One of the seven wonders of the world, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is magnificent in every way possible.The Great Barrier Reef is a World Heritage area, it is the largest coral reef system and one of the largest living structures present on the planet. The northeastern Australian coral reef is composed of more than 3,000 individual coral reef systems, 300 coral rays, 760 fringe reefs, and 600 tropical islands. The coral reef maze is home to a variety of marine species such as sharks, sea snakes, and sea turtles. In recent times, the barrier reef has been under threat. This threat comes in the form of global warming, which is caused by human activities.The large branching coral reefs were severely harmed. Additionally, the reefs are suffering massive bleaching events, which add further to the pollution and destruction of the coral reefs. Read further to find out some interesting great barrier reef pollution facts.After reading about the threat of population beckoning this natural marvel in northeastern Australia, do check Lake Okeechobee pollution facts and Great Lakes pollution facts here on Kidadl.Biggest Polluters To The Great Barrier ReefThe combination of pollutants with increasing temperatures and poorer water quality has led to degradation and things such as bleaching of the great barrier reef.While climate change is a big factor in the destruction of great barrier reefs’ coral structures, another major polluter of the great barrier reef is the rivers that flow into it. The major rivers which are responsible for the destruction and polluting of the Great Barrier Reef are the Daintree River, the Tully River, the Burdekin River, and the Fitzroy River. These are the biggest pollutant rivers that serve a major threat to the health of biodiversity coral reefs. According to a study conducted in 2012, the Great Barrier Reef has lost more than half of its corals due to multiple factors. Coral mining is done in order to obtain coral to convert it into limestone or to be used as a cement substitute. However, because of coal mining, there has been a significant loss of biodiversity. Any coral polyps that cannot attach themselves to permanent structures of the coral are taken out. Breaking of corals leads to an increase in sediments, land retreating, and slow recovery of corals and their coral cover.How River Pollution Contributes To Coral BleachingAll coral reefs around the world need clean water in order to sustain the growth of aquatic animals around these reefs and maintain their habitat.Once the pollution runoff reaches the oceans through rivers, they completely wreck the coral reefs, which are very delicate. The sediment and other pollutants work towards smothering coral reefs, they are covered in a blanket of particles, or the process of photosynthesis is hindered as the water is clouded by these pollutants.  If the water above is covered, the growth of light-dependent plants and animals is harmed, this also includes the growth and health of coral reefs. Coral reefs are a combination of parts of animals and plants, they are soft bodies with algal blooms. The coral reef’s animal side depends on the covered algae to supply the food, the supply of light is essential for the creation of food. It becomes difficult for coral reefs to receive light which is really important for the survival of the reef ecosystem. An increase in nutrients can also lead to increased breeding of crown-of-thorns starfish, which is a big enemy of the Great Barrier Reef. Starfish are known to eat corals. In order to maintain the health of coral reefs and other marine life, it is very important to get rid of nutrients that flow from polluting rivers into the oceans.Coral Bleaching And Reef RecoveryAccording to various studies conducted by scientists around the world, the recovery rate of the Great Barrier Reef has slowed down.Warmer sea temperatures cause coral reefs to throw out tiny algae that live in their tissues, this is called coral bleaching of reefs. If these algae are not present on coral reefs, they are more prone to diseases and might even have growth-related and reproduction issues. However, if these warmer temperatures are short-lived, coral reefs can grow back the algae within a time period of a few months. Animal and genetic diversity can also be hampered by coral bleaching as it is due to coral bleaching that the composition of reefs is affected, which completely changes for marine species of a different kind.The coral recovery decline is a combination of multiple factors. This includes coral bleaching and poor water quality due to pollution and other types of sediments. The water quality plays a vital role in coral recovery, coral reefs would not be able to recover in water that is polluted.Challenges Faced And Solutions For The Great Barrier Reef The Great barrier reef faces a lot of challenges. The Australian government has taken a lot of steps for the protection of the Great Barrier Reef.The major challenges faced by the Great Barrier Reef are water quality, great thorn starfish, and coastal development. Climate change also serves as a big factor in the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef. Many reefs around the world are already showing an impact of climate change, their bleaching has increased, and the overall density of the coral structure has been harmed.The solution for the Great Barrier Reef problem is a reduction in nutrients and pollution caused by the presence of sediments. The regulations for land clearing and agriculture are needed to be changed in order to reduce the pollution that goes into rivers. Apart from that, many things can be done ourselves to protect the Great Barrier Reef, such as washing our cars on the lawn and not on the driveway so that detergent does not flow into drains which eventually leads to rivers and using environmentally friendly fertilizers and pesticides. It is important to reduce pollution into the rivers, so that coral reefs do not get damaged.Solving The Pollution ProblemRivers are a lifeline to humans; they are connected to oceans around the world. If they are polluted, it will harm the coral reefs too.In order to control the pollution problem in rivers and oceans, many other steps such as avoiding untreated sewage release into water streams, not throwing solids in rivers and oceans, avoiding dumping construction waste into rivers, and using organic gardening techniques will all help to protect the reefs around the world.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Great Barrier Reef pollution facts, then why not take a look at coal pollution facts or Florida water pollution facts.

One of the seven wonders of the world, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is magnificent in every way possible.