There are many apple varieties.A total of 2,500 varieties of apples are grown worldwide. Due to the nutritional values of apples, they are also one of the most consumed fruits around the world.Apples are members of the rose family and there are around 2,500 varieties of apples present worldwide. Apples grow best in climatic conditions which are cooler. They do not grow as much in places that are very near to oceans with moderate temperatures.Apples are grown in the United States and are widely used many products. Apples usually grow best in soil that is well-drained and is loamy. Around 1000 kinds of apples are grown in the United States and every year apple blossoms are pink in color. Apple trees thrive in the north since spring is their blooming season. They belong to the rose family. An apple contains a number of nutrients that are great for our health and they have plenty of vitamins that carry antioxidant properties. Apples are not rare, they are however expensive to grow since they require specific temperature requirements.Apple trees generally produce fruits every year. Since there are various varieties of apples, some apple trees fruits once every two years. A bushel of apples weighs differently depending on the varieties of apples. However, an average bushel of apples weighs around 42 lb (19 kg). Although the largest apple ever was 3 lb (1.3 kg) in weight! Fresh apples are one of the best ways to provide the proper vitamins to the body. Apples primarily come in the colors red and green, however they come in a variety of shades.If you enjoyed this article, why not also read about why you should eat an apple before bed or discover facts about Antarctica here on Kidadl?What is the rarest apple?Apples are great for our immune system and they promote good metabolism. As there are many different types of apples, there is lots of variety and some are more rare and expensive than others.One of the rarest apple varieties is the black diamond apple. This expensive and rare apple is black which is different to the typical red and green apple. Black fruit apples grow in Tibet and are one of the rarest apples that can be found today. These apples come from the red delicious apple family, which otherwise can also be called Hua Niu. Apple trees in this region recover a lot of UV light during the day, whereas at night the temperature changes drastically. The change in temperature is why these apples turn black.What are the health benefits of eating apples?As the old saying goes about apples, eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Apples are great for people looking for a healthy snack and they are also great for the heart.Apple cider vinegar is made out of apples and you can add it to lots of different recipes for flavor, especially in salad dressings. This type of vinegar is also very healthy when used in cooking because it helps to lower cholesterol and decrease blood sugar levels. An apple is a good option when it comes to providing the right nutritional value to a person. Apples are also known to help when it comes to controlling diabetes and even preventing type-2 kind of diabetes. Apples are a great alternative if you are craving a sugary snack.Can we eat apple seeds?Apple seeds are not good us, however, accidentally eating a few apple seeds will not cause too much harm.Apple seeds contain cyanide. However, there is not much cyanide in an apple so it will not cause much harm if accidentally eaten. Nonetheless, consuming a large number of crushed apple seeds can be fatal, as this would contain a large amount of cyanide. A dose of around 0.002-0.01 oz (50-300 mg) can prove to be fatal for a human. For an adult human, it takes around 83-500 apple seeds to build up the amount of cyanide that can poison a human.What is the weirdest type of apple?There are thousands of different varieties of apples and some of them are rare or very weird. One example is the winter banana. A variety of apple named winter banana is indeed weird because banana is a different fruit completely. This apple is called a winter banana due to the yellow color that sometimes reflects on the apple .There is an apple species which has the name King George and another apple species is named mother due to its creamy white flesh and juicy flavor. Another weird species of apple is jazz. They were developed in 1980 and they are dense, with a very crunchy flavor. There are many other species of apples that have weird names with no relation to fruit such as the pink lady. However, none of these beat the black apple species from Tibet, which is by far the strangest and the weirdest species of apple due to the black color.Did You Know…Apple juice is also very healthy and provides an adequate amount of antioxidants, however, nothing is better than eating a red delicious apple in a fruit salad.Apple trees have different growth rates and apples from different varieties have their own timelines. Dwarf apples take three to four years to grow, whereas a general apple tree will take around five to eight years to start yielding apples. Once an apple tree matures, it produces apples once in a year, while some apple fruit trees produce once every two years.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked discovering these fresh apple facts, then why not take a look at pangolin vs. armadillo faceoff, or what are balloons made of?

There are many apple varieties.