Bearded dragons are great pets for beginners, and are generally very easy to care for.As a new beardie owner, you must be wondering how long bearded dragons can go without food at a time. How long can they survive without eating until it causes health issues?Bearded dragons start their lives as small, ravenous creatures, with their appetites slowly decreasing over time as they grow up. Bearded dragons can live for around 10 years if cared for properly, which includes keeping a close eye on their diet. Bearded dragons usually do not starve themselves unless something is seriously wrong, so if your pet dragon is not eating for any reason then it may be a cause for concern. It is important to know how many times a day to feed a bearded dragon and what to do if an adult bearded dragon stops eating.How many days can a beardie go without eating?Bearded dragons can go for extended periods of time without eating, depending on their age.Adult bearded dragons are usually fed once every two to three days, which is more than what they need to survive. As a result, they may put on some extra weight, which can help them go for eight weeks or longer without food. However, this is not recommended as completed safe. On the other hand, baby bearded dragons should be fed every day without fail, as their growing bodies and fast metabolism make quick work of any food they are given. Babies also eat more than adults on average, so skipping meals can lead to them being extremely hungry, so it is not recommended. Juveniles should be fed every day, and the number of times they are fed each day begins to decline after they turn one year old.Bearded dragons can also refuse food if they do not feel like eating. Being cold-blooded creatures, bearded dragons require heating lamps in their enclosures to stimulate their digestive systems enough for them to generate energy. If a heating lamp is not functioning properly enough or not giving off enough heat, then bearded dragons may stop eating. Low temperature can cause problems in digesting food, which can also lead to them developing weaker immune systems. Because of this, it is recommended to feed beardies in the afternoon, once their systems warm up by soaking in a few hours of sunlight, as they will be able to better digest their food.They also tend to eat less in the winter, as they go into a dormant state called brumation. During this time, they decrease their levels of physical activity in order to conserve energy and keep themselves warm during the colder months. This also helps increase their chances of successfully breeding in the future. However, some bearded dragons may not brumate as the light and heating in their enclosures remain constant all year round, so it is recommended to move their enclosures to a shady spot during this period to encourage them to sleep. If a pet bearded dragon is brumating, it can last a few months without a full meal, but will still require water. Give it small snacks every week so it can keep its energy levels up.Bearded dragons may also go without food if they are scared or stressed out. The presence of another, aggressive pet in the household like a loud dog or curious cat may scare them, leaving them unable to eat or digest their food properly. In this case, move the enclosure to a quiet, sunny spot where the other pets are unable to reach it.A bearded dragon pet may also refuse to eat if it is sharing its space with another bearded dragon. It is not recommended to keep two of these reptiles together, as they have territory issues. Usually, one dragon tries to assert dominance over the other, causing stress to the other beardie and making it lose its appetite. The shared basking space may also be hogged by one dragon, leaving the other one unable to digest its food properly. Make sure a bearded dragon’s enclosure is simple and free of too many accessories, as well as the space around it. Placing objects like soft toys or dolls near it may scare this reptile and make it think that a predator is present nearby. The reptile will not move due to the fear of being caught, causing it to slowly starve to death.A bearded dragon can go without food in protest if its diet is suddenly changed or it does not like what it is being given. It is not recommended to suddenly change its diet, as any new food can cause it health issues and stress. An owner should feed a bearded dragon high-quality, protein-rich food. This reptile must be fed on a mixture of crickets, mealworms, and greens.Too many greens, like lettuce, can cause these reptiles to have stomach problems such as diarrhea or nausea because of the high water content and low nutritional value. Always buy crickets from a reputed pet store, as improperly bred ones can contain parasites or bacteria which can make a beardie sick. Feeding a pet beardie a good quality, nutrient-rich diet will make sure it is healthy. A healthy bearded dragon is less likely to stop eating out of the blue. This reptile can also be fed fruit like bananas and apples, but only once or twice a month.Do bearded dragons eat every day?Being reptiles, bearded dragons have extremely slow metabolisms and are able to live on their energy reserves for long periods of time without being fed.Fully grown beardies can survive for up to eight weeks without being fed, meaning that if you are planning on going on vacation, you can leave these reptiles alone for a few weeks with enough food and water reserves! However, this option is only viable if a bearded dragon has some extra weight which it can use once it has stopped eating food.On the other hand, it is very important to feed baby bearded dragons at least once every day. As they are still growing, they have larger calorific needs than adult bearded dragons. The amount of crickets they eat per meal is astounding because baby beardies can eat 30-60 insects in a single mealtime! As they become older, the number of crickets they eat per sitting gradually decreases up to the point where they have to be fed once every couple of days. They may not finish their meals either, as their appetites greatly decrease over time. Overfeeding bearded dragons is not really an issue because these reptiles automatically stop eating when they are full. It is important that the insects they are fed it are high quality and dusted with calcium and multivitamin powder so that they remain healthy and alert.Similarly, beardies will not starve themselves to death either, unless the temperature is consistently low or there is some other serious issue. If a food source is readily available, then it is highly unlikely that a healthy reptile will ignore it.What happens if a bearded dragon does not eat for a day?Although it is recommended to feed bearded dragons every day, skipping a day or two in the feeding regime will not a big impact on them. Adult bearded dragons usually eat once every two to three days regardless, so they are used to such large gaps between meals.The only time you should feed beardies more is if they exhibit signs of them being hungry for any reason. They might be experiencing fluctuations in their metabolism, which may cause them to crave more food than usual. Otherwise, leaving them without food for a couple of days is entirely safe.How do I know if a bearded dragon is hungry?Bearded dragons can survive for long periods of time without being fed, however they still need nutrition for energy, and will eventually become hungry at some point. Here are some signs to look out for that a bearded dragon is getting hungry.If an owner leaves a bearded dragon without food for a long period of time, it may be able to sustain itself for an extended amount of time on its energy reserves. It is a reptile so this creature also has a slow metabolism. However, if you notice your pet is becoming too thin or appearing lethargic, it may be losing weight because of the lack of food. This means that it is time to feed it, otherwise its health could be affected.If a bearded dragon begins to eat rotting leftovers in its enclosure or starts gnawing on any leaves present in its surroundings, then it is hungry and in need of food. Bearded dragons usually do not eat the leaves of plants, preferring to lie in the shade or hide among them. If these reptiles suddenly start eating leaves, then it is a sign that they should be fed something.If a healthy bearded dragon seems to be more aggressive than usual and it is not eating a lot, then its negative emotions could be a sign of extreme hunger. This animal may engage in destructive behavior inside its enclosure or try to nip or bite anyone who comes close to it, mistaking a person’s fingers for tasty tidbits. A bearded dragon that is constantly staring at its feeding dish or at any food outside the enclosure then is hungry and craving food. If you see it suddenly becoming alert at the sight of food in your hands, or its eyes following it wherever it goes, then it is time to serve it food of its own.Their body language and general behavior can also convey their emotions, Bearded dragons tend to bob their heads from side to side if they are feeling territorial or aggressive, which may be the case if they are feeling ravenous. Extreme hunger can bring out negative emotions in your pet, and them exhibiting such behavior is a sign that they should be fed immediately.

Bearded dragons are great pets for beginners, and are generally very easy to care for.