Guinea pigs are great domestic animals and are beloved pets.These four-legged animals come in a variety of colors and patterns. They rely mostly on moist food rather than drinking water.These are cute, cuddly animals. Guinea pigs can be very entertaining and love to socialize. They get sick and need care and attention just like any other pet.Providing good food is essential for building up a strong immune system. A proper diet and maintaining a good appetite could lead to protection from illnesses. Whenever they fall sick, they should be taken to the vets immediately so that the illness can be identified and the guinea pig can be cured. Their stress levels also need to be monitored. Pet animals are usually not worried about their food if taken care of properly. After reading about all you need to do when your guinea pig is sneezing, also read about how to cut guinea pig nails and how to bathe a guinea pig? Here on Kidadl.Do guinea pigs sneeze when stressed?Guinea pigs sneeze two or three times a day. This is normal behavior and is no cause for concern. Stress is a psychological reaction to either an external event or some thoughts associated with an event encountered. It is an uncomfortable state of being.Guinea pigs sneeze more than usual when they are worried and under stress. The immune system is the first to get impacted by stress. There is a range of illnesses that can creep in when the immune system is not functioning well. Respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, allergies, dental problems, urine infections, and several other illnesses find their way into the guinea pig’s system. There are several common events that can increase the stress levels in guinea pigs and make them worried. Knowing these stress-inducing triggers can help owners to take appropriate measures to keep their pets healthy. Major events and changes that can lead to stress include; moving into a new home, shifting the place of stay, or adding a new member in the same cage. If several guinea pigs are crowded inside one cage they may not have enough space to move around and exercise. There is also a risk that they could be bullied or suppressed by other aggressive guinea pigs in the cage.What makes guinea pigs sneeze?Guinea pigs are small sensitive animals. When a guinea pig is sneezing, it usually means that some dust particles, smoke, perfume, or small insects have caused irritation in its nose. An occasional sneeze is very common and not something to call the vet for.If the occasional sneeze becomes more frequent or is accompanied by any signs of infection like discharge, increased irritation, changes in appetite, coughing, then the veterinarian must be visited immediately. Weather changes also cause pigs to sneeze. It causes irritation in the nasal passage. Pigs can also start sneezing because of allergies. It is important to monitor the food that the pig consumes, and the environmental elements present around the pig to detect the source of their allergy. They might have an allergy to room fragrant or the detergent used or a new body spray or cream applied by the owner. Some pigs are allergic to smoke. They might also be allergic to certain foods. Any dust or bacteria can cause allergies.Stress is another factor causing an increase in sneezing. Stressful circumstances and events discussed above are leading causes of sneezing. Continuous sneezing can also be stressful for the breathing of the pig. It may lead to respiratory problems if not taken to the vet immediately. A strong immune system can help in this regard. Deficiency in vitamin C is also a cause of upper respiratory infection. In upper respiratory infection, the deficiency of Vitamin C in the diet makes the body vulnerable to bacteria. Food is a major component in building the immune system and keeping respiratory infections at bay. Having dental issues could also surface itself with a symptom of sneezing.As these are small animals, the distance between their teeth and nose is small. Deformation in the mouth or dental issues can cause severe respiratory problems. Respiratory problems are serious business, and the guinea pig must be taken to the vet immediately to ensure good health and survival. Upper respiratory infection includes suffering from pneumonia or a cold and cough. If the guinea pig is sick, signs and symptoms will clearly indicate it.How many times a day should a guinea pig sneeze?Dust, smoke, and other tiny particles are present all around us. Guinea pigs sneeze daily to ensure that these dust and smoke irritants do not enter their respiratory tract. It is normal for guinea pigs to sneeze three to four times every day and there is no need to be alarmed.It is common for all guinea pigs to sneeze at least a few times a day. This helps them to stay healthy and protect themselves from respiratory infections. Their breathing should be normal, and they should be able to relax and contract thier nose while sneezing. However, if sneezing is accompanied by any other symptoms, contact the vet immediately.Can other symptoms accompany sneezing?It is not normal for other symptoms to accompany sneezing. A simple sneeze is considered normal, however, any additional symptoms must be paid attention to and a visit to the vets may be required. Several infections caused by bacteria could manifest in the form of sneezing, coughing, and a cold. Bacteria-caused infections can also develop into pneumonia after their eventual manifestation as sneezing and a cold.When sneezing is followed by coughing and problems in breathing, consulting a vet becomes essential as it could be a clear sign of a respiratory infection. In case the heavy breathing transforms into shortness of breath and wheezing sounds, take the pet to a vet immediately as the respiratory infection could be very serious. During weather changes or on eating new food, it is possible to get an allergic reaction. In this instance, the guinea starts sneezing, and its nose becomes pink. If you notice a yellowish discharge flowing from your guinea pig’s nose, immediate action is required. The flow of discharge is a symptom of respiratory infection.It is important that you describe the kind of discharge properly to the vet so that the vet can provide proper treatment. Guinea pigs’ weight loss is another cause for concern. Sneezing is a disease that can also be accompanied by a reduction in weight. Sneezing can also be accompanied by a fall in their appetite and inconsistency in diet consumption. There can also be instances of increased weakness and loss of energy. Sometimes changes in the behavior of guineas have also been observed.What does it mean when your guinea pig is sneezing?A guinea pig’s sneeze can mean a wide variety of things. The simplest is the fact that dust and smoke cause irritation in the nose of the pig, and therefore they engage in sneezing. Furthermore, it is also an effective mechanism to keep all the dust particles and smoke outside their respiratory tract, enabling them to keep themselves away from respiratory problems.Apart from this, if the sneezing continues more than three-four times a day and is accompanied by other problems like discharge from the nose or excessive sneezing or breathing problems, it suggests that the pet should be taken immediately to the veterinarian as these are all the signs accompanying its illness.What do I do if my guinea pig keeps sneezing?If a pig keeps sneezing, then it is best to consult a vet. You should pay close attention and look for accompanying symptoms, if any, to ensure that the vet is fully informed about all the physical symptoms before assigning a treatment plan. You should also check the environment, whether there is an increased amount of smoke in the air or if the air is severely polluted.The food must also be checked thoroughly to see whether anything that causes allergies to your pet is in its bowl. Keep a record of the food you give each day and monitor if your pet is allergic to any particular fruit, vegetable, or brand of commercial food. Always ensure that their cage is clean. A clean cage assists in keeping various diseases and illnesses away. If the pig has a tendency of catching frequent colds, then the regularly prescribed treatment could be started immediately when the pig starts sneezing too much. Treatment is necessary to cure the disease or nasal problems that the guinea pig is suffering from. Taking them regularly to the veterinary ensures a proper treatment plan and lowers instances of your pet suffering from physical illnesses and diseases.Should I be worried if my guinea pig keeps sneezing?Yes, if a pig keeps sneezing, it is something to be worried about. Continuous sneezing makes breathing difficult and may lead to blocking of the respiratory tract.It is not necessary that every time the guinea pig starts sneezing, you start to worry. The symptoms that accompany sneezing are important to look out for. It is always better to take your pet to the vet immediately to ensure safety and better health.5 Ways To Reduce Your Guinea Pig’s SneezesGuinea pigs’ immunity system needs to be maintained with a regular, well-balanced, and nutritious diet. The increase of sneezing in your guinea pig can occur when the air around them is either very polluted or the air is flowing in their direction, bringing in all the dust particles close to their nose. If this is the case then it would be best to move their cage elsewhere. This will prevent the constant incoming of dust particles and provide relief to the guinea pig. The bedding of the guinea pig is another factor. The cage of the pig is constantly exposed to dust and moisture. Dust particles and oil get trapped in the hay which can cause an itchy nose and sneezing. The hay must be changed regularly to provide comfortable and dust-free bedding for your pet.The third way to reduce your guinea pig’s sneezes is to keep the cage neat and clean. If you feed the pet inside the cage, make sure to remove the leftovers timely and change the utensils, if any. They should be trained to defecate outside the cage to reduce the amount of filth that needs to be cleaned. This ensures that all the bacteria that can cause diseases are removed before the illness even starts. Another important point is to buy good quality hay so that unnecessary dust particles do not get accumulated in the cage and increase the sneezing.Good quality hay provides assistance in this regard. However, before placing the hay inside the cage, remember to wash it off and then dry it properly to remove parasites and small insects and also to avoid fungal formations in the cage. The fifth way to keep guinea pigs sneezing to the bare minimum is to keep them dry at all times. If they stay damp for extended periods of time, they can catch a cold and develop serious issues like an upper respiratory infection.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for guinea pig sneezing, then why not take a look at guinea pig behavior or guinea pig facts.

Guinea pigs are great domestic animals and are beloved pets.