Hannah is known to be one of the most inspirational women in the Bible.The story of Hannah is well-known in biblical history because she exhibits her faith by obeying the Lord, even though it means making a great personal sacrifice. On the other hand, some people recall the story because of her tremendous sadness at not being able to have children.Her visit to the temple, when she sincerely begged God for her desire, is legendary. Hannah prayed for her children religiously both before and after God granted her the blessing of having them. As we can see from her story, God does not reject human desire. Ultimately, she was blessed with a child, Samuel.In her prayer, she vowed to God that she would raise him to be God’s servant if he gave her a child. As soon as Samuel was born, she offered him to the Lord. Which mother wouldn’t be moved by Hannah’s brave decision to leave her child in the temple to be reared by Eli, the priest?Hannah’s life was marked by significant events, but there are other details about her that we often ignore. Are you curious if there’s more to Hannah’s story than you previously assumed? Keep reading to find out.Life History Of Hannah In The BibleHannah is a feminine name that signifies grace. Her name was given to her because she was graceful and religious. Hannah’s story is described in the Bible in 1 Samuel 1 and 2. Hannah was born in approximately 1165 BC. This was during a time when Israel was under the rule of King David.Hannah was one of Elkanah’s two wives. It was typical for males in the Old Testament to have more than one wife. She lived in Ephraim’s hill country with her husband. Elkanah loved Hannah, but the Lord had confined her womb. Elkanah’s other wife, Peninnah, had sons and daughters every year. The other wife would irritate Hannah since the Lord had not blessed her with children.Hannah’s husband was perplexed as to why she was depressed. Hannah cried continuously and would not eat. He’d question her that isn’t he better than ten sons to her? Hannah would accompany her husband to Shiloh every year to worship and sacrifice to God.Hannah went to the temple to make her prayer to the Lord because she couldn’t bear the pain of her empty womb any longer. Hannah cried severely and called out to the Lord. As she was childless, she vowed to God that if He gave her a male child, she would devote him to the Lord for the rest of his life. Hannah’s desire for a son was unquenchable.She was observed praying by Eli, the priest, who accused her of being a drunken lady. She said that she hadn’t had any alcohol or heavy drink. She explained that she had been praying here since she was in pain and great anguish.Eli wished her well and prayed that the Lord would fulfill her desire. He told her that maybe she should go in peace and that the God of Israel grants her plea.Hannah was no longer depressed and no longer fasted after that. Although the Holy Bible does not say that she told Eli about her prayer, she had prayed to God with trust and requested Him to grant her a male child.God answered Hannah’s prayer in the process, and she gave birth to a son Samuel. Hannah gave birth to Samuel when she was around 20 years old. Samuel was born as a gift due to his mother’s fervent prayer. Hannah’s vow asserts that if God blesses her with a son, she will raise him to serve God.Prayer is fundamental to Samuel’s life throughout the first and second books of the Bible. Samuel rises through the ranks of the Judges to become the last of them. He learned to pray frequently for his people from his lovely mother, Hannah, a devout Christian woman.The Lord gave Hannah five more children. The Lord visited Hannah so that she conceived and had three sons and two daughters. Baby Samuel grew up before the Lord (1 Samuel 2:21).Role Of HannahHannah and Peninnah represent the world’s weak and strong. The powerful often insult the weak, but God hears and saves the world. Hannah’s prayer addresses the pettiness of the proud with God’s knowledge, which is vast and far beyond their ability to comprehend. God does not reject human desires, as seen from her inspiring story.Hannah understood that her power came from God, not from her efforts. She thrilled in God’s ability to make a weakling strong, not her strength.Hannah’s son, Samuel, was committed to the Lord and was left at the temple to serve Him for all the days of his life. Just as the personal prayers of King David are preserved in the Bible for us, this woman of faith has her prayer written down in Holy Scripture.Hannah prayed to the Lord before King David was even born, saying that Her heart rejoices in the Lord; her horn is exalted in the Lord. She admitted that she smiles at her enemies because she rejoices in the salvation of the Lord.Hannah’s Thanksgiving Psalm distinguishes her as a poetess and prophetess. With her wish granted, she bursts into song and expresses her appreciation to God for His mercy, and her Magnificat formed the model for the one to be offered to the same covenant-keeping God by the Blessed Virgin Mary.Hannah’s spiritual poetry is on par with any of the Psalms regarding divine attributes like sanctity, strength, knowledge, grace, and majesty. Saints throughout history have been moved by such high, beautiful words provoked by God’s response to her plea.Who was the prophet that Hannah gave her baby to in the Bible?Eli, the priest in the tabernacle, noticed Hannah as she prayed to the Lord in extreme suffering. He assumed she was inebriated based on her conduct and advised her to stop drinking.Eli’s heart thawed after she explained herself to him. He then reassured her that the Lord intended to grant her a wish for a son. Eli prayed to Lord several times for a baby for her.His statements appeared to have a significant impact on her. She was sure she would conceive at some point, which she did; after all, she eventually welcomed a son. She maintained her word and did as she promised. She presented Samuel to Eli, the priest, after he had been weaned. Samuel continued to serve the Lord alongside Eli, the priest. Every year when Hannah came to Shiloh to worship the Lord, she would bring Samuel a little robe. But Hannah’s story didn’t finish with Samuel’s birth. It didn’t end there when she took him to the temple either. Every year, Eli would bless Elkanah and Hannah once again, asking God to bless them with children due to Hannah’s sacrifice. In the end, they are blessed with five more children.Was Hannah barren in the Bible?Hannah is depicted in the Bible as barren, unable to conceive a child. Hannah was named the fourth woman in Biblical history to have difficulty giving birth. But, thanks to God, they were able to overcome their challenges and give birth to healthy children. In many instances, the woman in the marriage was physically incapable of bearing children.Hannah’s longing for a child made her quite depressed. When Hannah needed a child, she continuously prayed to God. Second, when God did not answer her prayer, she praised and thanked Him. Next, although it must have been tough, she remained faithful to the Lord.Peninnah insulted her, and Eli rebuked her, but God heard her. God did not punish her for her dissatisfaction. We understand the value of spiritual satisfaction (1 Timothy 6:6). That isn’t to say that our human desires, even those that make us sad when they aren’t fulfilled, are immoral in God’s eyes. He understands that hope deferred makes the heart sick. He asks us to come to Him with our desires.Ultimately, God blessed Hannah beyond her wildest dreams. But as promised, soon after Samuel was born, she presented him to the Lord for all the days of his life. She begged the Creator to ‘raise her into the dominion of motherhood’ and intervene with natural law on her behalf in God’s house. The Lord gave Hannah five more children. Hannah became the mother of not just Samuel but also three other sons and two daughters.Hannah’s story is an inspiration and source of encouragement for women struggling with infertility or unable to have children due to other factors. Hanna’s prayers and her deep trust in the Lord are fantastic models for us today.

Hannah is known to be one of the most inspirational women in the Bible.