Raising a furry companion can be a rollercoaster journey.One chore that all puppy pet parents struggle with is cleaning up fur. When it comes to dealing with dog hair, dog parents are no exception.Irrespective of dog breeds, puppy hair, dead hairs, and top-coat are a few words that could mean a nightmare, especially if you are an immaculate person. Dog breeds with a double coat of fur or hair shed much more than others.When it comes to a double coat, pug owners are the ones who deserve a lot of sympathy. Pugs shed a lot. For a pug owner who cares a lot about their furniture being clean, it is not very pleasant when your pug is shedding (which is always!). A pug’s coat keeps on shedding throughout the year.If pugs shed so much, what can be done to minimize the excessive shedding and keep the pug’s coat neat and shiny? Keep reading to know more about controlling pug shedding, how to help your pug shed its dead hairs, and the key to having a happy and healthy furball to shower you with love.Pugs are amazing, right? If you are interested in this article, why not also read more articles like how long do pugs live, or how long do Weiner dogs live here on Kidadl?Do pugs have hair or fur?When it comes to our furry friends, both fur and hair are used almost interchangeably. However, there is a slight difference. Hair can keep on growing, whereas fur stops growing after reaching a certain length.Chemically, there is no difference between a dog’s hair or fur. But while considering other factors like texture, growth cycle, length, and other grooming requirements, they are not essentially the same. A pug coat is made up of fur. Pugs don’t have hair, even though you might hear both ‘pug hair’ and ‘pug fur’ being used in conversations.Pugs have a shorter fur growth stage than a lot of other dogs. Most dog breeds shed more before summer to get rid of their winter coat. Pugs do the same as most of them have a double fur coat, including a fine undercoat. Having a double coat ultimately means a more prolonged shedding phase.Fur is shorter and denser than hair, and therefore, dogs with hair require more care and grooming than dogs with fur. If the dog hair is curly, then this requires double the care. However whether it is fur or hair, grooming is unavoidable.Brushing your dog’s coat with a good brush is an essential part of grooming and helps in reducing excessive shedding. Brushing the puppy coat helps prevent the trapping of loose hairs, dead hairs, dirt, and debris in its double-layered coat. Brushing also helps in removing the hairs that will later occupy the nooks of your pretty home from your pug’s normal shedding. Pugs may not require as much grooming as a dog with hair. However, this does not mean they do not need to be cared for well.Do pugs smell?Typically, all dogs have some kind of odor like other living beings. Some dogs smell more intensely than others. Pugs smell too. In fact, they have a strong odor. Even though it is customary to stink at times, stinking all the time points to bad grooming or the lack of proper care. Your pug’s hygiene is essential, and, therefore, you must take the necessary steps to prevent the odor from becoming worse than normal.A pug might have a smelly head, bad breath, and body odor. The not-so-pleasant smells are caused due to various factors. There’s no doubt that a lack of regular grooming is the leading cause.We all know about pugs and their wrinkles and their wrinkles trap dirt. However clean you wipe them, there are still chances of dirt and grime getting trapped in those endless folds, and causing a bad odor. Pug owners find the skin folds cute. Yes, they are cute but also require additional care to prevent bad smells and infections.Another part of a pug’s body that contributes to the pungent smell is its paws. Trapped dirt and sweat could worsen the smell and promote the growth of disease-causing microorganisms growth.Bad breath is another source of bad odor, and it is not just limited to pugs. Your pug’s oral hygiene is just as important as regular bathing. However, as with humans, bad breath could also mean other health concerns like tooth decay, gum disease, or other oral diseases. It is advisable to always immediately consult your vet if your pug’s bad breath persists even after regular and proper brushing.Sometimes pug owners also notice a foul smell from their pug that could result from oils secreted by the pug’s anal sacs. Like many diseases that cause a bad odor, an ear infection needs to be treated too.An un-spayed female pug goes through heat cycles. When in heat, female pugs produce a lot of body fluids which can give off a strong unpleasant smell. However, this is quite normal.It is obvious that your pug needs to be groomed regularly to make them smell good (or at least not bad). In addition to that, your pug’s food is also an important factor of how good your pug will smell. Most of the causes for a bad-smelling pug, despite proper and regular grooming, could be due to some kind of disease or infection. If you are a pug owner who goes that extra mile to take care of your pet and still finds your pug to be smelly, you should visit your vet for a checkup.When do pugs start shedding?Dogs shed, and there are no two ways about it. Some dogs may shed a lot while some almost don’t. Well, what about pugs then? Despite being a small breed, they shed excessively, and they shed throughout the year.You can’t say that there will be heavy shedding only in a particular month or two. Even though all dogs have three cycles of hair growth, for pugs, the cycles seem to go much faster than other dogs.Hair growth in pugs can be categorized into Anagen, Catagen, Telogen, and Exogen stages. The shedding stage is the Exogen stage. Pugs will either be growing fur or shedding it, and there’s no in-between. They shed a lot during spring. This is because, during the winter season, they shed their undercoat fur to grow thicker and coarser hair for insulation. The winter coat is a thick coat. When summer arrives, they need to shed that fur to stay cool. During fall, they need to prepare for the winter. It is a never-ending loop of shedding.Now, why do pugs shed so much? Maybe the reason lies in their faster hair growth cycles. They start to shed around the time they are three months old. On top of going through each cycle comparatively faster, they also have more hair density. With more fur plus quicker cycles, pugs shed a lot.Do all pugs shed so much? It might surprise you to know that even among pugs, there is unequal shedding. A black pug sheds not as much as lighter colored pugs. Specifically, the parents of black pugs claim that their pugs tend to shed less than fawn pugs. This seemingly unfair advantage of black pugs over fawn pugs is attributed to their single coats.Most other pugs have double coats of fur. This gives them more fur to shed. This, when compared to the amount of fur to be shed from black pugs, tells us that black pugs shed less. With age, the shedding increases. It is worse after one year up until the age of five.Bathing is another reason why your pug may shed a lot. However, it is also a grooming method to de-shed your pug.Allergies can aggravate shedding and are the most common reason why almost all dogs shed excessively. Fleas, ticks, lice, or basically any allergens force your pug to shed. If not other natural causes or allergies, stress can also lead to shedding. Your pug needs your company, and without you, this animal can become stressed.Other reasons for shedding include skin diseases and hormonal cycles.Grooming is a required to keep your pug’s shedding and chances of getting other diseases to a minimum. Brushing daily is a start. Five minutes or so spent brushing your pug’s fur can help a lot in getting rid of the excess fur in one go. Whenever your pug is shedding, you won’t have to worry about finding it later on your couch, carpets, or beds.Just like the advantages of brushing our hair, your pug will also see the benefits. It might be a challenging task if your pug doesn’t like being brushed. But, you can give words of encouragement until it likes it. Proper grooming is essential to de-shed your pug. Bathing your pet regularly, brushing your pug’s coat daily, feeding it good quality dog food, and keeping it hydrated are all important things to do.It would be a wise choice to get a good vacuum cleaner if you have a pug or any furry friend who sheds a lot.Do pugs bark a lot?Dogs bark, cats mew, and cows moo. We all have been taught that in school. Do all dogs bark, though? Almost all of them do, and some just prefer to save it. Pugs are not really an exception to ‘all dogs bark’.They start barking within a few weeks after they are born. They bark to communicate, but their barks are quieter and not much of a nuisance. In general, they keep barking to a minimum. They love their human companions and will bark at anyone or anything that poses a threat to them. They communicate via low-pitched, distinct barking.Since pugs don’t bark a lot, many pug parents don’t train them to stop barking. After all, barking is a natural response for any dog. A barking dog doesn’t always mean a dangerous dog or an aggressive dog. It could be love, curiosity, warning, or excitement. Unlike the advantage of shedding less, both a black pug and a fawn pug bark in similar volumes.Unlike a fawn pug, your black pug sheds its loose hair in lower quantities due to the lack of a double coat. A black pug will bark as much as any other pug dog.Pugs tend to be quieter than many other dogs. They normally use their cute barking skills to communicate, to get attention, in defense, out of boredom, to show excitement, in response to noises, to let us know they are sick or need food, or simply to let us know that they don’t want us to leave them alone.There is not really a reason to stop your pugs from barking. However, if it is required, there are ways in which you can train your pug not to bark unnecessarily. For this, you have to start training when they are in the puppy stage. When they bark, find out the possible reasons and make sure you take care of any issues.You could distract them with toys. Otherwise, you can ask your pug to stop barking. A reward should follow the command. A few treats or a pat and kiss could count as rewards. This needs practice and takes time. Your pug needs to understand that they shouldn’t bark and that the fact that it is being rewarded tells it that your pet did something good.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Do pugs shed? Paw-some facts about the pretty ups, then why not take a look at how long do French bulldogs live, or how long do Bulldogs live?

Raising a furry companion can be a rollercoaster journey.