs live less long in captivity because people treat them as a one-time pet and do not bother to take care of their needs. In unsuitable conditions, the animal dies within a week, and people consider this to be the maximum life span of hermit crabs.The crustacean requires specific conditions to survive, such as good substrate material like sand soil, clean and large space, healthy meals, and so on, and by neglecting its needs, it might die sooner than its lifespan.There are several reasons why hermit crabs die in captivity.Hermit crabs can get stressed easily, when they get relocated or are feeling threatened; they try to burrow in the soil and might die due to suffocation.They tend to submerge themselves in water to drink it and might not be able to breathe and drown in it. They might also get infected due to toxins or chemicals present in their food, water or in their living area, which might also cause death.Hermit crabs can survive captivity if you provide them with good living conditions. Feed them good food that is rich in protein and fat because they store the food in the form of fat in their body for the time when they molt.Clean their space and keep both fresh and seawater with a good amount of salt in it so that they can bathe in it; also keep a sea sponge as it helps in increasing humidity.People often treat them carelessly and might hurt them. You should always keep a hermit crab on a soft surface so that it does not get injured.How do I keep my hermit crab healthy?Hermit crabs require a lot of care, so be patient and gain a good amount of knowledge before owning one because carelessness might make it hard for them to survive. They are ocean as well as terrestrial dwellers and can survive when given proper attention and facilities. There are many ways in which you can keep your hermit crab healthy.Provide your pet a large tank area to live in with a good amount of soil flooring, a sea sponge, and some rocks for them to climb. Hermits like a fairly hot temperature and humidity to survive, so keep that in mind.Give fresh vegetables and fruits to your pet to eat. Cuttlebone (for calcium), coconut, pellets, nuts, and cereals will help them stay healthy.Keep a sufficient amount of fresh and seawater in clean bowls for them to drink and bathe and also to moisten their shell and gills.Avoid disturbing them while they are molting because it might stress them out, which can affect their health.Ensure that they don’t feel lonely; either play with them or introduce more crabs for some company.Make sure to take them for routine checkups to ensure that they are healthy.How To Make Your Hermit Crab Live For A Long TimePeople buy hermit crabs from beach shops as disposable pets and often think they can only live for about 1-2 weeks, but there are pet owners whose crabs live for more than 30 years.If you give the right amount of care and attention to your pet, it can live a healthy life for a long period.Give it sufficient food and water, a warm and clean space, and enough care; your pet will live for a long time.You must keep your pet crab in a stress-free environment, in a glass tank to maintain humidity and keep all the essentials like sand substrate to molt, sea sponge for humidity, rocks (as they climb onto them), extra shells for when they want to spare the old shell and clean the tank from time to time.Hold your pet with care and put them onto a soft surface, lift them carefully, and do not let them fall on any hard surface as their shell might break and it may get hurt.You should not interrupt them while they are molting, as it may take a few weeks to months, and they will shed their exoskeleton. Leave them as they are and let them feed on it as it is a good source of calcium.Give them fresh vegetables, fruits, breads, cereals, also keep a bowl of fresh water and seawater.Clean their living space to protect them from any mites or mold infestation, and also change the substrate, rocks, sponge, and water bowls to avoid a pest breakout.Use disinfectant before and after touching your pet as you might infect them or it might infect you. Take precautionary measures.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘How long do hermit crabs live?’ then why not take a look at ‘Types of crabs’, or ‘Hermit crab facts’?

There is a lot of discussion about how long hermit crabs live and whether they survive for a long time in the wild or captivity.