Cats are one of the cutest and most adorable pets we can keep with us as our companions.The regular way we give food and treats to our cats, we should also keep a regular eye on their health. Vaccinating your cat will lower any sort of health risk and won’t let them die at a young age.There are various viruses present in the air capable of making your cat sick. Cats are prone to infections which are mostly chronic. It is better to take precautions in the initial stage. Rabies is one of the most common and most dangerous disease that cats face.When you bring home a kitten, the first thing you should is to get it vaccinated. The first dosage of the rabies vaccine can be given to your cat when it is three to eight months old. The second dose is an annual vaccine that is given after an interval of one year. After that, booster vaccine doses should be given to your cat after an interval of every three years. This way you can assure that your feline friend stays absolutely healthy.If you like reading such awesome facts about animals then you will also like our facts on how often do cats pee and how often do cats poop.How often do cats need rabies shots in California?You may find your feline friend absolutely fit and fine and that might make you think that there is no need for any vaccine. However, it has taken a lot of years and vaccines to make cats disease free. Cats are an animal species that is very much prone to diseases like rabies and several infections. They need regular vaccination in order to stay healthy and live a long life.There are several core vaccines and non-core vaccines available for your feline friend. After taking a pet cat home, the first thing you should do as a owner is to contact a good veterinarian and take your cat to a veterinary or any animal hospital or clinic. There are vaccines like the rabies vaccine and the feline leukemia vaccine which you can book for your cat. If you live in California, then you will have several good veterinary practices for vaccinating your cat. In California, there are no fixed vaccines required by law for cats. It’s all up to your awareness and sense of responsibility. The rabies vaccine is the most important vaccine for cats. In California, you can give your cat the first rabies vaccination dose when it is three months old. The next dosage will follow one year later. After that you have to vaccinate your cat every three years. This vaccine will create antibodies providing immunity against the disease.How often do cats need rabies shots in Massachusetts?Rabies is one such disease found in animal species like cats, dogs, and monkeys. If you have a pet cat that mostly stays inside the house, you may think that the cat is disease-free and protected from any future risk. However it is important to give your pet cat a complementary vaccination shot to make sure! The perception that you do not need to give your pet a vaccine is not only dangerous for your cat but also is equally dangerous for you. After bringing home your pet cat, the first thing you should do is contact a good veterinarian and fix a vaccination schedule.The rabies vaccination is a must for your cat. It is termed a core vaccine as it provides protection to your cat and doesn’t let its health deteriorate. The vaccination is for your cat’s wellness. Also, it will be good for your own wellness too. In the early days, cats were known as disease carriers. They used to spread infection that they were exposed to. After vaccinating them and taking proper care, they have become one of the most adorable pets. If you live in Massachusetts, you should know about these vaccination rules. In Massachusetts, according to the Veterinary Medical Association, you can schedule your cat’s first vaccination dose when it has reached the age of six months. You then have to vaccinate it with a booster dose when its age is of one year. These annual vaccination shots reduce the health risk. There are also other vaccinations. Cats actually face more infection-causing viruses and bacteria than other pets. After bringing your kitten, first talk with a veterinarian and book in to vaccinate it. If vaccinated, it is unlikely that an infection will spread and cause harm.How often do indoor cats need rabies shots?Cats need vaccination doses and additional booster doses to produce antibodies against several infectious and disease-causing viruses. If you ask a good veterinarian, they will tell you that cats or kittens need comparatively more vaccination doses than dogs. Several viruses attack cats and deteriorate their health and immunity and cause diseases. Some of these diseases can be very dangerous for humans too. Rabies is one such disease.We all have heard this saying ‘prevention is better than cure!’ This sentence applies here. Rabies is fatal for dog and cat species because it has no proper cure. The only thing we can do is to prevent it and the way to do this is through vaccination. You should contact a vet to know in detail about all the vaccinations that are available for cats. The rabies vaccine is the most important one for indoor cats. There are others vaccines available for other diseases like feline leukemia, calicivirus, and herpes disease. The first shot of the rabies vaccine should be given to your kitten when it is three to eight months old. The second vaccine shot has to be given after a year followed by booster shots every three years thereafter. Remember your cat’s safety is in your hands!How often do outdoor cats need rabies shots?After bringing home small kittens, pet owners should first visit an animal hospital so that they can book core vaccinations for their small feline companions. Cat owners who genuinely love their pets and care for them must vaccinate their pets. Baby cats or kittens are very delicate and can get infected by various viruses. Some viruses like the feline herpes virus and rabies virus infect both outdoor and indoor cats. Cats who are already vaccinated have an advantage in this case.As earlier said, vaccination is a must for pet animals. There are several life-threatening diseases that can attack your pet so it is your duty to keep them safe. Cats can be both lazy and active. There are cats who don’t leave the house at all and again there are cats that roam around outside freely. Vaccinating them will lower their chance of being affected by diseases. There was a time when cats were considered to be disease-spreading animals as proper vaccination was not available. It is true that cats that roam outside come into contact with diseases more easily. Rabies vaccines for outdoor cats are no different than the vaccines that are given to indoor cats. After the first shot has been given, the cat needs to be revaccinated a year later and then booster doses are given every three years thereafter. Outdoor cats need extra care as they are exposed to more threats. Outdoor or stray cats hunt other animals and also get involved in fights. These different types of contacts can spread viruses and make them sick. Vaccines for feline leukemia virus, herpes virus, and calicivirus are also available for them. If you want to adopt a stray cat or kitten, then first consult a vet to make sure it is vaccinated.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for do you know? How often do cats need rabies shots? then why not take a look at know your kitten better: when do kittens lose their baby teeth? or understanding dog senses: do dogs know when you are sad?

Cats are one of the cutest and most adorable pets we can keep with us as our companions.