Clams is the term used for mollusks that are edible.Clams are not a single species. It is the common name for a variety of bivalve mollusks.Clams are beautiful creatures, but mobility is not their strong suit. So how does this immobile shell partake in the act of reproduction with its limitation? Before we answer the primary question of their reproductions let’s learn more about the clam. The anatomy of a clam, as you may know, consists of two shells that are connected by a pair of abductor’s muscles. Clams are more complex than one may assume at the surface. Clams have a kidney, heart, stomach, mouth, and even a nervous system. Albeit, these organs are more rudimentary than those of mammals or even fishes. Clamshells are generally about 1-2 in (2.5-5.1 cm) across. The gills of clam are great filters that remove oxygen as well as pick up stray food particles. Keep on reading to learn more about the life of calms and how they reproduce.If you enjoy reading this article, be sure to check out how do birds mate? And how do animals hibernate?Reproduction Of Freshwater ClamsNow, to address the burning question of how exactly the process of clam reproduction works. One may be surprised to know clams do have distinct males and females, and both are required to reproduce much like most animals.Thus, it can be said that clams engage in a form of sexual reproduction. When clams reach sexual maturity, first the males release their sperm in the open water. The female clam on the other hand stores its eggs internally. The female clams then begin to collect the floating sperm from the water through its siphons after which the fertilization takes place. If the fertilization happens to be successful, the larvae continue to develop inside the female.The clams are full of surprises and the plot twist you need to know about their reproduction is that some clam species are hermaphrodites. Hermaphrodites refer to those organisms that have both male and female reproductive systems. In the case of spawning of such species the clam essentially first chooses the role of the male or female to participate in reproduction.What type of reproduction do clams go through?Even though the males and the females don’t come into direct contact it is easy to believe that clams reproduce asexually. However, reproduction happens through sexual reproduction in clams as both the male as well as the female have their own roles to play in the process.Freshwater clams reproduce using a smart strategy. The male releases its sperm upstream in the sea while the females are downstream where they are drawn into the siphon of the latter. The females can produce a large number of eggs. They produce between 100,000-1,000,000 eggs in one go. However, the eggs have a high mortality rate, so all the eggs that are produced don’t survive for too long. After that, the young are let free by the female and the young clams float to the bottom and settle on sediment where they continue to grow. One of the questions you may ask is whether clams are born with shells. The answer to this is no, they are not born with the shells. The larvae clams over a period of a few weeks are able to develop shells. During these few weeks, their feet grow and organs also develop after a process of metamorphosis.What is spawning?Did you ever hear the word spawning and wondered what it is? Well, the act of female fishes, frogs, mollusks, and clams releasing or depositing eggs is called spawning.Female clams produce a large number of eggs. Most aquatic animals participate in reproduction through the process of spawning. Depending upon the different aquatic species and accounting for their sexual autonomy differences, the spawning process can begin and differ in time and spawning strategies can also be different. Spawning strategies such as broadcast spawners and open substrate spawners are the most common.Role Of The Male ClamWe all know that both males and females of the species need to take part in the process of reproduction. Let’s find out the role of a male calm in this process.The role of the male clam in the reproduction process is somewhat limited. The male’s main role is to begin the process of reproduction and release its sperm into the sea that is then taken up by the female. It is within the latter, that the fertilization of the eggs occurs.Happy As A ClamClams, apart from their food use, are remembered mostly as part of the phrase ‘happy as a clam’. The full phrase is actually ‘happy as a clam at high tide’.The explanation for the phrase is that within the high tide, the clam is free from the threat of predators. The clam at high tide has the highest odds of survival, which makes it happy. The phrase was originated in the northeastern states of the United States at some time during the beginning of the 19th century.Fun Facts About ClamsLet’s read some more interesting and fun facts about calms.The life cycle of clams can range from as short as one year to about 10-12 years for soft shell clams. Some clams however have been known to live even up to 500 years!Clams are filter feeders and consume food in a unique way. They pull sea water in to feed on phytoplankton and zooplankton.Clams are an integral part of many new and old culinary traditions. The use of clams in food is the most common. They are especially big parts of coastal food habits. In Indian coastal cities, curries made with the use of clams are a staple. In Japan where seafood dominates the food scene, clams are ingredients in dishes like hot pots and soups. Italians love their pasta with clams and a dish called clam chowder is very popular in North America and even Europe.The largest species of a bivalve mollusk is called the Giant clam, Tridacna gigas. It can grow up to 440 lbs (200 kg), with its shell spanning a length of 4 ft (121.9 cm).Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how do clams reproduce? Then why not take a look at how do birds find worms, or how do frogs mate facts pages?

Clams is the term used for mollusks that are edible.