Throughout history, owls have inspired many cultures.There are several superstitions associated with owls, many of which began in ancient folklores. Many cultures have found owls to have bewitching looks and eerie calls.Owls are popular birds and are often kept as pets. These birds symbolize a lot of emotions and are often associated with contradictory beliefs across different cultures. They’re considered mysterious birds by some cultures. Others regard owls to be ominous and associated with witchcraft and magic, while some people think of them as symbols of wisdom and knowledge.Owls remain solitary and possess excellent hunting skills. They often prey on insects, small bird species, and animals. Their large eyes often look breathtaking in the dark. Many people consider owls symbolic of death. The famous poets William Wordsworth and Robert Blair described these creatures as ‘birds of doom.’ Owls are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are awake at night. It’s at night when it’s dark that their glowing eyes, ruffled feathers, and eerie calls can give some people instant goosebumps. This creates a spectral ambiance, and therefore, people from various cultures consider owls to be associated with sinister activities.Historically, people in England once predicted the weather with the help of this animal. They believed that the screech of the owl signified stormy cold weather. In the 19th century, a dead owl nailed on the front door was a popular custom followed by many people. They killed the barn owl to ward off evil from their home and family. Other religions contemplate owls as guardians of the souls and believe them to be sacred. When it comes to naming an owl there are many names to choose from. Owlbert Einstein, Agent Owl, Professor Owl, Hootie, and Owlsome are some of the cool names that can be given to pet owls. However, it is actually illegal to keep them as pets as they are a threatened species.Read on to learn more about some interesting facts about owls. If you like what you read, don’t forget to check out the owl facts and famous birds here on Kidadl.Who is the most famous owl in mythology?Little owl or Athena’s bird (Athene noctua) is the most famous owl in mythological history. According to ancient Greek mythology, Athena, the God of wisdom, was deeply moved by the majestic appearance of the owl.The Goddess, therefore, made it her favorite bird, which resided in the Acropolis, the mythical home of the Greek Gods. It was given numerous responsibilities by Athena and was considered a good omen by the ancient Greek people. The relationship of the little owl and Athena is still an enigma to people, and so it’s believed that there may have been a multitude of owls in Athens.One of the famous owl names in Greek mythology is the screech owl. In contrast to the little owl, the screech owl is considered a loathsome bird, which brings a sense of foreboding with it. Legend has it that Ascalaphus gossiped about Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld, to other gods and told them that she had eaten pomegranate seeds of the Underworld. This angered the Olympian God of Harvest, Demeter, who turned Ascalaphalus into the screech owl, a symbol of death and grief.What other owls feature in mythology?We have associated owls with several myths over the years, beginning initially in folklore and then continuing until the 19th century. Most of these myths are now considered stories rather than truth, but they still signify wisdom and glory.One of the greatest owls of ancient mythology is Athena’s owl, which is believed to have served as a protector of the Queen and the guardians of the land of Athens. The owl was said to have brought victory to the Greek soldiers. On the contrary, the screech owl is famous among the Greeks for representing death and agony. The ancient Romans believed that an owl’s hoot could result in imminent death.People believed that owls possessed magical powers that helped them to see at night. Their excellent hunting skills originated from this enchanting inner power. The barn owls of English literature held a sinister reputation, owing to its association with death. The barn owl was also used by the English to predict the weather. They also used this creature to ward off evil.Hedwig, the snowy owl in the Harry Potter books and films, was a messenger to Harry. In the film Harry Potter film, owls are represented as birds with magical powers. Hedwig brought important Hogwarts letters to Harry Potter, and therefore, played a crucial role in the film.The native people of the Sierra Nevada region in California, think of the great horned owl as the carrier of souls to the underworld. Some people also believe that virtuous people transform into these great horned owls after death.What God is represented by an owl?Owl symbolism is different across various cultures. Athena, the Greek deity of wisdom, is represented by an owl, which signifies philosophy and intelligence. Drachma, the Athenian silver coins, had the image of an owl that was revered by the ancient Greeks.Hypnos, the popular Greek deity of dreams, also took the form of an owl. It’s believed that he was able to put men to sleep and was quite compassionate and loved by the people. Lithuanian and Latvian folklore talks about the popular deity of witches, Ragana, who could take the form of barn owls and inflict pain on people. In this area, they often associated owls with her and an owl symbolized destruction. Owls were therefore a bad omen to people.The Hindu deity Lakshmi, revered by the Indians, is thought to bring wealth and good luck to people. Interestingly, her favorite creature and carrier is the white owl. This white owl is considered to be symbolic of judgment, patience, and intelligence. It can also foretell events and ask the devotees of the Goddess to refrain from greed and selfishness. Again, the owl represents Lakshmi, which represents poverty and strife. The owl or Uluka is considered the carrier of the Goddess.It’s believed that Blodeuwedd from Welsh mythology was transformed into an owl as she tried to kill her husband. Therefore, the eerie cry of these nocturnal birds is often compared to a woman’s cry.What do owls symbolize in Mexican culture?To some people, an owl symbolizes death and darkness in Mexican culture. Some people believe that those who died unavenged are represented by an owl, which carries their soul. This myth is still popular in Mexico today, with some people terrified of owls.Another popular belief in Mexico is that owls can bring bad luck. The Lechuza, which is the Spanish name of the owl, is associated with ancient Mexican folklore and speaks of an older woman who shapeshifts into a giant owl. She then seeks revenge on the people who once oppressed her. This owl is sometimes portrayed as a black and white creature with the head of the woman. It’s believed that she has the power to lure and capture people.Traditionally, Mexican people use several methods to keep this mythical soul away. Methods include tying seven knots in a rope and hanging it at the entrance of their house, praying, or throwing salt and chili at a bird. Similarly, some ancient Mayans also believed that an encounter with an owl could lead to imminent death, and therefore, they tried to avoid owls. Others in this time period also believed these birds were messengers of witches who used them in sorcery or witchcraft.The hooting sound of owls is also considered an ill omen by some. If an owl flies past a sick person, then some believe that this denotes that the unwell person will soon sadly die. The three hoots of the great owl are feared by some Mexican people, as well as people from other cultures. People can consider these hoots as some kind of warning sign of a possible danger that lies ahead, as they believe that this bird has the power to foresee the future and carry important messages to people. It is important, of course, though, to note that these are simply beliefs about owls, and there is a lack of evidence to prove that this is true.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our fun facts about owls, then why not take a look at moonbow a rare phenomenon: the lunar rainbow facts revealed! or mini crib vs. crib: the toddler beds dilemma explained!

Throughout history, owls have inspired many cultures.