Tarantulas are a hairy species of spider that are known for their giant size and scary appearance.Tarantulas are arthropods that belong to the class Arachnida, known by their scientific name Theraphosidae. Like other arachnids, tarantulas have eight legs and do not have antennae.Over 1000 species of tarantulas are found in many parts of the world across Central and South America and parts of North America. Some species are also found in South Asian countries, parts of Africa, Europe, and Australia.Tarantula spiders are found in a range of sizes. They can be as small as a BB pellet to as large as a saucer plate. The goliath bird-eating tarantula is the largest of all tarantula species in the world, while the spruce-fir moss spider and Trinidad dwarf tarantula are among the smallest tarantulas in the world.Many spiders secrete silk from the spinnerets on their abdomen. However, Tarantulas produce silk from the spigots on their feet. While most spiders use their silk to trap their prey, tarantulas shoot silk from their feet, which they use to climb slippery surfaces. They also use their silk to keep themselves firmly on the ground.Tarantulas make burrows. They line the walls of the burrows with silk to protect them from dirt and sand. The tarantula spider may also live under a rock or a wooden log and use its silk to protect it.Isn’t it fascinating to know about these amazing little creatures? If you enjoy these facts on tarantulas, you may also enjoy our fun facts articles on what eats spiders? And are spiders nocturnal? Check out these articles as well!Can a tarantula bite kill a human?Tarantulas may scare you with their large, hairy bodies. Arachnophobia, or the intense, unexplainable fear for spiders, is common among people. However, we also see people who choose tarantula spiders as their pets. Spider watching has been a fascinating hobby among insect lovers. Tarantulas may have a creepy and intimidating appearance, but they make lovely pets. They are among the most harmless and noiseless pets. One of the daunting factors about raising a tarantula as a pet is its bite. Do tarantula spiders bite? Do they cause death in humans? Yes! The tarantulas do bite. However, the toxicity of their venom is very weak.Like other spiders, tarantulas are venomous. However, the bites are meant for hunting down their prey. When tarantulas bite their prey, they inject their venom to paralyze the prey and consume them. Tarantula bite in humans causes redness, irritation, pain, and swelling. However, it does not pose any serious hazard to humans. Most species bought from pet stores typically do not cause any risk to human life. Death due to tarantula bite is most unlikely. However, few species of tarantula spiders may have toxic venom that may put you in danger. Similar to a bee sting, a tarantula bite can cause allergic reactions in people. The allergic reactions include breathing difficulty, low blood pressure, skin rash, and rapid heart rate, among other symptoms. Though the tarantula venom may not be very toxic, the allergy reaction may cause death. Hence, much care is required while choosing the species of tarantula.What provokes a tarantula to bite?Tarantulas are not bloodsuckers. They do not bite humans because they cannot eat them. Though fierce in appearance, tarantulas are naturally timid. These delicate beings do not cause any harm unless they are provoked.Generally, tarantulas are harmless creatures. They attack other beings either to hunt them for food or self-defense. They are not so aggressive unless they feel threatened.Tarantulas bite when they are annoyed or threatened and when they feel the need to escape. Some species of tarantulas are aggressive. They have spike-like hairs in their abdomen. They throw off their abdominal hairs when they are annoyed, while another species of tarantulas bite as a defense mechanism. A hissing sound accompanies their bite.When the tarantulas release their hairs in the abdomen on their enemies, it causes swelling, itching, and discomfort. When their hairs come in contact with a person’s eyes, it may be irritating to the eyes and causes redness and swelling in the eyes and nasal passages.Tarantulas have their fangs under their body. When there is a threat to them from above, they cannot bite in defense. However, if you hit your pet tarantula while it is crawling on you, it is more likely that the tarantula bites you. When threatened, the tarantula initially raises its legs, shows its fangs, and thrusts its body aggressively. This action is a warning sign. If you don’t budge, it bites in defense.The bite can be comparable to a bee sting. Tarantula bites may cause redness, irritation, and pain in the bitten region. Sometimes, the fangs may cause a puncture of the skin, which may lead to minimal bleeding.Tarantula bite is the last thing that the pet owner would want. Hence, it is a good idea to leave the tarantula alone and not try to disturb it. Else the spider considers it as an attack and gets defensive.How do tarantulas attack?Tarantulas are gentle pets. Unless instigated, they do not attack or pose any threat to people or other animals. However, when it is in danger or feels threatened, a tarantula spider attacks the assailant.The fangs of tarantulas are long and sharp. These fangs can never be removed from the tarantula spiders. Even when cut, they grow back fully. Hence permanent removal of tarantula fangs is impossible.Tarantulas are nocturnal creatures. They feed on insects, lizards, frogs, and other spiders. Being nocturnal predators, tarantulas wait in ambush to hunt their prey at night. They pursue their food with their bite. These fangs are the vital organs in the tarantula’s body that play a significant role in attacking its prey. While hunting down its meal, the tarantula spider holds the victim with its legs, opens the fangs out, and inserts them in its prey. The venom from the strike paralyzes and kills the victim. The tarantula then crushes the meal with their mouthparts. The prey is turned into a soupy liquid that can be easily digested.Another interesting factor in tarantula bites is the dry bite. Sometimes, the tarantula chooses to save its venom to attack its prey rather than use it in defense. Hence it bites the assailant without injecting the venom. It just leaves the person with a puncture on the skin from its fangs. There would not be any adverse reactions such as allergy, redness, or inflammation in this case.Though large in size and dangerous in appearance, the truth is that they are docile creatures. They are not as deadly as they appear to be. They get aggressive only when they find the situation dangerous.Do pet tarantulas recognize their owners?Tarantula spiders are unusual yet famous pet animals. Typically, they are very different from mainstream pets such as dogs or cats. Their natural habitat is the wild. Watching tarantula spiders is an exciting hobby. What can a caretaker expect from a simple wild spider? Do these spiders bond with their owners? Well! That is extremely unlikely.These primitive spider species are simple beings that lack the intelligence to recognize humans. They do not crave your attention and do not bond with their owners. Tarantula spider species are not able enough to recognize their owners by face. Tarantulas typically behave in the same manner irrespective of the person who is holding them.A tarantula always considers humans dangerous and does not develop affection towards the owner. If you hold them, they will crawl up your arms. Unless provoked, it does not harm you. But if it finds you threatening, you may be bitten by the tarantula.Can a pet tarantula bite without provocation?Tarantula spiders may appear deadly creatures with large and terrifying bodies, but they happen to be docile and gentle beings. Though a tarantula may bite other animals or people, its bite is rarely fatal to humans.Tarantula spiders bite other living beings mainly for two reasons, either for food or self-defense.The tarantulas are nocturnal creatures. The spider’s diet includes small insects, lizards, grasshoppers, and other spiders. The spider species bites its victim, uses its venom to paralyze its food, and consumes it. Secondly, when it feels unsafe or threatened, it bites the assailant in self-defense. Such bites may pass its venom or a dry bite without venom, leaving the attacker with punctured skin, causing pain and irritation in the region. It is most unlikely that the tarantula bite can kill a person.It is rare that a tarantula bites without being provoked. If left alone and without being disturbed, the tarantula does not bite or attack anyone.Are some species of tarantulas more aggressive than others?Tarantulas are spider species belonging to the class Arachnida. Like other Arachnids, tarantulas (Theraphosidae) have eight legs. There are several species of tarantulas in the world. Currently, around 1010 species of tarantulas are known on earth. These species differ in their size, color, habitat, and many other aspects.On average, tarantulas are a few inches long. The goliath bird eater is the largest spider in the world, with a leg span of 12 in ( 30 cm) and body length of 5.1 in ( 13 cm). Many features of tarantula species are pretty similar. Most species have black or brown colored body, with dense urticating hairs. It is common to find stipes in their legs. These legs have seven segments each, and they act as appendages.Tarantulas naturally live in the wild. The tropical forests, subtropical regions, and desert regions are places where tarantulas live. However, these spider species are getting popular as pet creatures and have found a place for themselves among the family.Tarantulas differ in their temperament. Not all species of tarantulas are aggressive. Some tarantula species such as the Brazilian salmon tarantula, king baboon spider, and the goliath bird eater tarantula are pretty aggressive. When provoked, they defend themselves by making a hissing sound. They also throw their abdomen hairs and bite the assailant in defense. However, species such as the Chilean rose hair tarantula, Mexican red knee tarantula, and the pink toe tarantula are docile creatures and are less harmful.Tarantulas from Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australia are referred to as old-world tarantulas. They have more powerful venom but lack urticating hairs. Tarantulas from America are new world tarantulas. These have milder venom. They defend themselves with their urticating hairs. Old-world tarantulas bite more often and are known to be more aggressive than new-world tarantulas.Domesticated tarantulas that are bought from pet stores can be tamed and are less harmful. The species from the wild do not recognize the bond. It gets provoked and attacks when annoyed.What To Do If You Are Bitten By A Tarantula Tarantulas attack humans or other animals only when it feels provoked or threatened. If it is left alone without being disturbed, it is rare for a tarantula to attack anyone.When the tarantula feels unsafe, it gives you a caution by pushing forward its front legs and making it appear bigger. You’ll be spared from its bite if you take its warning and leave it undisturbed. If you ignore its caution, it goes ahead to give you the experience of its bite.Tarantula bites feel like a bee sting. You may experience symptoms like pain, inflammation, itchy skin, and allergies. Though there may be some discomfort, it rarely leads to severe complications.Tarantula bites do not kill humans. However, the allergies caused by the venom in some people may lead to troubled breathing, low blood pressure, and other serious health issues that may cause death. Hence, it is advisable to take adequate safety measures. When the tarantula spider bites someone, immediate medical attention is required. Take the affected person to the emergency room immediately. It is essential to give appropriate emergency care and medicine to treat allergies and pain to avoid risks.Before going to the hospital, appropriate first aid needs to be given. Wash the affected region with soap and water and put an ice pack over it. Do not rub or scratch the affected area. Wash the area with running water and take medical advice and treatment at once.Is it possible to gain the trust of tarantulas?Unlike other mainstream pet animals, tarantulas are primitive creatures. They cannot recognize humans or bond with them.Tarantulas belong to the wild. Although you shower your pet spider with love and take good care of your pet, it rarely acknowledges your affection. Domesticated tarantulas may behave calmly. However, they rarely develop a bond with their owners. Tarantulas consider humans as a stranger, despite the excellent care that you give them. They do not crave your attention and prefer to live undisturbed. Hence, it is hard to gain the trust of tarantulas and bond with them.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for do tarantulas bite? then why not take a look at are spiders bugs, or tarantula facts?

Tarantulas are a hairy species of spider that are known for their giant size and scary appearance.