If you are a cat owner, you know how demanding this pet’s feeding needs are!Cats have extremely sensitive stomachs and are quite picky when it comes to food. They constantly need food to keep their energy levels up, as their livers cannot store excess fat without developing diseases like hepatic lipidosis.What does it mean if a cat suddenly stops eating? Does it simply mean that your cat is not hungry, or are there some underlying conditions that may be causing a lack of appetite? The main reason a cat is not eating is that it is most likely sick. When cats are sick, they tend to avoid food until they feel better again, or they starve to death. Appetite loss may also occur due to stress, toothache, or other health issues. However, a cat should never go 24 hours without eating, or its health will start to rapidly deteriorate. It is important to know why a cat is not touching its food and how to get this animal to eat again.How long can cats survive without water?Water is probably more important to a cat than food is. Even if a cat loses its appetite and does not eat for a day or two, it will be fine as long as it is able to drink water. A cat may stop eating temporarily which may lead to concerns about an upset stomach, however, it is when your cat stops drinking water entirely that you should be concerned and take it to the vet. Anything over 24 hours is a cause for concern.If a cat stops drinking water, it will become dehydrated which will affect its internal organs. The water a cat ingests helps to promote proper blood flow around its body, so reducing the water intake can affect the circulation of blood around the body, causing major damage to the internal organs.If a cat is sick, make sure that it drinks an adequate amount of water. Illnesses like a fever or stomach upsets cause an increased need to hydrate, as the body often loses a lot of water content due to vomiting and diarrhea. They purge the toxins in the body as well as the existing stores of water. If a cat does not take in enough water to replace what is lost during this period, then it can cause dehydration.If you think that a cat may be dehydrated, check by gently pulling on the skin at the back of its neck. The skin should ideally be elastic and immediately fall back into place. However, a dehydrated cat’s skin will take much longer to fall back into place, having lost some of its elasticity due to water loss. If this is the case, make sure to get this cat some water to drink immediately.Keeping a cat without water for too long is extremely dangerous. Without water, a cat could die in a matter of a few days. A number of dangerous health issues can be caused by dehydration in cats and these can slowly deteriorate their health from the inside. The biggest cause for concern is complete kidney failure, which can happen when an adequate blood supply is unable to reach the kidneys. However, in the case of acute renal failure, it can be reversed if you identify the signs early and take your pet to the vet as soon as possible so that dialysis can be performed. If a cat is sick and not consuming enough water, there are chances of it developing kidney problems as the low blood supply puts added pressure on the kidneys, which are then unable to remove toxins from the body properly.If the problem is not dealt with, it may also affect your cat’s body in other ways including the heart. Due to dehydration, a cat’s heart may start beating faster and this animal’s breathing may become laborious. This can cause heart failure. This is especially difficult for older cats, which already have weaker hearts.How long can a cat go without food?A cat can usually survive for about one to two weeks without eating, but only if it has access to water. Without water, a cat would only be able to survive for three to four days. Unlike humans who have reserves of fat that are able to sustain them in case of food scarcity, a cat’s liver is not built to store large amounts of energy for later.Due to this, protein is an extremely important part of a cat’s diet. Without protein, even if the cat is drinking water regularly, it will most likely die in a few days due to the lack of energy. Without energy provided by food, a cat has no fat reserves to rely on, causing its organs to rapidly deteriorate and shut down. This condition is called hepatic lipidosis and occurs when the liver is not able to get rid of excess fatty deposits.Why is a cat not eating or drinking?There is a serious issue if a cat has not eaten or drunk anything in 24 hours. A cat needs a constant supply of food to fuel its body, otherwise, it shuts down due to a lack of energy. If a cat runs out of energy reserves, the body will start to attack the liver.A cat should ideally eat twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Owners should feed a cat a mixture of both dry and wet food. Wet food has a higher protein content, which is vital for a cat’s health. Cats are always actively looking for something to eat, which is why it is recommended to lay out all their food for the day before you leave the house. They may even finish all of it in one go! If you notice that your cat’s eating patterns have changed or has stopped eating entirely, then there must be an underlying health concern.It is quite difficult to notice that a cat is unwell at first, as this animal has evolved to not show weakness against predators as a form of defense. Usually, the only way to find out if this is the case is to track its feeding habits. If you notice that a cat suddenly stops eating, it may be a sign that it is sick. Illnesses can affect a cat’s ability to eat and enjoy food, as it often depletes its energy and causes it pain, which makes a cat unable to eat. If this animal shows other symptoms like nausea, lethargy, or fever, then the owner must take the cat to the vet immediately so that it can be treated and its appetite returns to normal.Cats can also be quite picky about their food! If they get bored eating the same food every day, or don’t enjoy the flavor of what they are served, they will simply not eat it. Try switching up your cat’s meals and incorporate different types of wet and dry foods which will keep them interested. Like dogs, cats are also very susceptible to dental problems. If they are suffering from toothache or inflamed gums, it may cause them a lot of pain while eating, in which case they choose not to eat at all. Other reasons cats may lose their appetite is because of outside factors causing them stress, like new surroundings, a new pet in the house, or being cooped up too much. This can also be caused as a side effect of a medication they are on or a vaccination they have been given recently.What to do if a cat is not eating?If you notice that a cat has not eaten or drunk anything in the last 24 hours, then you should take it to a veterinary doctor immediately.Cats need to eat constantly, so it is recommended that every cat owner observe and take notice of their pet’s eating habits, as they are very likely to stick to the same patterns. Owners can take note when their cat is not eating or drinking as it normally should be.The problem with cats is that they are prone to unknowingly starve themselves to death if they are sick or suffering from dehydration. It is very important for owners to check their health, as they cannot survive without eating for far too long.There are a few ways to encourage your cat into eating food if it stops eating. Try offering it its favorite treats. Smelling the delicious treat may entice it into taking a bite, bringing its appetite back.Cats can be very picky about their food, and even about what they drink! Some cats may not like it if their food bowls are too close to their water bowls, so keeping them farther apart may convince your pet into eating again. Some cats do not drink tap water either, filling their bowls with bottled water may help.Try giving your cat small portions of baby food if you notice that they are not eating, or losing weight. The soft, bland food may soothe it if your pet is sick or suffering from an upset stomach. Human treats like bacon, turkey, or strong-smelling fish like tuna may just be enough to entice them into eating again. The fatty meats also contain a lot of protein, which will help their energy levels shoot up and make them feel like their old selves again.Try hand feeding your pet, or encourage them into eating by using encouraging praises. If nothing in their diet seems to satisfy them, open a few different varieties of canned food and set them in front of your pet. Hopefully, they will be attracted to one of the many flavors of cat food and start eating again. If everything else fails, make an appointment with a vet immediately as the cat may require immediate medical attention.

If you are a cat owner, you know how demanding this pet’s feeding needs are!