Dolphins and sharks are two very distinct marine animals that share the ocean and sea together.Nonetheless, there are also many differences between a dolphin and a shark. Although these two species are marine animals, the dolphin is more of a warm-blooded mammal while the shark is a cold-blooded fish.In today’s world, there exists a great debate between the various characteristics of sharks and dolphins among marine specialists and researchers. When we first think of dolphins and sharks, we see dolphins as water animals that are totally cute, social, and also quite friendly with humans. On the other hand, when we hear about sharks, an image of their deadly appearance and menacing teeth is created and we feel a slight level of discomfort. There exists not just one difference but many between dolphins and sharks. First and foremost, dolphins and sharks come from completely different families. The dolphin comes from the Cetacean family just like whales while the shark belongs to the Elasmobranch family. Secondly, dolphins are mammals that give birth to live young while sharks are fish that reproduce by laying eggs. Thirdly, dolphins have a blowhole on the top of the head to breathe air so they have to come up above the ocean surface at times while sharks have gills on the sides of the body that makes it easy to breathe underwater.Nonetheless, they can be quite different but they share a few similarities too. For instance, both sharks and dolphins have dorsal fins that are located on the back, their sides have two pectoral fins, and both of them have tail fins too. Shark fins, like the dorsal fin, tend to be triangular in shape whereas the dorsal fin that a dolphin has tends to be more rounded. Northern right whale dolphins are the only dolphin species without a dorsal fin. Even the bodies of both these marine species are quite streamlined and torpedo-shaped. The tails of these two water species prove to be advantageous but with a difference. The vertical glide of the tail present in sharks makes it easy for them to have mobility sideways. This is why they are quite swift, straight swimmers. In dolphins, the tail fin tends to be more horizontal, allowing them to make quick sharp movements in the water to help in swimming away fast during attacks.Sharks and dolphins don’t really have a good relationship and they do not get along well. In the world of oceans and seas, dolphins are prey animals to sharks. But dolphins perform well in defending themselves from their predators. Dolphins, which are vocal mammals, tend to move in ‘pods’ so if one member of a pod is in danger of being attacked by an aggressive shark, the whole pod will rush to its defense. These water mammals have also been recorded to protect and save humans from sharks!It might be surprising to learn this but even though a shark’s body can be slightly bigger than the body of a dolphin, the dolphin can easily defend itself against a shark by going to the extent of even killing it. The way they defend themselves has astounded many marine experts and scientists. There is a joke that cold-blooded sharks have dolphin phobia! As a result, a shark will mostly attack young dolphins, dolphins that are by themselves, or even injured dolphins.If you’ve seen a dolphin head before, you will be well aware of the unique long snout it has. Although this adds to them being adorable animals, it proves to be a very powerful weapon against sharks. When they ram this long snout into the soft underside of the shark, it can be quite painful even going to the extent of causing severe internal injuries. A well-aimed hit can take out a shark! It is important to understand that this animal will attack a shark not for predatory purposes but only for the reason of protecting itself, its young, and other members of the pod. So, these water mammals attack only out of defense or if they are threatened.If you enjoyed this article on the differences between dolphins and sharks, make sure to check out our shark amazing facts for kids and eagle vs hawk fun facts that are sure to amaze you!How are dolphins and sharks different?Nothing can evoke more panic than noticing a shark fin swimming towards you as you play in the water or at a beach. Again, nothing can make you happier than watching an adorable warm-blooded dolphin swim towards you seeking your affection. A debate still continues whether sharks and dolphins do get along well or not, but the life of a dolphin has been studied much more in depth than the life of a shark. In general, a wide range of differences exists between a dolphin and a shark in terms of their appearance as well as behavior.Dolphins are social creatures that live and move together in what are called pods. Sharks, on the other hand, tend to be solitary marine animals that swim in the ocean water all by themselves. Secondly, dolphins are mammals that breathe air through the blowhole on their heads by coming above the water surface while sharks are fish that have both the capacity and the capability to breathe oxygen underwater with the help of the gills present in the sides of the shark’s body. Both these animals also have two pectoral fins on their side, dorsal fins on their backs, and tails.There is a difference in the dorsal fins too. When you look at the dorsal fin of a dolphin, it is more rounded while the dorsal fin present in a shark has a straight edge to it. The main difference between the tails of these two marine species is that the tail fin that is present in dolphins is more horizontal, aiding in up and down movements in the ocean or sea and is similar to the tail of a whale. In sharks, the tail fin is more on the vertical side, allowing them to make agile side-to-side motions. With this information, you should then be able to detect to which animal the dorsal fin belongs to when you locate one in the water.The fins in dolphins prove to be a great defense tool as they surround the shark in almost every direction and then begin slapping their fins away. This confuses the shark, sending a warning not to approach the dolphin pod ever again. After this shaking experience, the shark will not get too close to dolphins again!Do sharks and dolphins belong to the same family?Sharks and dolphins do not come from the same family. Dolphins are known to come from the Cetacean family while the shark comes from the Elasmobranch group of water animals.The dolphin is an intelligent animal that is bright, slow, and also has great connection with humans. Just like us, they’re also capable of portraying emotions like sadness, depression, and happiness! These dolphins usually swim near the water surface while sharks tend to frequent the deeper parts of the sea. Sharks are more lethal sea creatures that have no predators. You could say almost say that sharks are efficient dominators of the sea!Who has more teeth-shark or dolphin?Dolphins are believed to have just a single set of teeth that lasts an entire lifetime. The teeth in dolphins are conical shaped, making it easy to catch smaller fish, certain cretaceans, and squid.The teeth of a dolphin are well structured to tear into flesh but they mostly use their to secure their food and provide a good grip. Sharks, on the other hand, have sharper teeth that help them to easily cut into the carcasses of other sea animals. The teeth and width of the mouth is the most deadly and menacing part of their bodies. Dolphins have more teeth than sharks. Sharks are also capable of losing some of their teeth when they bite into certain hard structures or substances.Who would win a shark or a dolphin?When it comes to a fight between a shark and a dolphin, it is for sure that the dolphin will win. This is because even though the shark might seem like a more fierce and aggressive animal, the dolphin can easily counterattack given the various abilities that they possess.Firstly, dolphins have long snouts that they use for jamming into the soft stomach of a shark if it comes to attack them in any way. Secondly, since dolphins live and move in pods, the pod will come to the rescue of a dolphin that is being harassed by a shark. Hence, it is very easy for a dolphin to overpower a shark!Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Dolphin Vs shark showdown: marine animal differences revealed for kids then why not take a look at Can rabbits eat watermelon rind? It’s a yes, to this juicy sweet treat, or Bugs that look like termites: explore cool insects around your home!

Dolphins and sharks are two very distinct marine animals that share the ocean and sea together.