A fox can make over 40 various sounds.Foxes in urban settings have a smaller litter during the mating season and also live longer than those in the wild. Urban foxes display an altered behavior when compared to the ones in the wild.Foxes are omnivorous animals that are small and medium-sized. They are placed within the Canidae family with dogs. The most common fox species are red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), with 47 subspecies. Fox species are found around the world. In the wild, foxes live anywhere between one to three years. However, many of them have lived up to ten years too. Foxes have triangular ears, which stand upright on their head. Foxes have slightly upturned snouts and long tails. These omnivores mainly feed on vertebrates like birds and reptiles and invertebrates (insects). Domesticating foxes was previously attempted by humans, especially red foxes, but this was not successful. One exception is the Russian silver fox, which undergoes visible behavior changes. The reason behind this is selective breeding.Several foxes are classified as endangered in their native regions. Foxes face the threat of habitat loss and hunting to get rid of them. Even though foxes are usually considered pests, they are used as pest controls on some fruit farms as they do not damage any fruit. This animal is quite well adapted to human habitats. Though active in the dusk and dawn, foxes can get on the roof of any shed or house to soak in the morning sun. Red foxes are used for their fur in the fur trade. A red foxes’ fur is used to make jackets, muffs, trimmings, scarfs, and coats. The most valued fur is derived from red foxes belonging to North America, especially the ones in northern Alaska.If you enjoyed reading these facts about do foxes make good pets, then make sure to read some more interesting facts about can foxes breed with dogs and are foxes omnivores here at Kidadl.Different Breeds Of Fox PetsDifferent breeds of fox are red foxes, arctic foxes, fennec foxes, swift foxes, corsac foxes, and gray foxes in the pet trade industry.There is only one type of fox that has been bred as a domesticated fox. Many foxes are hand-raised or socialized since birth and are not considered domesticated foxes. There are a total of 10 fox species that have been kept as pets and some make better pets than others. The most popular breed of pet foxes is the big-eared fennec foxes. These foxes have sweet personalities, a long life expectancy, and small size. They can get nippy, making them a bad choice for houses with other pets and young children. Fennec foxes are delicate and one of the smallest fox breeds in the world. They are also extremely loud, with several vocalizations like howls, shrieks, whimpers, barks, wails, whines, and squeaks. They have fawn or cream-colored thick and long hair. These foxes measure about 12-16 in (30.4-40.6 cm) and weigh around 2-4 lb (0.9-1.8 kg). Those who have a red fox species as pets state that they are as sweet and fun as a house cat but are not so popular.Red fox species are not domesticated. Their urine smells the most among their kind. You can reduce the odor by spaying or neutering them. These wild animals need a big space to play and dig. These foxes are 8-15 lb (3.6-6.8 kg) in weight and 36-42 in (91.4-106.6 cm). There are silver foxes that are domesticated versions of red foxes, bred in Russia. This Russian domesticated fox program has been successful in improving foxes’ traits and temperament and reducing urine odor. They are also called the tame arctic fox or tame Siberian fox. These domesticated foxes are available only in Russia and have dog behaviors like tail-wagging. They have the same measurements as red foxes.Arctic foxes are not common as pets. These wild animals can overheat pretty quickly when compared to other foxes so they mostly prefer staying in cold weather. There are some issues with these foxes as they are overbred. Their scenting glands and urine are incredibly smelly. They weigh 6-10 lb (2.7-3.6 kg) and measure 28 in (71.1 cm). These wild animals have brown, dark gray, or bluish-brown coats in summer and thick white coats in winter. Gray foxes have pointed muzzles and ears with bushy tails and hooked claws. They are affectionate and amiable towards most humans. Previously, gray foxes were common in the US, but deforestation and encroachment by humans made red foxes the dominant ones. Small bat-eared foxes are uncommon but have been kept as pets and are prone to mark territory like cats and dig often. Swift foxes are rare and have high energy, more than fennecs. They have a good temperament and a few reports state that they can be trained to use a litter box. Kit foxes, Pale foxes, and corsac foxes are a few more exotic pets.What kind of veterinary care do foxes need?Veterinary care needed for the good health of foxes is similar to dogs, like distemper boosters, rabies vaccines, treatments for external and internal parasites, and neutering or spaying.Tame foxes can be trained to use a litter box. However, female foxes are more successful in doing this than males. Owners must be highly dedicated to raising these wildlife creatures that are not so obedient as dogs. You will need to put in the effort to train foxes; it is not an impossible task but is harder for owners. Foxes can have the same diet as dogs. However, they need taurine, an organic compound in their diet, for heart development and eye health. Dog food with taurine and high protein is a good choice. The diet of these animals can be 80% dog food with 20% veggies and treats in a day. You can also add feeder rats or mice, crickets, or mealworms. They can also eat cooked lean meat. Your fox can be trained but not as easily as training dogs or cats. Due to their high energy, it is necessary to train your pet fox. They will respond to positive reinforcements but will also show avoiding behavior. Your fox pet might need more than one litter box. It is best if your pet is trained from an early age. Fox owners must provide separate space or territory large enough for them to explore, including both an outdoor or indoor enclosure. Make sure to have a secure lid on the outdoor enclosure; otherwise, these animals are great at escaping. Also, the outdoor enclosure must have proper space with shade.Veterinary care for your pet fox is similar to a dog or cat; however, keep in mind that not every local veterinarian will be able to treat this wild animal. So, it is important to find an exotic animal vet before you get a pet fox. Like other pets, foxes will need regular check-ups, vaccinations, and other treatments. Your pet fox must be taken to the vet every year. Make sure to keep track of medical conditions in your pet fox. Before sticking to a diet, make sure to consult the vet. Also, remember that foxes are mostly wild animals so a different choice of pet should be a better option.What are the cons of keeping a fox as a pet?The cons of keeping a fox as a pet are that they are incredibly loud, extremely disobedient, easily get bored, hunt or attack small house animals like rabbits, are illegal in some states, are expensive, mark their territory, have a lot of energy, chew furniture, and have smelly urine.Foxes are wild animals that look as cute and as fun as domesticated dogs but have the big personalities of cats. These animals have high energy and are the only canine species that can climb trees. Foxes are not usually dangerous to pets or humans. If they are getting an adequate amount of food, then they will not attack other small animals like rabbits. Foxes not only have high energy but are very loud, especially if they are indoors all day. They will leave scent marks around your house and owners report that it is almost impossible to remove the smell from furniture, fabric, or carpet. They need a lot of space to run, play, dig, and forage. So, an outdoor enclosure is a must for your pet fox with a double-door entrance. Keep in mind that they are not as adaptable as your usual cat or dog. These animals are curious so they will make a big mess out of your home if you leave them alone for long. Each fox has a different personality.Many activists are against the idea of having a fox as a pet as it is quite impossible to domesticate these animals. This is something you should take very seriously if you are thinking of owning one. Also, if a fox bites its owner, then it will be confiscated to either test for rabies or be killed. You can also prevent this by getting rabies treatment. It is mandatory for medical professionals to report any bite cases. Foxes are nocturnal so they will be awake in the evening and at night. They will use the outdoor enclosure to let out their energy; otherwise, they will ruin furniture.Ethics Of Having A Pet FoxThe ethics of having a pet fox are complicated. Some foxes are legal to be kept as pets in some states while not in others; certain breeds are legal pets while many others are not, considering special exemptions like schools and libraries.Foxes are as cute as dogs are. So new owners might be tempted to get one without basic research. Some American states might allow you to have a fox as a pet, while in others it is illegal. The laws in states might even be different based on the fox species you are eyeing up for a new pet. In about 14 states, red foxes are illegal to own. In 13 states, private possession of a fennec fox is legal. There are 15 states in total that allow you to own a fox legally. Well, even if it is legal in your state, you cannot go out to catch a wild fox and tame it. There are still some rules to be followed when owning a fox. Some states will allow you to own a fox but you will not be able to receive permits, effectively making it impossible to own a fox. Also, in some states, importing a fox is illegal. In these states, there might not be a breeder, which makes it difficult.Choosing the right breed of fox is also vital. Rules change as per the type, like exotic or native foxes. Red foxes, kit foxes, and gray foxes are natives of the United States. Arctic foxes, fennec foxes, swift foxes, corsac foxes, and bat-eared foxes are exotic pets. Capturing wild animals has even more strict laws than buying one. There is are exceptions, such as for libraries and schools that conduct educational experiments that will get special permits. However, there will be annual inspections at these places for the welfare of this wildlife.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestion for ‘Do foxes make good pets?’, then why not take a look at ‘Where do foxes live?’ or ‘Corsac fox facts?

A fox can make over 40 various sounds.