Earwigs are tiny brown-red insects that have flat and elongated bodies with three pairs of legs.They have two pairs of wings but do not fly frequently. Earwigs are nocturnal insects that mostly prefer living in damp and moist areas and live a year without food.Earwigs have a characteristic feature of earwig pincers which can be seen at the rear part of the abdomen. Females have less curved cerci as compared to males. Earwigs are present in almost every part of the world except for the frigid zones of poles. Areas of dead leaves, loose pebbles, branches, and wet flower pots are some of the places where earwigs can be seen. Earwigs come out of their hiding spots during the night, where the earwigs hide in the daytime, to feed on leaves, decaying plants shoots, fruits, and flowers. Earwigs are considered the scariest of all the frightening and common pests. Their fearsome reputation is the result of their ominous name, appearance, and general mysteriousness. Getting rid of these bugs or their eggs or even preventing earwigs inside your house or can be best done by the pest control team as earwigs come up with customized plans. Mostly the female earwigs and the European earwigs are considered insects that can harm the ear the most (still very less as compared to human’s ability). Pest control is called the best to get rid of earwigs especially when they lay eggs.You can also read about do earwigs bite and do hamsters bite articles on our website.Do earwigs enter your ear while you sleep?There is a very common perception about this nocturnal insect that earwigs crawl inside human ears. Though earwigs have a name like this, they do not choose a person’s ear for infestation. They don’t crawl inside the ear canal to lay eggs in our brain as many of the myths suggest. As earwigs like to stay in humid, warm, and dark places, it is still possible that they might get attracted towards the ears when a person might be sleeping. However, while they might initially get attracted there, they soon realize that it is not a preferable habitat and they move away. They do not live there for long or lay their eggs. So, you need not worry about them burrowing inside your ears. They won’t bite your ears either. The area where these earwigs bite looks glossy and show swelling with redness all around so you would recognize it.You need not panic if you spot an earwig inside your house. They are not very harmful and will not crawl in your ears or brain. If you happen to feel an insect in your ear, you can tilt your head from one side and shake it to remove the earwig from the ears as this dislodges the insect. Another way is using vegetable oil or warm water to get it out of your ears. Try not to use the cotton swabs and tweezers because they cause internal injury or damage to hearing. Earwigs are just little household pests, and contrary to their name, are not very interested in your ears.Should I worry about earwigs?These small insects are not very aggressive and only lash out under threat when they hunt prey, or for self-defense. Earwigs bite but that will not harm you in any way. The little damage that these earwigs tend to do is that they just pinch the skin and create a tiny welt, often giving a feeling of inflamed skin on the affected area. These creatures are not venomous and also cannot transmit diseases.Though they are not very dangerous, they are the indicators of even bigger problems present in your house. As we know that earwigs are attracted to damp and moist areas, this means that finding them inside your house is the indicator that you might have such area inside your house which is a case of concern. There can be a chance that you have accumulated water or damaged water pipes, improper gutter management, or wood rots. Wood rots are the places where most of the pests can be seen. The earwig problem is very common in moist, protected areas where an earwig infestation can often be seen, but you can prevent earwigs by simple home methods too.How did an earwig get in my bed?These small insects or pincher bugs are a nuisance for households, but they are not typically indoor bugs. They belong in gardens and other outdoor areas, especially garden areas that have the perfect temperature and conditions for their manifestations. They don’t usually go for houses, but if the temperature outside is very cold or not suitable for them in any way, they will prefer living inside your house.There are many common points for earwigs to enter inside the house. Most of the insects use these same entry points. If you also have some of these points, you need to do a quick inspection. The points can be broken seals and missing seals near the wire conduit or plumbing, small gaps around doors especially the basement doors, damaged seals around the window frames, holes destroyed by wood pests, chipped mortar near and around bricks, weep holes in bricks, and many others. Bedrooms are often very comfortable and have various hidden and dark corners which act as the perfect infestation places for these pests. You can consult pest control to get rid of earwigs.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for if earwigs go in your ear and earwig infestations facts, then why not take a look at where oats come from or where nuts come from?

Earwigs are tiny brown-red insects that have flat and elongated bodies with three pairs of legs.