Snakes are rather infamous for their tendency of killing people.However, this hardly changes the fact that there are many people who adore these reptiles. One of these reptile species is the ball python!This popular pet is not only easy to take care of and keep but is also friendly. Ball pythons love some occasional handling by their favorite humans and reciprocate the affection adequately. Moreover, ball pythons can’t kill you! Read ahead to learn many facts about this fascinating reptile species!If your enjoyed this article, why not also check out are ball pythons dangerous and how often do ball pythons shed.How long do ball pythons live as pets?Ball pythons (Python regius) are popular with people who like to have snakes and other reptiles as pets. A ball python is also a great option for anyone who is adopting a snake for the first time since these reptiles are rather hardy creatures and are capable of being healthy with the least amount of amenities and attention. Ball pythons also live exceptionally well in captivity and are also said to be more healthy when kept as a pet or in a zoo, as compared to wild ball pythons. This reptile, when raised and grown in captivity, can live to be around 20 to 30 years old. Hence, people who are thinking of having a ball python as a new pet should be prepared to take care of the animal for years and years.A ball python can live to reach its maximum lifespan in captivity only if proper care is taken and if the feeding schedule is maintained thoroughly. Ball pythons are sensitive towards temperature and humidity, and hence, these factors play a huge role when it comes to the health and overall well-being of your pets. Since their native habitat is understood to be in Central and Western Africa, ball pythons usually like temperatures to be quite warm. Additionally, pythons are cold-blooded animals. Since they are incapable of producing their own warmth, they depend on external sources such as the sun when in the wild, and heaters when kept as pets. Hence, if the temperature of the enclosure in which your dearest juvenile or adult ball python is kept is not regulated properly, the reptile is sure to suffer greatly and die at an early age. There are also a number of diseases that affect ball pythons, hence, if these health issues are avoided skillfully, pet owners are sure to be able to enjoy the company of these rather amiable creatures for longer periods of time!Another reason why this species of reptiles or snakes is a popular pet is its length. The size of an average ball python is only around 4-5 ft (1.2-1.5 m), which allows pet parents to be able to handle the animal rather easily. Adult ball pythons are also known to be quite shy and friendly. Hence, the fact that these animals would let their favorite humans handle them without any hissing or stress is also something that has encouraged tons of people towards adopting a snake of the species!To add to the list of features and characteristics that make these snakes a popular pet to have in the household, the enclosures of these reptiles do not have to be elaborate or fancy. An adult snake of the species prefers small enclosures rather than large ones. Large enclosures often cause stress tp the animal and may affect the snake’s life and mental health.Do ball pythons die easily?Ball pythons are rather hardy snakes and can be healthy through an array of unfavorable conditions as well. Even if their cage or enclosure isn’t kept well for a couple of weeks, ball pythons are sure to pull through the inconvenience. Although, pet parents often report stress in their pets when the housekeeping hasn’t been running at a normal pace.Additionally, these reptiles only eat during certain times of the year. There are many adult and juvenile ball pythons that almost completely refuse to eat any food when the winter season rolls in. However, veterinarians and pet enthusiasts often recommend that owners feed their snakes even during the winter season so that the animal gets familiar with the idea that food will always be around when they are ready for it. This allows the snakes to be able to recover from their ‘hunger-strike’ phase rather quickly and gives fewer things for the pet owner to worry about!It is also obvious that since ball pythons when in captivity, do not have to look for prey; they are also saved from vicious attacks from animals. These snakes are often attacked and harmed by the rodents that they treat as prey, and hence, the fact that you will be supplying your ball python with food and water throughout its life is rather nice!Do female ball pythons live for longer?There is no research or evidence that would suggest that the lifespan of a ball python is affected by its sex. Male ball pythons live just as long as their female counterparts if they are provided proper prey in the form of appropriately sized rodents, and if the cage in which these reptiles live is kept clean.While the male and female ball pythons are hardly separated through their life spans, the females are commonly found to be longer than the males. This difference in terms of the length of the body also serves as a factor that is used in distinguishing females from males. The average lifespan of both the males and the females of this reptile species is estimated to be of around 20-30 years. This means that people who adopt ball pythons should be ready to commit to their snake’s feeding and upkeeping for quite a long period of time!Do wild ball pythons live longer than captive ones?These natives of Central and Western Africa are likely to live longer in captivity since their natural habitat doesn’t always provide the right amounts of heat and food. Ball pythons that live in a cage are supplied with all their needs without any questions and hence, the toil and turmoil of having to live in the extremely strenuous conditions of the wild are negated completely.A wild ball python’s age reaches to around 10 years at most since there is no proper cage or enclosure that protects these animals from harm. In the wild, these pythons are also threatened by predatory birds and animals. Since captivity eliminates such possibilities and opens the doors for these animals to only be loved and cared for thoroughly by their human friends, therefore making sure that the average ball python lives longer as a pet!Factor That Affects LifespanThere are a number of factors that contribute to the lifespan of a ball python. Female and male ball pythons often live longer when they are given proper amounts of care and nutrition. On the other hand, the ball pythons that live in the wild die younger due to predators and unhealthy temperature ranges. In Africa, ball pythons are also faced with extremely dry weather and the lack of humidity severely damages their bodies.The feeding pattern is also a major factor when it comes to the lifespan of a ball python. If not given the right amounts of nutrition at the correct time, they start feeding on their own tail - which can prove to be quite fatal. When in a cage or enclosure, they not only feed on the correct kind of prey but are also taken care of in terms of any health conditions. Noticing symptoms of ill health is much easier in the case of a ball python as opposed to the ones that live in the wild since they usually hide during any strenuous conditions. Hence, it becomes impossible for forest officials to be able to get proper healthcare for the snakes when they most need it, and these reptiles end up dying without any medical help.When kept as a pet, pet parents always maintain a keen eye on the animal and make sure to rush it to the veterinarian in case of any problematic behavior. Hence, with the abundance of care and medical supervision, ball pythons are likely to survive longer in captivity. While many people may think it unfair to be keeping a reptile in a cage, in some cases such as in the case of ball pythons, a cage actually does them more good than the natural habitat does!Caring For Your Ball PythonIf you are thinking of adopting a snake for the first time and are wondering about the things that you should be aware of before bringing a new family member home, there are a few tips and tricks that will help you out in making an informed decision. The best part about these pythons is that you only have to feed them once a week! Ball pythons should be fed pre-killed rodents of appropriate size. When we say appropriate size, the basic connotation is that the body of the rodent should be just as big as the largest circumference to which your pet ball python has grown. Larger rodents are a choking hazard and would be difficult for your pet snake to digest since they are not familiar with the human practice of chewing food before eating. Ball pythons can also feed on thawed or frozen rodents. However, live prey should never be given to these pythons. If you are confused as to why these reptiles should be able to find and kill their own prey in their natural habitat but would be harmed by a rodent in its cage, the simple reason is that the size of the cage is often small and does not even compare to the expanse of the forests and fields that the native habitat consists of. Hence, your pet will be unable to slither away from a sticky situation if an unfortunate turn of events begins to unfold.Another factor that you should be looking after is that the humidity levels of the cage have to be monitored thoroughly. While ball pythons dislike low humidity levels, their body also undergoes severe problems when the humidity is too high. Having a hygrometer installed in your ball python’s cage could be a great idea when it comes to the regulation of humidity levels.In addition to the humidity levels and the ball python’s feeding schedule, care also has to be taken regarding the temperature of the cage. Ball pythons dislike too much heat but would suffer greatly if the cage is not warm enough. Hence, in addition to a hygrometer, the installation of a thermometer could also be a great idea. These snakes may start chewing at their own tails when the temperature is too high since they become rather disoriented in such conditions. Make sure that your pet snake’s cage has a basking spot for it to sunbathe in, and also a water dish to maintain the humidity levels!The last thing to take care of would be that your pet has a spot to hide in, inside its cage. If all these factors are met and the cage is kept clean, your pet will have a long life!Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how long do ball pythons live then why not take a look at how long can a ball python go without eating, or python facts.

Snakes are rather infamous for their tendency of killing people.