Are you afraid of June bugs?There are said to be more than 30 million species of bug in the world. They can be spotted or discovered in every region of the world.There are different bugs species that are deadly to humans. If you are wondering whether June bugs are dangerous and can bite you like other bugs, you may be wrong. Don’t worry, June bugs are one of the completely harmless bugs on earth, which fortunately do not bite or attack humans as some other animals do. They are also known as may beetles or June beetles and belong to the scarab beetles group of insects. June bugs are herbivores in nature. Often they are considered pests and many of them can ruin a healthy lawn. For this purpose, many people have activated pest control, not only for June bugs in particular but to make different species of bugs or other insects stay away from them. June bugs eat plant roots, trees, and much more. The answer to ‘are June bugs poisonous?’ is simply no. Adult June beetles are in no way venomous or poisonous, and they do not bite or sting human beings or spread disease at all, which is why one can even hold them. They can be spotted in the northern hemisphere region of North America in abundance, especially in San Antonio, and even other regions of the world. Often people think that June bugs do not acquire eyes and are blind, but the truth is they have eyes are not blind at all. Also, the scary thought that these bugs can crawl and enter your ear is untrue, as long as you are staying indoors and while staying outdoors, you use bug repellents.If you enjoyed this content, keep reading, and you can also visit similar content such as do locusts bite and do mice bite.What are June bugs?June bugs are known as June beetles or may beetles. The name is related to any 100 beetle species of the scarab beetles. They belong to the Phyllophaga genus of bugs, and their diet mainly consists of plants, roots, rotten wood, trees, and so on. A June beetle has a small, tiny mouth just like other beetles. They have a total body length of about 0.5-1 in (1.27-2.54 cm), with a body coloration of reddish-brown. Adult June bugs have also fallen prey to other kinds of animals. So, what eats June bugs? June bugs are preyed upon by snakes, blue jays, lizards, and frogs in general, and sometimes, birds too.June beetle has a one-year lifespan or life cycle. The mating season of these bugs begins around early summer, and female adult beetles will lay their eggs in mid-summer, and the June bugs generally start emerging from the stage of pupa during late summer. They lay around 50-100 eggs, among the short grass. Their eggs are tiny in size, and pearly white in coloration. After the females lay their eggs, they are left to survive on their own. The larvae of June beetle are known as white grubs, and they have a body length of about 1 in (2.54 cm). As they generally reside in the soil, they tend to destroy crops, lawns, and other plants which is why, even though they do not bite or sting, many people have protected their properties with the help of pest control to get rid of the bugs. Grubs stay in the soil till they grow adult, and feed themselves underground on tree roots. To kill grubs that are manifested inside the soil, you can simply use dish soap. During the cold winter season, they hide deep into the soil. They turn into adult June bugs mostly during the late spring season. A June beetle can stay in the larval stage for about three years, while generally, they require only one year. They look slightly similar to Japanese beetle, but are smaller in size than June bugs and have green body coloration which June beetles do not acquire. June bugs are highly attracted to everything that emits light, and often they are seen in abundance all over porch lights especially at night. The best way to prevent this is to use a yellow bulb. A light that is yellow may still be amusing to them but will not attract them much compared to other light sources.Can June bugs hurt you?These bugs are common among warm areas since they prefer warm regions for their survival. During summer, they are found in abundance under the soil and acts as pests to trees and plants’ roots as they eat them. They are nocturnal in nature. Therefore, while we sleep at night, they feast on plants, roots, and so on.June bugs cannot hurt people physically, but somewhat mentally, by destroying people’s gardens and lawns. In general, they do not harm, bite or cause any physical pain to humans but can be destructive with their foraging nature. What is the result if a June bug bites you? These bugs have been observed to make holes in trees as they feed and live on them. But when it comes to whether they bite or not, it is definitely no, since June bugs cause no harm or pain to anyone or even to pets. They have a pretty long life cycle until they grow into adults, but once they reach adulthood, they do not live for a long time.Do June bugs bite?There are thousands of species of bugs, out of which some sting or bite people and are aggressive in nature, while the others do not bite or cause pain to anyone. June bugs are those beetles that do not bite or sting people. If you are wondering about them harming or biting your pets, fortunately, they do not harm pets too, just as humans.June bugs are calm and friendly in nature as they will not bite even if you hold them. But considering the fact that they may carry germs, it’s better not to hold them. They have a very tiny mouth where they feed themselves but do not use it for biting others. They do not carry venoms or poisonous substances in them, but they are highly destructive. Therefore, proud garden or lawn owners might want to stay alert as June bugs can ruin your plants. June bugs, in general, are harmless to humans and pose zero threat to us.How to get rid of June bugs?As stated earlier, even though it is fortunate that June bugs don’t bite, they can be quite a nuisance especially if you own a garden filled with plants or a beautiful lawn. They mainly stay on the ground, feeding on trees, roots, and other plants. In particular, when their eggs hatch, the grubs stay on soil till they grow adult, feeding on roots and whatever they find on the ground.A female lays 50-100 or more. So, considering the number of eggs that will hatch, imagine the number of grubs that will destroy your breathtaking garden or lawn. Considering their destructive behavior, it is better to keep your garden and lawn safe from falling apart. To get rid of these bugs, you can consult a pest control, or apply insecticide, like seven, all over the affected area that you want to protect. To kill or get rid of June grubs, you can also apply grub nematodes. You can also make a natural repellent of bugs, with ingredients consisting of dish soap, or soda, mineral oil, along with whole graded garlic as they do not like the smell. You can also include vinegar in extreme cases.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for do June bugs bite, then why not take a look at do jumping spiders bite, or jumping spider facts?

Are you afraid of June bugs?