Raccoons are a nocturnal mammal species known for their solitary nature.Raccoons are a native species of North America. The habitat of the raccoon species varies from urban to coastal marsh areas.If a raccoon lives in its natural habitat, then it will prefer to live in a deciduous and temperate broadleaf-mixed region. Raccoons are among the most intelligent mammals. Raccoons can remember things for up to three years after they have happened. According to research, their senses and abilities are very quick. Raccoons, on the basis of their food habits, are omnivorous. Raccoons belong to the class of Mammalia and to the genus of Procyon. The binomial of the genus is Procyon lotor. Raccoons are on the IUCN’s list of Least Concern animals. Though raccoons are solitary in their behavior, they engage themselves socially with the opposite gender. Among the five sensory organs, a sense of touch is very important for raccoons.Two-thirds of a raccoon’s brain are responsible for sensory perception. This helps smart raccoons with tactile touch, meaning raccoons have the ability to sense and identify objects with their claws. In comparison to other animals, this animal species relies solely on its sense of touch. However, raccoons’ claws do not have locks like-webbed feet or opposable thumbs like primates. Raccoons do not have the ability to sense objects with color and can only sense the color green. Raccoons are a nocturnal species, so they can be seen in the wild or in urban areas having cat food at night. Opposable thumbs in primates allow the fingers to handle and control movement. Opposable thumbs make it easier to handle objects, pick up delicate items, and eat with one hand, and this feature is lacking in the raccoon species.If raccoons are seen in urban areas, they might engage in fights with dogs and cats. The paws of raccoons become more sensitive when they are wet. A raccoon’s wet paws help this creature to be smarter and more intelligent. The front paws of a raccoon are similar to human hands; they are just missing the opposable thumbs that you can find on human and primate hands. Each paw has five fingers. Raccoons avoid being near beech trees as their ability to climb up trees reduces due to their smooth bark. Raccoons’ fingers help them to climb up oak trees, and mostly a raccoon’s den is the hollow of a tree where they sleep and produce their litter.Fairly often, it has been noted that raccoons can be seen washing their food prior to eating it. Not only this but raccoons have also been seen washing their hands like humans. Generally, raccoons might not be seen for weeks in the winter season because they move to their own den into a hollow in a tree. Usually, raccoons do not hibernate. Wild raccoons carry a lot of infections with them, such as rabies. There are many instances when raccoons have destroyed people’s yards or ruined farmer’s crops, such as the sweet corn crop. They are even able to break locks with their fingers. A raccoon will eat fish, small insects, worms, fruits, vegetables, and invertebrates, among many other things.If you enjoyed reading this article about raccoons’ sense of touch, then do read some interesting and surprising fun facts about when do raccoons have babies and why do raccoons wash their food.What kind of thumbs do raccoons have?Raccoons do not have opposable thumbs on their paws. Instead, they have five fingers that can easily be moved to their paws, like the palm of a hand.The little finger and thumb of a raccoon can meet each other. A raccoon’s hands have long fingers with nails. As a raccoon is not able to move its thumbs, it cannot hold things with one hand. A raccoon would rather use both of its front paws to grasp an object. Raccoons are such an intelligent mammal species of North America that they have been observed washing their hands like a human.Raccoon species are often considered to be very adaptable to the artificial environment of humans because of the availability of all the food materials near urban areas. For this reason, they are also known for their high intelligence level compared to other animals. The hands of a raccoon are sensitive, and the hairs on their front paws help these animals use their brains to sense objects using touch.Why do raccoons have human-like hands?Though a raccoon has somewhat similar front paws to human hands, they lack an opposable thumb. This makes them fairly different from human hands.However, it is often said that a raccoon has human-like hands. This is due to the fact that these animals are so intelligent and smart in comparison to other animals that they frequently behave like humans in their paw activities, such as washing food, rubbing wet hands, and even breaking off locks. Raccoons use around two-thirds of their brain and are even seen stealing cats’ food at night.They are domesticated by a few people, but they require the utmost care because of their active nature. They even carry many parasites and bacteria and often end up destroying the places they live in. So, before you think about keeping them as pets, you must have detailed knowledge about them. For the reasons above, a raccoon’s face is often compared to that of a burglar’s, and their hands are like a human’s. A raccoon has the ability to rotate its hind feet. A raccoon is a good swimmer in the water and a good climber of trees.Can raccoons use their thumbs?Raccoon’s paws do not have opposable thumbs like humans. This animal species lacks the agility of its thumbs but is able to meet its little fingers and thumbs.A raccoon uses its thumbs along with other fingers on both paws to climb up into trees, to catch fish in water, and for eating food. A raccoon uses its thumb similarly to other fingers. This animal species cannot hold objects with one paw. Due to this, they have to use both the paws for eating, swimming, and climbing up trees. Their fingers are straight, which makes it difficult for them to get a strong grip or hold of an object. Their fingers are movable and flexible, but the lack of an opposable thumb does mean their grip is not as strong a human’s.What animals have an opposable thumb?Gorillas, chimpanzees, koalas, pandas, and orangutans are some of the animal species that have opposable thumbs.Opposable thumbs are a thumb that can be positioned in the opposite direction of a hand’s fingers. An opposable thumb is a tangible adjustment. Primates have opposable thumbs, which allow their fingers to handle and control movement. Possessing opposable thumbs makes it easier to handle objects, grab delicate things, and consume food using just one hand.Most primate species have opposable thumbs apart from humans. Gorillas have four opposable thumbs, two on their hands and two small thumbs on their feet. The two small toe-like thumbs on their feet help them to push themselves forward so that they can walk, while the two on their hands help them like any other human hand. They are able to hold things easily and walk comfortably.Chimpanzees and orangutans have four opposable thumbs on their hands, while two of their toes are also opposable. This helps primate species climb up trees, hang on to them, and search for their food easily. Apart from this, it also helps them to walk comfortably, similarly to gorillas. The difference is just the number.Pandas have two false opposable thumbs, which actually help these animals hold things in their hands without putting much effort into it like humans. However, in actuality, the two false opposable thumbs are not thumbs but rather an elongated wrist bone of the species which is flexible enough for them to move according to their own efforts. The biggest benefit for pandas is their elongated wrist bones, which means that they can handle bamboo very conveniently.Koalas have six opposable thumbs, two on each of their front paws, while the other two pairs are on each hind paw. The two opposable thumbs on the front paws help them to climb and hold trees while feeding on their food, while the two pairs of thumbs on each hind paw help them to form grooming claws. The Koala is a marsupial and has six opposable thumbs.Even some frog species have opposable thumbs similar to humans. Frogs from the family of Phyllomedusa can freely move their fingers. Waxy monkey frogs, Phyllomedusa Camba tree frogs, tarsier leaf frogs, and Burmeister’s leaf frogs are some of the frog species that have opposable thumbs. Almost all of the above frog species are arboreal. The opposable thumb helps this species to jump and climb up the trees. If they have these thumbs, then they can also walk very easily. Do raccoons use their paws for protection?Yes, a raccoon can use its paws for protection from natural calamities and predators.Usually, the raccoon species is a very smart and intelligent species, unlike other animal species. A raccoon uses two-thirds of its brain to sense the objects around it before touching them. They have an extremely good sense of touch. So, this helps them to protect themselves from adverse situations and even from their animal predators, such as owls, hawks, and foxes.Raccoons use their paws similarly to the way that humans use their hands. For this reason, a raccoon’s paws are often compared to humans’ hands. A raccoon will never be lazy and is an active animal species. Among all mammals, they are considered the most active species. Hence, protecting themselves is not a big problem for them. A raccoon plays smart even with its predators and owners. A raccoon would also use its dark brown bushy tail and long nails to attack if it sensed danger nearby.How else do raccoons use their thumbs?A raccoon in the wild would use its thumbs like fingers to catch prey near water bodies, such as fish from a waterfall.A raccoon, Procyon lotor, is a very adaptable animal that adapts to its surroundings very easily. A raccoon’s habitat range is widely distributed, from urban areas to deciduous forests. They use their fingers along with thumbs to open objects they find around themselves, to dig in the ground, to scratch the bark of trees, and to climb up to their dens.The sensitivity of their paws increases when they are wet or swimming underwater to catch their prey. During the breeding season, females might also be seen engaging themselves in handling their kits in their dens using their paws. The word ’lotor’ is their scientific name. It is a Latin word that means ‘washer’. They have been named so because they engage themselves in the human-like activity of washing food with their fingers and thumbs.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘Do raccoons have opposable thumbs?’, then why not take a look at ‘Is a raccoon a rodent?’ or ‘Common raccoon fun facts for kids’?

Raccoons are a nocturnal mammal species known for their solitary nature.