While some dog breeds have a gestation period of 60 days, others can have a gestation period of over 70 days, Dalmations have a gestation period of around 90 days.Female dogs begin their pregnancies with their first heat cycle. Some breeds of female dogs can have as many as three heat cycles a year, though most average around two cycles per year.The due date of a dog is approximately two weeks before the projected whelping date. Pregnancy in dogs lasts an average of nine weeks with the whelping taking place at the end of that time. The labor begins with the onset of contractions, while not painful for the mother they are often accompanied by restlessness, panting, and whimpering.The first pup is born soon after contractions start. Pups are usually born within an hour of each other, although some litters have multiple births at once, giving birth to up to four puppies in one litter. The litter size is an average of five to six puppies, but small and large breeds may have larger litter sizes. Pregnancy itself is not dangerous for the dog though there are risks that come with the later stages of pregnancy such as dystocia, or difficult labor. When a dog is pregnant, it will undergo many changes to its body, especially noticeable in the mammary glands where milk is produced for nursing after birth. Pregnancy for a mother dog comes with the risk of the female dog not taking care of herself.Pregnancy can result in a lack of appetite, which can be dangerous if she does not take in enough calories to sustain the pups that are growing inside of her. Pregnant dogs should also receive special care. Making sure they are healthy and getting all of their necessary shots, as well as boosting the immune system with extra nutrients. Pregnancy is a natural process that all dogs go through. Pregnant mothers should be monitored for any signs of complications, labor and delivery must be monitored carefully. Always consult a veterinarian before breeding your dog if you are unsure about the possible risks or complications. X-ray and blood tests should be performed during the pregnancy. The number of puppies is easily determined as soon as the first puppy is born. Many puppies in a single litter do not have the same father, so their features may be drastically different.After reading all about the life of a pregnant dog and the duration of a dog’s pregnancy, you must also read about when do dogs stop growing and what to do when your dog is in heat?Are all dog breeds pregnant for the same amount of time?Some small dog breeds, such as Poodles and Pomeranians may go into a heat cycle every few months. Dogs who are spayed early, before their first heat cycle, will go into heat less frequently.Pregnancy for small breeds can extend for around two to three months. Labor begins in small breed dogs within two to three hours time and lasts for around 30 min. The pregnancy of small breeds with a short gestation period is labored by contractions which become more frequent and longer in duration. Pregnant dogs must be provided with the best possible nutrition, their caloric intake should increase by 20%, increasing protein and calcium while reducing carbohydrates.The due date for larger breeds with longer gestation periods can extend up to 70 days. Pregnancy in large breeds lasts for around nine weeks with pups being born after the onset of labor. Labor for larger breed dogs with a long gestation period will last four hours time which is shorter than small breeds. Pregnancy in large dog breeds is labored by contractions which are more frequent and closer together. Pregnant dogs of large breeds should receive the best possible nutrition.There are some breeds such as Dalmatians who have a longer gestation period of up to 90 days.What are the first signs of pregnancy in a dog?The first sign of pregnancy in dogs is usually an enlarged abdomen which may come as early as four weeks or as late as 12 weeks before the birth of her pups. During this time, her belly will grow in size so plan accordingly if you think your dog may be pregnant. She’ll also start looking for a place to give birth that she has privacy with because dogs don’t like being around strangers when giving birth or nursing their young. Pregnancy symptoms in dogs can be easily detected.Pregnancy symptoms in dogs include the development of mammary glands and nipples, weight gain, and growth of the uterus in size. Pregnancy symptoms also include a swollen abdomen and a thickening of the uterine wall. It is important to detect signs of pregnancy early so that your dog receives proper prenatal care throughout her pregnancy.The first thing most dogs do is eat less than usual and become very sleepy during their pregnancy stages, perhaps even sleeping more than 18 hr per day. During this time, mother dogs spend most of their time taking care of themselves though she’ll still make sure to spend the proper amount of time with her human family members. Lack of appetite, sleeping more than usual, and her mammary glands becoming enlarged are all early signs of pregnancy in dogs.The swellings on her mammary glands will become very noticeable now as well because her teats (the structure that contains the nipples) fill with milk over time to prepare for nursing pups. She’ll also begin gaining weight around this time which is natural if you aren’t feeding her extra food per day. Your dog may start eating your shoes or destroying your furniture too around this time because she’s looking for a place to give birth where nothing will be in the way. If she has already chosen a spot, then you’re lucky because now is when it begins getting harder on not just your pup but also you.Stages Of Puppy PregnancyPup pregnancy stages start with your pet female dog going into heat. Around this time the dog is sexually receptive and this period usually only lasts a few days. Female dogs in heat will often attract a lot of male dogs so be careful when going out with her.Stage 1.  Pregnancy begins when a pregnant dog’s egg released during estrus or heat gets fertilized by a male canine who just mated with her. Stage 2.  The mating process is completed when the fertilized eggs implant themselves in the mother’s uterus. Most dogs have a gestation period lasting anywhere from 58 to 68 days on average. During this stage, X-ray or a blood test may be conducted to ascertain the health of the pregnant female dog.Stage 3. Morning sickness and weight gain are common during their pregnancy cycle. Dog pregnancy ends with the birth of the puppies. Your female dog will give birth to her litter of puppies after the gestation period is completed after the breeding.After the litter is born, mother dogs spend most of their time taking care of the puppies and feeding them food. Though she’ll still make sure to spend the proper amount of time with her human family members.How long do dogs nurse their puppies after birth?Female dogs nurse their puppies for anywhere from four weeks to eight weeks on average. These female pet dogs nurse their puppies for this entire time, making sure that each one is well-fed and cared for.Pregnancy weeks 9-10 take place during these stages of puppy pregnancy. Nursing puppies is an important part of allowing them to bond with their mother. During the nursing period, puppies learn important behaviors like bite inhibition, where to go potty, and how to be socialized with other dogs. These pet dogs also learn to avoid danger and become more independent as they grow and begin to explore outside of their den. Give her enough food to compensate for the food she is not eating herself.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how long do dogs carry puppies then why not take a look at how long do Dobermans live, or Catahoula bulldog facts.

While some dog breeds have a gestation period of 60 days, others can have a gestation period of over 70 days, Dalmations have a gestation period of around 90 days.