Initially, upon discovery, the large size of Ganymede made the discoverers name it Jupiter three.However, this name was short-lived as a German astronomer recommended changing the name to Ganymede. The name came from Troy, as it belongs to a prince who was captured and taken to Olympus, the palace of Greek gods.Zeus appointed the prince as a helper, cup-bearer for the royal court. Because of its size, it was first thought to be a planet, but later, scientists and astronomers classified it as the moon of planet Jupiter. According to ancient Greek mythology, the name of Jupiter’s moon means a beautiful, lovely youth.Scientists with the last names Galilei and Marius founded this giant moon and are regarded as the first of Jupiter’s icy moon explorers. Being twice the size of Earth’s moon, this planet-sized moon is considered among the top nine objects in the solar system in terms of its size.The European Space Agency (ESA) is planning a mission known as Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) to explore the features of three Galilean moons other than Io. Read on to learn more about Ganymede and then check out gravity facts and comets facts.Ganymede Features As The Largest Moon Of JupiterGanymede is undoubtedly the largest moon among all the planets discovered yet and the largest of all of the moons around Jupiter.Initially, because of its diameter and the fact that it is bigger in size when compared to Mars, it was assumed that Ganymede is a planetary form, however because of the contradictory findings stating that it did not move around the moon, instead circled Jupiter, it was deemed to be a moon. Jupiter’s moon Ganymede is the largest moon found so far in the solar system.Probably because of its size, Jupiter’s moon Ganymede moves around the orbit much slower than the other moons that circle around it. Because Jupiter’s magnetic field is strong, very few details are known about the function of the magnetic field traces found on the icy surface of the spherical shell. However, these magnetic fields are weak. Ganymede’s magnetic field is almost negligible and therefore wasn’t discovered right away.However, its mere existence provides significant advancements in knowledge. There are speculations about the presence of a saltwater ocean under the icy crust of this moon. A thin oxygen atmosphere has also been found on this spherical shell moon. Interestingly enough, it is assumed that the atomic oxygen and water molecules together form light terrain of the southern poles, where icy structures have been noticed through images captured during exploration. Interestingly enough, the magnetic fields of this moon exert influence on the other Jovian moons, making them geologically active while it remains dormant.Ganymede: CompositionThe main constituents of the rocky surface include icy water and rocks. The lighter regions are mostly ice, while the rock formations make a grooved terrain. The internal structure of Ganymede consists of metallic iron.It is believed that Ganymede’s oceans are all trapped under the surface of icy worlds, forming a dark and light terrain with the help of rocks.The dark terrain on Ganymede’s surface is where large craters and rock formations exist, although the crust as seen from Earth looks mostly ice. The space available on this moon is vast; however, the conditions are not very appropriate for human survival, mainly because of the grooved terrain and water ice everywhere, along with low oxygen levels. Because of the tectonic activity, scientists knew of the underlying water.Ganymede Temperature And Orbital PeriodAccording to the reports from Earth’s surface, it takes roughly seven days for the moon to complete one round. During this time period, the other Jovian moons cover more rounds. The Galilean moons are all huge, but Ganymede is structured to be larger and heavier than them.In terms of hours, it was calculated that Ganymede takes around 172 hrs to finish its one orbit along the orbital plane. Even though the moon changes its phases, the size of the moon and the size of Jupiter make it difficult to notice all the phases. However, life on any of the Jovian moons is not very likely, primarily because of a lack of energy and the correct oxygen levels and temperature.The highest temperature recorded here was near Ganymede’s equator. It was recorded as -189.4 F (-123 C) on a hot afternoon; alternatively, the cold temperature averages around -315 F (-193 C) during nighttime.Ganymede Distance From EarthScientists have estimated Ganymede to be 392.6 million mi (628.3 million km) away from the Earth. The tectonic plates and tectonic activity of Ganymede is similar to that of Earth.The distance of Ganymede from the sun is much more than its distance from Earth. As the dark side of the moon presents a vertical relief while reflecting the sun, scientists have measured the distance from Jupiter to be 665,000 mi (1.07 million km). The bright terrain of this planetary body moves slowly, reflecting characteristics similar to the other Galilean satellites; just like planet mercury, its surface is riddled with impact craters.A series of impact craters mark the grooved terrain of the moon. The darker regions show the subterranean ocean hidden with its folds. This analysis is done by scientists based on the understanding of the fundamentals of tectonic plates, their movements, and knowledge of Ganymede’s surface. The surface of this moon is also tilted, so not much can be seen about Jupiter when viewed from the surface of this moon.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created many interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Ganymede: In-Detail Facts On Jupiter’s Largest Moon Revealed For Kids, then why not take a look at Are Sunflower Seeds Bad For Dogs? Or Are They Non-Toxic?, or Know Your Berries: Are Strawberries A Fruit? Fun Facts For Kids.

Initially, upon discovery, the large size of Ganymede made the discoverers name it Jupiter three.