Almost every breed of dog sheds, however, the catch is the shedding behavior is changes depending on the breed of dog.There are many things about dogs that are normal. Just like humans shed hair almost every day, dogs do too.The difference is that dogs shed a lot more and in some seasons, they shed 10 times more than usual. Almost every dog sheds, however, some species shed more than others and require a lot of care and grooming. Some species of dogs, such as a Chihuahua, don’t have much fur and they don’t shed much. However, it is still normal to see their hair around the house. It’s not a surprising thing to see your cat’s and dog’s fur all across your furniture and clothes. In most cases, shedding is very natural, however in some dog breeds, excessive shedding is not normal. There are some dog breeds that shed excessively, however, if your dog is shedding way more than normal, then you should contact a vet. It’s normal for dogs such as a German shepherd and a Siberian husky to shed in spring and fall. The main reason why is that these dogs have double-coated or thick double-coated hair because these species used to live in colder regions. As the name suggests the Siberian husky used to live in cold regions where it was required for it to have thick double fur in order to survive during the winters. Natural selection and evolution played their magic and some species evolved to have thick fur to protect them from harsh climates. During the fall and spring season, they lose their coat, leaving them with only an undercoat because during these seasons, dogs don’t require as much protection from the weather. It’s also essential for them to lose their fur during these seasons, otherwise they may get heatstroke in humid weather. This is because their thick fur doesn’t allow their body to cool off, limiting their physical activity and making it difficult for the pet to survive. For the very same reason, it’s advised to not adopt or bring a very furry breed home if you live in humid regions. Regions such as India, Pakistan. and other Asian countries that are hot are not suitable for Siberian huskies, as these dogs come with a double-coated body. This double coat can cause them a lot of problems in India’s hot weather, causing it almost impossible for the dog to live its life peacefully and with full joy and optimum health. For the same reason, it’s very important to find a dog breed that is well fitted for the region you live in, as the fur or coat will keep them warm for the most part, which can be a downside if you already live in a humid region or part of the globe.If you enjoyed this article, why not also read about fastest dog and dog biting nails here on Kidadl!Why do dogs shed?Humans lose their hair every so often, and in the same way, dogs shed their coats every now and then. Although, in some seasons they shed more.The double coat which most dogs have is there to protect them from harsh weather conditions year-round. Short-haired dogs don’t shed as much as a dog with a double coat. The coats are essential to protect them from allergies or sickness during the winter season, which is why pet breeds such as the German shepherd, golden retriever, and American eskimo have so much fur, In some cases, the fur is genetically selected by humans to make them look more appealing and cute. So if you are brushing your German shepherd and the dog sheds heavy loads of hair, it’s a natural function of a dog’s body. They get rid of old hair and it’s one of the healthiest practices in breeds such as Akita and golden river. You should not be surprises if you see your belonging covered in their hairs. This is also pretty normal and a part of the natural grooming process. A dog’s hairs are mostly present in a layer system, meaning these fluffy folks every so often shed their hair. This is not so normal in a puppy. They shed a bit, but not too much.In most cases, you don’t have to worry if your pet sheds their hair or if it comes out with a brush. Dogs such as a sheepdog are heavy shedders and their coats lose hair more than other dogs. The most common time for both big and small dogs to shed their coats is July. They don’t shed year-round.List Of Dogs That Shed The MostAlmost every dog breed sheds, however, some dog breeds that shed the most are the Welsh corgi, Saint Bernard, and Great Pyrenees. Some other shedding dog breeds are Siberian husky and American eskimo.Dogs are bred over time to grow furry and fluffy coats to protect them from the cold. The dogs from a breed that comes from such a family will be heavy shedders and have thick coats like golden retrievers and other breeds such as Great Pyrenees. It’s not a surprise that dogs that shed the worst are typically the heaviest shedding dog breed. These will shed a lot more than other dog breeds. Some common heavy shedding dog breeds are the Welsh corgi, Great Pyrenees and the Saint Bernard. Shedding is very common in chow chow dogs and sheepdogs too. It is advised to brush thick-haired dogs once a week to help them groom themselves. They shed the most during July. In most cases, it’s not surprising to see a big chunk of hair from their undercoat coming out while brushing them, however, it’s important to know when there is a problem. It’s natural shedding if it’s occurring uniformly all across the skin and undercoat, however, if you brush your dog and see only some parts of their coat are shedding and they have missing patches of fur on their coat, there might be a problem. If only some part of your dog’s coat is coming out while brushing it’s important to take them to a doctor.What is the most shedding dog in the world?Our little furry friends bring the absolute best out of us and bring life to our house. Seeing fur balls scattered all over your furniture or clothes is not a surprising thing for most pet owners. It is not just dogs, cats shed too. Similar to dogs, some cats are heavy shedders and lose more hair compared to other cat breeds which do not have much fur.Dogs that were bred in colder regions of the globe developed thick coats of hair all across their skin to keep them warm during harsh winter seasons. This is just natural selection and evolution at their absolute best. In earlier times, dogs and humans did almost everything together. Dogs helped humans to search for food and hunt. In regions such as Siberia and other such colder regions, pet dogs over time developed thick undercoats to keep their body warm. During warmer months, they shed the winter coat, and this was just a part of their life. Some dog breeds that shed the most are chow chow, German shepherd, and Akita.How to manage a dog who sheds a lot?In some dog breeds, shedding their thick coat is a common practice. They shed a lot more than other dogs. Breeds such as Akita and chow chow and other furry dog breeds are known for their notorious shedding.However, if your dog is shedding more with every brush and has bald patches of fur on its skin, it could be a problem. Some congenital diseases can also cause excessive shedding and in such cases, you need to see a vet. Skin allergies can also be a problem.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for dogs that shed the most]then why not take a look at easiest dog breeds to train, or bulldog facts.

Almost every breed of dog sheds, however, the catch is the shedding behavior is changes depending on the breed of dog.