It is very important to know everything about a dog breed before going to buy one, or you might be in for a surprise later!Schnauzers are very compact, sinewy, square-built dogs that remain alert all the time and have a stiff wiry coat and bristling beard and eyebrows. To answer the impending question now, yes, schnauzers do shed, but the quantity of shedding is very less and for people who want a dog with less shedding, schnauzer should be chosen.Many dog owners would claim that their schnauzer does not shed, but that is not true. They do shed, but very little. All dogs with fur and coat shed, and this dog breed is no different. Sometimes the shedding is so little in this dog, that you won’t even notice that your schnauzer is shedding. Like many other dogs, schnauzers also have a double coat. At the beginning of the spring, other dogs will shed their inner coat, and not the outer coat. During the winter season, dog breeds grow a new coat. Although schnauzers have a double coat, they do not shed as much as other dogs. The number of hairs schnauzer breeds shed also depends on the size of the dogs.There are three breeds of schnauzers found in the world - miniature schnauzer, standard schnauzer, and giant schnauzer. The miniature schnauzers are the most common dogs and the smallest of the group as the name suggests. The shedding in all the breeds is different with respect to size. Schnauzers are one of the world’s most popular dog breeds and are known for their loyalty, temperament, and the need to be fun all the time. When you train your schnauzer puppy with all these traits, there is no stopping these dogs to be the best in the world. When you see a schnauzer dog, at first glance, you might be confused as the dog’s face has fur that hangs out and seems like it will shed pretty quickly.The term schnauzer is essentially derived from the German word ‘schnauze’ which means muzzle and can easily be swapped with mustache. This name was imparted to the dog species due to the prominent walrus mustache hanging from the face, along with the big, bushy eyebrows. Schnauzer dogs have two coats and both coats in the dog’s body are short. The inner coat of the dog is known to be soft and the outer coat is wiry and coarse. This gives the fur of the dog a distinctive appearance. People have a notion that dogs having a double coat will automatically lead to a lot of shedding. However, as we can see in the schnauzer, it does not shed much. These dogs are in fact considered the most hypoallergenic breed.As we have already learned that there are different sizes to the schnauzer dog, we have come to the conclusion that small dogs shed less than bigger ones, so miniature schnauzer dogs will shed less than standard schnauzers and giant schnauzers. Giant schnauzers shed much from their undercoat than miniature and standard schnauzers. It all comes down to the surface area. In fact, all schnauzers tend to shed an equal amount, but as the giant schnauzers have a bigger size, naturally you will find more dead hair on the floor. Overall, the schnauzer is a low-shedding breed. However, the hair left behind by a giant schnauzer won’t be as much as other breeds of dogs that shed. You can also get a giant schnauzer from the nearest pet store but should be ready to work a little bit more on the grooming of the dog. Alternatively, you can also hire a professional groomer. It is important to tend to the coat of your furry friend even though the dog sheds less. Grooming and removing dead hair from time to time keep the coat fresh and will make the dog shed even less. As the schnauzer dog has a wiry topcoat and soft undercoat, the hair tends to get stuck to mats and even get tangled. So it is important to brush and groom the double coats for an optimal look. Miniature schnauzers and standard schnauzer breeds will need a good fur clipping every five to eight weeks while the giant schnauzers will need less frequent grooming which is at least once a month. The latter needs hand stripping though.If you enjoy this article, why not also read about if labrador retrievers shed and why dogs shed here on Kidadl?Why do schnauzers shed hair?The schnauzer is a distinct breed that has a soft undercoat and a wiry coat outside and despite having such long hairs, does not shed much at all. However much they shed is due to the soft coat beneath the healthy dogs’ upper coat.The wiry coat protects the dog from shedding and the schnauzer dog will even shed less if groomed regularly. If you want a dog that does not shed its dog hair much and is not an allergy magnet, the three breeds of schnauzer - miniature schnauzer, standard schnauzer, and giant schnauzer - are the best options for you. The dogs come in both giant and fur skin and even the size differs. The bigger the size of the schnauzer dog, the more it will shed. With frequent brushing, this problem of shedding can be reduced quite a bit and will help to keep the coat healthy. Excessive shedding is not seen in this dog.Dogs are known to carry some proteins that can cause an allergic reaction in a human individual. The proteins that dogs carry vary from species to species. A person that can tolerate a Labrador dog’s coat might not be able to tolerate a Poodle’s coat. So it is better to go to the store and spend some time with the schnauzer dog you like before deciding to buy. It will help you decide if the low shedding breed is right for you in terms of allergies. It depends on the specific proteins that a person is allergic to, so it does not matter if the dog has long loose hair or even short hair. The schnauzer seems to be a small dog that most people are not allergic to.How To Stop Schnauzers Shedding HairThere are three breeds of schnauzer dogs found in the world - miniature schnauzer, stand schnauzer, and giant schnauzer. Among these, the miniature schnauzer is the most popular breed among people and the least known for excessive shedding.Let us discuss the three breeds of the schnauzer dog.The miniature schnauzer is the smallest schnauzer and has a double coat. The outer coat is wiry and coarse while the undercoat of the schnauzer is fluffy and soft of the miniature schnauzer. The miniature schnauzer was originally bred to become a small farm dog and get rid of the vermins in the garden. A healthy miniature schnauzer won’t ever shed much and does not even smell much unlike other animals. However, regular coat maintenance and grooming are necessary. Brushing the miniature schnauzer dog twice a week will help prevent matting. You should also take your miniature schnauzer to a groomer for regular trimming with clippers every five to eight weeks. The coat of the miniature schnauzer will become softer and lighter in color and will shed very little.The standard schnauzer, like the miniature schnauzer, sheds very little. The coat of this dog is also very similar and requires the same amount of grooming as the smaller breed in miniature schnauzers. The coat is also a double coat, like the miniature schnauzers, and requires less grooming. Famous in dog shows, regular grooming is not needed for the puppy and five to eight weeks is enough to remove the loose hairs in the dog. An adult dog or even the puppy needs to be bathed as often as they need it. You will know by the color of the coat and the smell in the miniature schnauzers as well as the standard schnauzers.The giant schnauzer has a similar coat to the standard and the miniature schnauzers. But due to the big size of the healthy dog, you will find more hair in different places. The amount is not like other dogs, but still noticeable. If you use your giant dogs as show dogs, hand stripping is needed frequently to keep the traditional schnauzer coat on the display.Schnauzer dogs do not leave a lot of hair in your furniture and the floor and that might be the reason to choose this beautiful dog for your home. It is true more for the miniature schnauzer and standard schnauzer breeds as they are known for minimal shedding.When do schnauzers shed?You will notice your miniature schnauzers shedding the most during the spring season and that is when you need to take extra care in grooming the dog breed.The three breeds of schnauzers are well known for being minimal shedders in the dog world. They are even very fond of people and very hardy in character. So, it is important to care for the dog when he needs it. The grooming details are given in the coming topics.When the dog starts shedding, you won’t see much difference as it sheds very little. But regular grooming is needed to keep things fresh for the dog and also your house. Miniature schnauzers shed the least, but in reality, all three breeds shed the same amount. Just because the giant schnauzer is bigger in size, there is more hair.How do schnauzer shed?Remember to go to a pro groomer every five to eight weeks for the small dogs to be groomed and get the fur cut to reduce the shedding.They shed very little, and sometimes so little that people believe they don’t shed at all. The lower coat sheds the most, but the presence of the upper coat presents hair loss. The undercoat of a double-coated dog helps in regulating the body temperature in both hot and cold weather. However, give the miniature schnauzers a bath once in two weeks to keep things fresh.How much do schnauzers shed?The schnauzer dogs shed very little, or none sometimes.It is not uncommon to see these dogs chosen so much all over the world due to their less shedding as people love to relax and not clean after regularly. Yes, schnauzers do shed, but it is so minimal that it will be unnoticeable. They shed only a few months a year, and if you take proper care during those times, you will be lucky to see your dog leave absolutely no hair on the couch or the bed. The first time you see this dog, with a mustache and long hair, you might be worried. But be rest assured, there is no shedding in the species.How to groom schnauzers if they shed hair?Here are some grooming tips you can use to reduce the amount of hair shed by your giant, standard, or miniature schnauzers.It is important to groom and maintain the longer hair of the dogs regularly. To prevent mats from occurring, daily maintenance is needed, and using a wire brush is recommended. If you see mats appearing your breed, they should be cut down anyway. The coat of the dog needs to be cut down in the spring and fall season as, during these seasons, the dog sheds the most. The hairs around the eyes and ears should also be trimmed down regularly with blunt-nosed scissors. Do not put any equipment inside the ear canal of the dog and just cut the hairs from the outside.It is important to groom regularly because if you or any family member is prone to allergies, it will affect you a lot. You should also trim dog nails regularly once or twice a month but make sure the dog does not suffer from any painful tears or various other problems. If you see your dog tapping on the floor and you can clearly hear it, it is time to cut the nails. Dog toenails have veins, so be careful when you cut the nails because when you cut too much it may cause serious infection.Miniature schnauzers come in three color variations - silver, black, and solid black. So think what some grooming will bring to the coat of the breed. Remember, before getting your miniature schnauzers or any of the other dog breeds, check with the breeder if all the health clearances are met.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for whether schnauzers shed, then why not take a look at when dogs shed or how to stop a dog shedding.

It is very important to know everything about a dog breed before going to buy one, or you might be in for a surprise later!