The real purpose of a male spider is to impregnate as many female spiders as they can, however, before this, the real target is to find a female to mate with.Spider sex is bizarre as some species resort to violent means after the copulation and others just go their separate ways after reproduction. Most spider species are solitary creatures and the first task at hand for a male spider is to find a suitable mature female spider before other males in the area.There are three steps for successful reproduction; finding the mate, successfully mating, and the female laying and protecting the eggs. When male spiders become mature, a sperm web is made. The sperm web is made of a few support strands of web and consists of a triangle of tight webs on one edge. The male spiders place the genitals in the abdomen against the triangle and release a drop of sperm on it. The second pair of appendages called pedipalps (which work to hold sperm and act as a reproductive organ) is then dropped into the sperm. This helps the pedipalps absorb some of the sperm. Jumping spiders are known to use visual cues to recognize mates.Some female spider species lay the eggs in a silk retreat and then stretch a few strands of silk over the eggs. Other species make a cocoon or sac to protect the eggs. The orb-web spider dies before winter comes and the eggs hatch. The eggs actually hatch the following spring or early summer. Wolf spiders stay alive to see their eggs hatch. Wolf spiders are known to make a cocoon for the eggs and carry them around.If you enjoyed this article, why not also read facts that answer are insects animals and are ladybugs poisonous here on Kidadl?Do spiders mate for life?It depends on the species of a spider, as many female spider species choose to eat their male counterparts, while others will stay together even after mating.Pedipalps in males are evolved to transfer sperm into female reproductive organs and this genital is usually broken during the mating rituals. The genital stays inside the female’s organ, blocking any other males from trying to mate. Male spiders are known for mating twice in their lives and if alive after the first one, choose the same female or another one next season.Can spiders of different species still mate?It is possible that different species still mate, as seen in many species of spiders. As an example, male jumping spiders show courtship to any female spiders available nearby. The courtship dance with the flailing of limbs and complex vibrations is done to attract the female spider.However, many spider species are not compatible to mate with other species. All spider species reproduce differently with slightly different reproductive organs. Reproduction among species does happen but it tends to happen between closely related species. It is not very common in the world in the wild, however, this sexual interbreeding can be seen in captive-bred spiders.When do spiders mate and when do the eggs hatch?Let’s learn more about reproduction between spiders. There are many different species of spiders and the breeding technique is different in many of them. Some mates are eaten, while some live a happy life together.Wolf spiders and jumping spiders wave their palps when encountered by a female. Male redback spiders fight with others to get a chance to mate with a single female. There are some male and female spider species that don’t reproduce by the usual sexual methods, whereas in some species the traditional genital organ, called palps, are used to deposit the sperm onto the underside of the abdomen in females. Some even break the palp in the female’s organ so that other males cannot deposit their sperm. In some species, a male’s jaw and legs are used to immobilize the jaws of the female during mating. Even the courtship is different in different species. In certain species, the female kills and completely eats the males as food, but it varies in species.The black widow spider kills the male and the male’s body is eaten after copulation. In a species of orb-web spiders, the female eats the body of the male while mating. The female spider’s receptacles near the ovaries store the sperm from the males. Once the females are ready, they will use the sperm to fertilize the eggs. After mating, a female deposits the eggs in a cocoon. It is well protected by the females. As the female spider deposits her eggs, some species even carry the cocoon with them on their trips. Eggs usually hatch in three to four weeks, depending on the species.A female’s web silk contains pheromones which help the male know if the female is a virgin.Why do female spiders eat their mate?It is pretty normal for a spider to resort to cannibalism as many species eat their partner after mating. There are also other species where male and female spiders stay in the same web after spider sex is complete.There is a common myth that all females eat their males in reproduction. This is not true as only a few species are known to do that. Males are expendable for them and after mating, the females catch the males as prey and eat them. They get quite hungry after the mating and take the small male spiders as food. In some species, males are eaten during copulation and still, the males keep on inseminating the females to deposit the sperm.Some spiders eat their young after being born. It is the classic tale of survival of the fittest!Can redback spiders mate without males?Redback spiders need males to reproduce sexually and produce young.Female redback spiders tend to eat their male counterparts. However, it has been found that males have established a way to stay alive. Males inseminate immature females who do not eat them and the males can copulate again after surviving the first round. Females in this instance cannot produce babies right away. The sperm is usually stored in the female spider’s storage organs and when it matures, the spider fertilizes the eggs.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how do spiders mate then why not take a look at are millipedes dangerous or Recluse Spider Facts.

The real purpose of a male spider is to impregnate as many female spiders as they can, however, before this, the real target is to find a female to mate with.