The ape is a near cousin of humans and is one of the most commonly found mammals around the globe.It is the ancestor of modern humans as we know it. In fact, human DNA shares about 98% of its DNA with apes, virtually making us near apes.There are several categories of apes that exist. We humans are a form of ape, but we now look at the non-human aspect of our primate cousins. The relationship of humans and apes is one that transcends generations and has been a large part of studies carried out by researchers over decades of work. The non-human classification of apes is further subdivided into two groups: great apes and lesser apes. Great apes include gorillas, bonobos, orangutans and chimpanzees, whilst lesser apes are gibbons and siamangs.A common misconception is that apes and monkeys are practically the same thing, which is largely false. It is the understanding of researchers from years of study that apes, greater apes specifically, are highly intelligent. They are capable of understanding and learning languages, given their larger brains. However, they are grouped under the umbrella of primates, a category which also includes humans. It is a primate that is native to Africa and Southeast Asia.The last three decades have seen a lot of damaged caused to ape numbers, and have drastically changed the way apes live in the wild. There has been a significant anthropogenic impact that sees a new picture being painted in the way we deal with this problem, bringing up creative solutions such as zoo communities and relocation programmes. Monkeys have also been kept as pets and have been accessible through the means of breeders sanctioned by the government. However, they require excessive attention from their respective owners and this may become tiresome after a while.If you enjoy reading articles such as this one, why not check out these fun articles about how long do deer live and how long do crocodiles live here on Kidadl.The Average Lifespan Of An ApeThere is no average age of an ape as there are several different specific apes.They differ depending on circumstances such as where the ape lives, meaning in the wild or in captivity. Additionally, it is observed that in terms of age, chimpanzee longevity reigns supreme. Among greater apes, captive and wild chimpanzees have been seen to have life expectancies of 45-50 years, although this is just an average and chimpanzees live past this age. The bonobo has a slightly longer average lifespan of 40 years. The orangutan however has a larger range that it falls in, between 35-45 years. This brings us to the gorilla. This greater ape has a lower average life expectancy of 35-40 years.For a chimp, the average life expectancy for a males is 41.5 and for females is 39.2. The lower average life expectancy is due to the high infant mortality rate, meaning one in every five chimps born dies before reaching their first birthday. The life expectancy of a chimpanzee is much lower if it is calculated from birth, instead of when chimpanzees reach adulthood.What is the longest-living ape?The oldest living ape, that would have to be a human by the name Jeanne Calment at the age of 122!The oldest living great ape in the world was a female chimpanzee by the name Little Mama. She was the oldest chimpanzee to ever live, and died at 79. She was born before World War II ever took place. As we discussed before, the chimpanzee, in the family of great apes, is the species that has the greatest life expectancy. Little Mama lived in captivity in a zoo in Florida, where she arrived in the ’60s. She was also visited by Jane Goodall, one of the most significant anthropologists of our time, not only once but on two separate occasions. How long do apes live in captivity?It is no secret that apes live longer in captivity. The fact of the matter is that captive chimps are seen to live longer than those in the wild. Captive chimps tend to have a life expectancy of 60 years. An ape’s lifespan in captivity is a commendable result of large scale projects by governments and environmentalists.Captive chimpanzees live under human care and they can be seen to be thriving. The role that we play in extending a chimp’s age has a significant impact on the overall population as chimpanzees, the most populous greater ape species, have seen their numbers dwindle, with the largest groups based in Africa seeing their numbers falling.Chimps in captivity are also protected from being abused by researchers through a series of government regulations such as permits. This ensures that researchers do all of their work while maintaining the care of any ape involved. Prior studies made by anthropologists, such as Jane Goodall, have helped a lot in our understanding of chimps due to the amount of information scientists have gathered so far. The database spanning from over a 100 years keeps growing, helping us help future generations of primates. Additionally, in an added effort to prevent abuse from breeders, the government ensures that the studbooks shared with proper authorities are accurate and that captive chimpanzees are treated fairly.How long do apes live in the wild?Apes have been seen to age up to 35-40 years, but this number keeps differing based on the area and several other problems. It is still considerably lower than when kept in captivity. An ape’s lifespan in the wild is lower, at 40-50 years of age.Wild chimpanzees face more threats such as the destruction of their natural habitat, the jungle, due to human expansion. It drastically reduces their life expectancy. These primates have a life expectancy of only 15 years at birth for both males and females. Chimps lead lives that are dangerous and are a species that is endangered.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how long do apes live then why not take a look at how long do eagles live or how do birds fly.

The ape is a near cousin of humans and is one of the most commonly found mammals around the globe.