Coral reefs are often known as the rainforests of the sea and are undoubtedly some of the most fascinating and colorful marine species found on Earth.Composed of dead marine invertebrates, a coral reef is a kind of ecosystem that survives underwater. Unfortunately, their existence is at risk due to several avoidable reasons, and scientists are still trying various ways to protect them.The beauty and wonder of this form of marine life has been fascinating individuals for a very long time. There is interesting science behind the formation of coral reefs and several theories have been developed after the activities of this massive work of nature, such as Darwin’s Paradox. Many places around the world, especially islands, that are home to coral reefs have been transformed into world heritage sites. Coral reefs take millions of years to transform into giant structures that are home to nearly 25% of all Earth’s marine life, such as fish, algae, and various other organisms found across the globe. One cannot fathom all the reasons why it is extremely necessary for coral reefs to thrive. Hence, the ways to protect this natural phenomenon be undertaken on a war footing to ensure the survival of all marine species.Keep reading to discover various fun facts about coral reefs! You can also check out facts about Hawaii and facts about trees to discover fun facts about them.Introducing Coral ReefsCorals belonging to the animal kingdom of class Anthozoa, phylum Cnidaria, and genus Acropora are a type of marine species found underwater. There are two main types of corals, hard and soft corals, of which the hard corals are involved in reef-building. The first coral reef was created 485 million years ago and replaced sponge reefs.The skeletons of dead marine life accumulate and decompose to form corals that have soft, mushy bodies. Calcium carbonate is extracted from seawater to form hard (hermatypic) and sustainable exoskeletons, or reefs, that form a sturdy outer shield, or polyps, to protect the soft bodies inside. These tropical creatures prefer warm, clear, shallow water, and sunlight for optimum growth. Corals require very few nutrients to survive. The primary diet of corals includes a type of algae known as zooxanthellae and occasionally fish and plankton. The corals share a symbiotic relationship with the zooxanthellae where energy is produced by the zooxanthellae through photosynthesis inside the coral polyps. The healthy coral reefs grow over centuries from tiny exoskeletons to massive giant-like structures as the polyps pile their own exoskeletons on ancestral calcium carbonate exoskeletons. Corals have numerous different species characterized by various shapes and colors, such as the shape of a human brain or colorful plants.Types Of Coral Reefs Found In The World And Their LocationAlthough less than 0.1% of the planet’s oceans and seas are occupied by the entire world’s coral reefs, they are home to more than 25% of the world’s marine life such as fish, algae, and several other organisms. Needless to say, there are various types of coral reefs around the world. According to the theory known as Darwin’s Paradox, posited by Charles Darwin, coral reefs are formed in three steps. First, fringing reefs form around a volcanic island which transforms into the barrier reefs, and finally into an atoll.However, some more types of reefs have been identified by some scientists. They are apron reef, bank reef, patch reef, ribbon reef, Habili reef, microatoll reef, seamount reef, and so on. Most of the world’s coral reefs are found in tropical islands especially in the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Southeast Asia. The most common type of reef among these is the fringing reef which is found along the shore of the Red Sea. The Great Barrier Reef of Australia is the largest and most famous reef which is set apart by a lagoon from the shoreline. The platform or table reefs found in Mascarenes are different from the aforementioned reefs as they grow in all directions. The atoll reef is similar to a continuous barrier reef that grows in the middle of oceans, like the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, forming beautiful islands.7 Interesting And Fun Facts About Coral ReefsAs mentioned earlier, coral reefs, one of the most beautiful ecosystems, are a necessary part of marine life. However, there are several facts about them that are unknown to a major population of the world. Here are a few interesting facts about coral reefs that one may want to know!One-quarter of the entire marine life on Earth is dependent on coral reefs for food and shelter. Fish is a major source of food for human consumption. As a result, coral reefs also provide food for nearly half a billion humans as they are avid fish-eaters. As corals grow at a fairly slow pace and are incapable of moving, many tend to think that they are plants. However, corals are animals of the sea and are collectively called colonies since they live in large families. Sunlight is a major source of survival for a coral reef and because of this, it prefers to live in shallow water which is less than 230 ft (70 m) deep. Sunlight also keeps the water warm which is also preferred by these tropical animals.Coral reefs, especially the Great Barrier reef, are known as the protector of coastal inhabitants as they protect them from storms and tsunamis. Coral reefs are seen to survive in clear water. They feed on dirt particles floating in the water and hence, help in keeping the water clean. Tourism services tend to flourish in places where corals are found. In 1984, the Great Barrier reef was branded as a World Heritage site that has been fending for the tourism business in Australia for decades.Why Coral Reefs Are EndangeredAlthough they are some of the most beautiful ecosystems on our planet, coral reefs are highly endangered. They are facing several threats of survival that can be easily avoided.Although corals prefer to live in warm water, they cannot survive in extreme ocean temperatures. Due to the increasing pace of global warming, oceans are getting heated at an enormous speed. For this reason, corals are disposing of the zooxanthellae present inside their bodies. This is turning them white in color, a process called coral bleaching. Excessive burning of fossil fuels increases the content of carbon dioxide in water which is dangerous for all aquatic creatures, let alone sea coral. Acidification of the ocean incapacitates corals to create exoskeletons, the protective shield of a coral reef. A lack of awareness in tourists visiting coral islands, such as the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, is a major threat to marine ecosystems. As is known to all, water pollution and fishing have several adverse effects on the marine environment. Sewage disposals, oils, pesticides and fertilizers used for agriculture are some of the things discharged in the water. They pose a huge threat to the well-being of plants, corals, and all the other organisms living underwater.Simple Ways To Save This Fascinating SpeciesIt isn’t surprising that without coral reefs, many natural ecosystems would come to an end. It must be of utmost urgency that appropriate steps are taken to ensure the safety of this marine ecosystem that has survived for millions of years but is currently facing endangerment due to perilous human activities.To begin with, the use of fertilizers and pesticides must be minimized alongside reducing sewage disposals in oceans. Regular cleaning of the water bodies must be ensured at all costs. Strategies must be developed to reduce global warming which is a major threat to the corals. Excessive release of greenhouse gases must be kept under check to reduce acidification of ocean water. Fishing must be kept under control as fish are a major source of food for the corals. Dangerous fishing methods such as ‘blast fishing’ must be put to an end at once as it destroys entire chunks of aquatic life at a time. Buying coral souvenirs must be banned. Scuba divers must be extra cautious underwater so they do not step on delicate corals. Ensuring to meet these criteria will leave a better world for the aquatic creatures as well as the planet at large.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for facts about coral reefs then why not take a look at facts about spring, or Florida animals.

Coral reefs are often known as the rainforests of the sea and are undoubtedly some of the most fascinating and colorful marine species found on Earth.