Earwigs are common insects found throughout the United States.They are easily identified by their pincers, which are used for capturing prey. Earwigs lay eggs in the spring, and the eggs hatch into nymphs in the summer, slowly developing into adults throughout the fall, which is the last stage of their life.Earwigs live in both temperate and tropical climates and can be found worldwide. These night-crawling insects feed on various things, including decaying plant matter, fruits, vegetables, and insects. Earwigs are considered beneficial because they help control populations of harmful insects. Despite their harmless nature, people often fear earwigs because of their odd appearance and having large infestations of these creepy crawling insects can be a sign of poor hygiene. So, read on to learn about the life cycle of these elusive nightcrawlers and how to stop them from entering your home!Where do earwigs lay eggs?Earwigs are common household pests and can be identified by their long, pincer-like tail. They are reddish-brown with black markings on their head and thorax. Earwigs lay eggs in clusters of 80-100. The eggs are small and white, and, after hatching, the young earwigs will disperse and feed on plant material.Earwigs will lay their eggs in moist, dark places. This can include under leaves or stones, rotting logs, or crevices. They may also choose to deposit them inside buildings to find shelter and moisture. The eggs are typically deposited in clusters and will hatch within a few weeks. Once hatched, the young earwigs will disperse to look for new areas to live in.Earwig eggs hatch within one to two weeks of being laid. The newly hatched earwigs will immediately start feeding on plant material. They grow rapidly and molt six times before reaching maturity. Male earwigs die after mating, while the females will continue to live for an additional three months. Earwigs pose no threat to humans or pets. They generally feed on decaying plant material, making them beneficial in the garden. You may have difficulty spotting these insect pests, as they are nocturnal and usually only crawl out for food at night!There’s a good chance of finding small white earwig eggs on plants or flower petals. Although these tiny insects are not dangerous to people or pets, they can cause damage to plants. If you have an earwig infestation, it is best to call a pest control professional.Earwigs are omnivorous, meaning they feed on both plant and animal material. Though they usually feed on dead and decaying organic matter, they also hunt smaller insects and worms on their own using their sharp forceps. They also eat the leaves of plants, flowers, vegetables, and fruits.How To Get Rid Of Earwig EggsEarwigs are a common insect that can be found in both indoor and outdoor environments. They are often mistaken for cockroaches, but earwigs have a distinguishable pointy tail. Earwigs feed on both plant and animal material and can cause damage to crops and gardens.Though earwigs are not aggressive creatures and do not cause any destruction inside the house, it is still annoying to have these insects buzzing around when you want some peace. Earwigs are attracted to moist, dark areas throughout the house and use them as breeding or hiding spots during the daytime. These pests are also attracted to light, similar to moths are. They do not do much damage or spread diseases, but having any sort of insect infestation inside the house points toward poor hygiene, so it is better to get control of any earwig infestations before they take over the house!One of the most common ways to identify an infestation is by finding their eggs. Here are some tips if you want to get rid of them.You could remove any debris or objects that may be providing shelter for these pests. Earwigs prefer to lay their eggs in shady, secluded areas like in cracks and crevices or under piles of trash, so clearing up the area will prevent egg clusters. Damp piles of mulch are also ideal for an earwig nest, so remove them as soon as possible so these bugs don’t get a chance to lay eggs in your yard. They usually like to hide in dark corners and spaces, so keep an eye on such places in the house.Place sticky traps near where the eggs are being laid. The traps will capture the earwigs as they try to lay their eggs or while they are crawling out from the spaces they hide in during the day. You can buy these from any homeware or gardening shop.Use an organic pesticide to kill the earwigs like neem oil. You can also use chemicals, though this is not recommended, as using insecticides inside the house can be damaging to the health of its inhabitants.You could also use solutions of boric acid and rubbing alcohol mixed with water to get rid of these pests. They are nocturnal, meaning they usually crawl out at night, which is when you may be able to source out their hiding spots. Attack these spots and the area around them with the solution.Be sure to seal any cracks or crevices in your home where the earwigs may be entering. This will help to prevent these bugs from coming back into your home. Simply spray the solution on any earwigs in the vicinity, and apply them to the areas they may frequent to drive them out of your house!You could also remove any food sources that the earwigs may be feeding on. This includes both plant and animal material. Ensure that you remove any leftover food from the kitchen and do not leave dishes out overnight. The pests may be attracted to any crumbs or rotting food they may see, as it is among the types of food that they love to eat.Earwig eggs can be challenging to get rid of, but following these tips should help you out. If you’re still having issues with Earwigs after trying these methods, it is best to call a professional pest control company to get them to eliminate them for you.Do earwigs lay eggs inside ears?Earwigs are not known to lay eggs inside of human ears, although they may do so if they happen to wander into the ear canal- which is extremely rare. In general, earwigs are not considered a significant health threat to humans and are more of a nuisance than anything else. However, if an earwig is spotted in or near the ear, it can be safely removed with a cotton swab. If left untreated, an earwig stuck inside the ear may cause a blockage, build-up of wax, infection, and other health problems.However, do not worry- earwigs are not known to crawl into people’s ears intentionally, so the chances of finding earwig eggs in your ears are very unlikely. These insects are not dangerous or poisonous at all unless they get confused and stuck in an ear canal. The only reason you may find these bugs in your bed is if there is an extreme infestation of them inside your house!In fact, earwigs get their name from the Old English word ‘‘ar wicga’‘which means ‘‘a wiggler’’. The name is said to have come from the earwig’s habit of entering human ears while they’re sleeping. Earwigs are also sometimes called pincher bugs or inchworms.Earwigs use the sharp, curved pincers protruding from their abdomen as a form of self-defense. If you go to remove one of these, they may sting you, but don’t worry, these bugs are not poisonous at all! Their pincers may leave a small, red welt on your skin which will subside in a few hours. Still, it’s better to stay away from a huge swarm of these bugs if you are not wearing protective gear, as their bites can still hurt. These bites are not dangerous at all and can be likened to a slight pinch.They may also release a foul-smelling substance if they feel attacked or cornered. If you are unsure about whether an insect is an earwig or a cockroach- the smell may help you identify it!Earwig LifecycleThe earwig lifecycle is a fascinating process to look at, as it goes through different stages of development to become an adult insect.The mother lays earwig eggs in safe, hidden spots. They usually burrow holes in the soft cool soil or lay the eggs under piles of leaves or near the roots of trees and plants for extra protection, as they like to hide. They can lay up to 80-100 eggs at a time, and most females lay at least two broods in a single season! Once they lay their eggs, the females stay close by and protect them from potential predators or natural danger. An earwig’s eggs are small, round, and white in color and are usually found in clumps inside the earwig nest- a short, dark burrow that is dug inside the cool, damp earth.The mother will look after all the eggs in a single cell and keep them clean and warm. She may also carry them around with her while moving from place to place, and if any danger persists in the area where the eggs are laid, she will transport them to a safer place instead of abandoning them.The eggs typically hatch after seven days, and the baby earwigs will molt for the first time shortly afterward. The baby earwig is called the nymph. The nymph looks similar to an adult but is much smaller and sleeker, and earwig nymphs are a lighter brown than adults as well. Nymphs grow with each molting, and it typically takes them four to six moltings to become large enough to be considered juveniles. The nymphs feed on the same things as adults- mostly dead and decaying flower, plant, and animal matter.It takes between 40-60 days for nymphs to turn into adults. Their bodies become larger and darker with each molting, and they will develop more hardened exoskeletons.The final stage in an earwig’s life cycle is the adult stage, at which it is ready to partake in mating and reproduction. Unlike nymphs, adult earwigs have large, hardened bodies and fully developed wings. However, the functionality of these wings depends from species to species. Even if they do fly, they only do so in short bursts and clumsy movements. The wings of the earwig insect clearly aren’t built to support the weights of their bodies, which is just as well, as they do not really require them in searching for food and shelter. They have very strong and sharp pincers, which allow them to hunt and feed on smaller prey on their own. Adults have extremely long antennae on the top of their heads- they are as long as half of the earwig’s body!Earwigs have bodies that are separated into three parts as all other insects; the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. They have six brown, segmented legs sprouting from the middle section- the thorax, which help them to run around swiftly and climb up walls and other surfaces. They have a sharp, curved pair of pincers protruding from the rear end of their body, which helps them to stave off any predators and protect themselves in times of need. They may also use these to hunt down their prey. Male and females have differently structured pincers- the males are more rounded, whereas those of the females are more pointed and longer. It is because of these pincers that they have also been given the name ‘pincher bug.’

Earwigs are common insects found throughout the United States.