Air makes up the majority of the Earth’s atmosphere along with water vapor.It has an indefinite shape and volume. Air is composed of various gases and components.It comprises 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.1% argon, and other gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, etc. There are various small particles like dust, soot, and pollen present in the air too. They are known as aerosols. Air pressure is the amount of force exerted on the surface of Earth. One of the fastest gust of winds to be recorded was 231 mph (371.7 kph).Air is essential for the survival of living beings. Animals live with the help of air too. It is also significant for various other things like water pollution, combustion, moving cold and hot air, air power, and others. Since the last few decades, air pollution has been a huge problem. Some of the major contributors are cars, aircraft, bikes, the aviation industry, factories, the burning of fossil fuels, and others. These activities release nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, and other gases.It even results in climate change. The pollution has even resulted in a hole in the ozone layer of Earth’s atmosphere. If the air we breathe has pollutants, it can cause various health issues. Air pollution can be reduced by following sustainable development, using public transports, carpooling, avoid burning fossil fuels and VOCs. Keep reading to know more air facts. Afterward, also check what is air and is air polluted?Composition Of AirAir is one of the five classical elements of nature. It is a mixture of many gases and aerosols. Air (oxygen) supports the life of all organisms in the world.Air is mainly composed of three gases. They are nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. It has 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.93% argon, and 0.1% other gases. The air has 0.25% water vapors.The air also comprises dust, pollens, spores, ash, pollutants. The pollutants include chlorine compounds, fluorine compounds, mercury vapor, hydrogen sulfide, and sulfur dioxide.The air is much thicker at the equators and thin at the poles. Most of the mass, about 75-80%, is present in the troposphere layer of the atmosphere.Uses Of AirThe carbon dioxide in the air is used by plants to make their food by the process of photosynthesis.The oxygen present in the air is important for animals and human beings to stay alive. The oxygen is used to produce energy in the form of ATP which is important for survival.Air is important for the conduction of sound. The vibration of sounds is spread with the help of air only. Without air, we would need special devices to hear any sound or voice.Air is a significant part of the water cycle as water from the oceans and seas evaporate as water vapors and form clouds and rains down.The air or wind plays an important role in the formation of new plants. The pollen grains from the male plant reach the stigma of the female flower with the help of winds.The wind is also used for the production of electricity with the help of the mechanical motion of the turbines. It is a pollution-free method of creating electricity.The oxygen present in the air supports combustion and burning. Without the burning of fuels, we won’t be able to cook food, use vehicles, and there won’t be any work in industries.The air helps in maintaining the temperature of the Earth.Importance Of AirAir is an important part of the atmosphere of the Earth. It has huge importance in our lives, as well as other organisms.Air is an important factor in the survival of all living organisms. The oxygen present in the air is inhaled by human beings and animals to carry out their metabolic functions.Carbon dioxide is important for the process of photosynthesis in plants. Plants make food from this process and release oxygen.Nitrogen is important for the growth of plants. The oxygen in the air also supports burning and combustion. The fuels won’t burn without it and there will be no supply for cooking, vehicles, and industries.The air is significant in maintaining the temperature of the Earth. It circulates hot and cold air from one place to another. The air is also important for the conduction of heat. The air plays an important role in the water cycle.Reasons For Air PollutionAir present in the atmosphere has been getting polluted with every passing day. The air we breathe has pollutants in them and causes respiratory diseases. It can also lead to climate change.When fossil fuels like coal and petroleum are burnt, they release carbon monoxide and toxic substances into the air.Transport like cars, bikes, aircraft, the aviation industry, is one of the main causes of pollution. They release emissions like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons, and other toxins. It causes various diseases.The industries release a huge amount of smoke into the environment. This smoke contains nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide. These gases are major pollutants in the air. These gases can lead to respiratory diseases, irritation in the eyes, and asthma.Burning garbage also releases various pollutants and toxins in the atmosphere which can cause cancer, immunity problems, issues in the nervous system, and others.Wildfires have a huge contribution to the increase in air pollution. The burning of wood and farm residues releases toxic chemicals and pollutants. Smog is also formed that causes difficulty in breathing and dizziness.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for here are 65 fun and amazing air facts: that will amaze you! Then why not take a look at why is the sea salty? Or 67 interesting facts about the saltiest lake in the world?

Air makes up the majority of the Earth’s atmosphere along with water vapor.