Greyhounds, also known as English hounds, are a popular breed of pet dogs.Greyhounds are tall and muscular dogs known to be one of the fastest among all the dog breeds. They’re amiable and docile dogs who make great pets.Greyhounds were popularly known and widely used as racing greyhounds because of their agile speed. A greyhound can reach a speed of 40 mph (64.3 kph) in a race, and the highest speed recorded is 44 mph (70.8 kph) for 98.5 ft (30 m). Many people have started to adopt retired racing greyhounds, and these pet animals have become popular among many dog lovers for being excellent pet dogs.Greyhounds have very short fur coats which come in several different colors ranging from white, red, brown, grey, and black. Some greyhounds also have contrasting fur in stripes on their body. It is easy to control and groom greyhound shedding, as they are moderate shedders, especially compared to other dog breeds.Greyhound dogs are generally recognized from the long skull and elongated jaw and a lean body with long legs. After reading about the need for brushing your greyhound puppy, also read about do boxers shed? And do beagles shed?Are greyhounds heavy shedders?Greyhound dogs have a very short fur coat on their body.Some people may wonder if they even ever shed this coat, but yes, greyhounds do shed their coat, albeit moderately. To define moderate, greyhounds do not shed as much as a great den does, but they shed a little more than breeds like Saluki or whippet.Apart from the normal shedding of coat, greyhounds generally tend to shed twice a year, once when the weather gets warmer and the other when it gets colder, to alter their coat and prepare for the upcoming seasonal temperature changes.As greyhounds are not heavy shedders, it is pretty easy to maintain their coats by regular weekly brushing.How to minimize shedding?Every vet or dog owner will suggest this as the best way to brush your dog regularly - not less than once a week, every week.Grooming your pet greyhound’s hair helps them get rid of excess hair on their coat and spread or distribute the coat oils evenly, which keeps the coat of the greyhound moisturized and soft.Apart from this measure, ensure that your pet dog has a nutritional and balanced diet. An under-balanced diet can cause your greyhound to lack the essential fats and proteins, leading to excessive shedding.Give regular baths to your dog, which is recommended once every two months. This will help the greyhound to get rid of excess fur and make their coat clean and shiny. But excessive bathing is also not good for your dog, as it can lead to dry, flaky skin.Further, visit your vet often and see that your pet greyhound does not contract any flea infestations, which can easily cause them to shed a lot of fur or even get sick.Are they difficult to groom?No, not at all. Some people who do not have any experience with a dog’s behavior may feel like it is a difficult task. But compared to other breeds of dogs with a longhair coat, greyhounds have short coats that are a lot more manageable, almost like some cats.Greyhounds are moderate shedders and also take care of their own fur and keep it clean as a cat does. Greyhounds need to be bathed once in two or three months and a little more during their seasonal shedding so that the animal does not feel irritated by hair fall, which may feel itchy and sensitive if not removed from their coat.Further, it is necessary to brush and groom the coat of your pet greyhound once every week to get rid of excess hair on their coat. This grooming session can help them a lot in maintaining their hygiene and help us in detecting any injury, allergy, or flea infection as well.Further, greyhounds are more susceptible to dental problems compared to other dog breeds. Hence, brushing their teeth regularly is also an essential grooming activity that is to be carried out regularly, almost daily.One of the most apparent and visible signs of infection in dogs is the reddening inside the ears; hence cleaning their ears from time to time is also necessary. Do not insert anything into your greyhound’s ear canal though, clean appropriately on the flaps and sides of the ear to maintain hygiene.When do greyhounds shed the most?While greyhounds shed moderately and need grooming only once a week, they are also very hygienic animals who look after their coat every day like cats do.But there are specific periods when the greyhound owners notice that their pet is shedding a lot more fur than usual.This can be found in spring when the greyhound sheds its thick fur, which it had gained during winter to keep itself warm. This shedding can be very abrupt and fast, which can surprise inexperienced owners.During this seasonal shedding, the owners are advised to groom and brush their dog daily, as excess shedding can result in the buildup of dander, grease, and dirt that can make the dog uncomfortable.Another time of seasonal shedding is also seen in fall when the greyhound gets ready to grow a thicker coat in preparation for winter. The greyhound sheds the light, thin hair it had gained over the summer to develop a thick coat of hair.The best way to get rid of this excessive coat shed is to bathe your greyhound dog when you feel like it is irritating or making your dog uncomfortable. A bath will not only help you get rid of the shed hair, but also remove dirt, excess oil formation, and any dust which might have covered your greyhound’s coat.What influences shedding in greyhounds?Shedding is a natural process that every dog goes through, which is essential for the overall coat health of the dog. Shedding helps the greyhounds keep a healthy and clean coat.According to the season, the coat also protects the greyhound’s delicate skin by keeping them warm or cool. One of the essential factors for coat shedding in greyhounds is seasonal changes. They frequently shed before spring and winter for their bodies to have a thinner or thicker coat to adjust to the coming temperature changes.Another reason why greyhounds shed is that they might be facing some stressful situations. When greyhounds feel nervous or threatened by something, they often use shedding as a defense mechanism.There are other factors like aging, which can also influence shedding rapidly in greyhounds, as their cells become weaker to hold onto the fur, which in turn gives rise to the shedding of the coat.Further, greyhounds are very active dogs who need to run and play around to stay healthy. Regular exercise is necessary for this breed of dog. If greyhounds are not provided with the opportunity to play and exercise to burn off the excess energy, this can make them weak and shed more than normal.Are greyhounds hypoallergenic?No, greyhounds are not a breed that comes under the hypoallergenic category.Most people who are allergic to dogs cannot find a good breed that does not give them an allergic reaction, even if the dog does not shed a lot of hair. But greyhounds are considered far from being hypoallergenic.Most of the time, dog hair is least responsible for causing allergies, as the main reason for catching allergies is the dead, flaking skin, which is known as dander, and their saliva rather than the hair.Some people may also feel averse to the excreta and urine of greyhound dogs. When a greyhound sheds a lot of hair, it increases the chance of causing more allergies as the hair contains these elements of dander and dried saliva, giving rise to allergic reactions in owners.As greyhounds shed moderately and need grooming only once a week, they are not considered hypoallergenic.How do I stop my greyhound’s shedding?Shedding of coats is a very natural process in most dogs, including greyhounds.It involves shedding excess hair to make way for new growing hair to keep the coat clean and healthy and free of any dust or dirt. Shedding also helps the greyhound dogs maintain the coat oils from secreting excessively and keeping their skin moisturized.There is no need to really stop the natural process your greyhound has to go through, but if you notice that your pet has started to shed more frequently and excessively, there could be some underlying reasons.If your dog is going through something stressful, it may shed its coat frequently. To stop your greyhound from being stressed, try to find the stressor and eradicate it from your greyhound’s life.Keep the dog in a less noisy place and feed it a regular balanced diet. Playing some quiet music can also help your dog to calm down.If the shedding continues, there could be many medical reasons like a disease, some kidney-related issues, or even severe ailments like cancer, which could affect the health of your beloved pet greyhound.Hence, if you start to observe frequent unnecessary shedding, a visit to a vet is a must.Further, a greyhound dog needs a balanced diet of fats and proteins to maintain the health and thickness of its coat. If the greyhounds lack certain fats like omega-three or six, they rapidly shed their coat.Good quality dog food contains these nutrients, which keep a greyhound dog’s fur and coat healthy, shiny, and thick.Should you adopt a greyhound?Yes, you should adopt a greyhound even if you’re new to owning dogs or even if you already have experience in having dogs as your pet.Greyhounds are a very friendly and docile breed of dogs who are generally trained very easily. They are also very active and love their human owner, who can take them anywhere with them. Greyhounds are very well behaved and an excellent company for owners who love to take walks or run every day.Greyhounds are also very laid back, can be couch potatoes, and will happily join their owners for a day on the sofa. Due to their tame nature and happy temperament, greyhounds make great dogs for a family and even become a great company for small babies compared to other more aggressive breeds.Many greyhounds are adopted after they have retired from being race dogs. Hence, the adoption of greyhounds gives them a home for themselves and keeps them happy and healthy. Further, greyhounds are very laid back and adjust to their new homes or new surroundings pretty quickly. They are very obedient. Hence it does not take a lot of time to train them.As explained above, greyhounds do not shed a lot of hair. Hence they can also be kept by owners who may be a little allergic to dogs by maintaining the coat hygiene of the dog and taking measures to avoid catching any allergies.Greyhounds do not need any special or expensive diets; they can eat the generic dog food available in pet stores. Hence, greyhounds make a great option for pet owners who have little to no experience of having pet dogs.Greyhounds can live in warm temperatures as well as cold, and in colder environments, many owners even dress their greyhounds in clothes for a cozier winter (which makes them look extra cute).Greyhounds do not need a lot of grooming. They only need their teeth brushed two to three times a week to avoid any dental problems, and their ears are to be cleaned every few weeks.Greyhounds are very healthy and athletic dogs who need regular exercise, which can be done by a running session or a daily walk. Even regular playtime with your pet greyhound can fulfill their daily exercise requirement, which they need.In conclusion, we can all agree that greyhound dogs make a lovely pet for every dog lover or anyone who needs a companion or a canine buddy in their life, who can bring a lot of love, activity, and happiness to any dog owner’s life.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for do greyhounds shed, then why not take a look at - do aussie doodles shed or greyhound facts.

Greyhounds, also known as English hounds, are a popular breed of pet dogs.