An antlered doe has a small rack.Deers have hardened antlers throughout the peak breeding season (November) until the end of fall or early winter. Antlers fall off when the days get shorter in winter.Female deer, antelope, and caribou (North America) are called does. Antlers are differentiating factors between male and female deers, moose, or elk, however, some females do grow antlers. The only female species that can usually grow antlers are caribou. Deer hunters often call antlers horns, however, cows, sheep, and goats also have horns. Horns are developed by hair-like tissue whereas antlers are bones that contain phosphorous and calcium and are also deciduous. Here, deciduous refers to the shedding or dropping of antlers every year and them growing back as new ones. Antlers grow from the frontal bone’s pedicels of the skull. Pedicels started to grow when the animal is aged a couple of months, and then they provide the base required for antlers. The small bumps on top of the young one’s head are the pedicel and not antlers. Deers get their first set of antlers around the first year after their birth. Genetics, age, and nutrition are factors that impact the antler growth rate and size. If you give a normal doe high levels of testosterone then she would easily grow antlers.If you enjoyed reading these facts that answer do does have antlers, then make sure to read some more interesting facts that answer the questions when do whitetail deer shed their antlers and how long do deers live here at Kidadl.Why do some female deer grow antlers?Female deer grow antlers because of body dysfunction, reproductive changes like hermaphrodites, pseudo-hermaphrodites, hormonal imbalance, and genetic defects.Caribou (also called reindeer in other parts of the world), is the only species of does that can grow antlers although, female reindeer’s antlers are way smaller than that of a male. The antlers of males and females are shed at different times. Females shed their antlers after they produce fawns which are born in May. A buck sheds his antlers anytime between December and March. Polished antlered doe of the whitetail (North America) species are more commonly observed than other females. Velvet-covered antlers in females have also been observed.Antlers grow in females because sometimes their bodies are dysfunctional. These female mammals might be a true hermaphrodite, meaning this species of deer could have both female and male organs. However, these types of animals might have organs of one or both sexes while having outside organs of both or opposite sexes. A pseudo-hermaphrodite female would have internal female or male organs, which cannot be easily identified. These types of animals would have internal organs of one genre and internal organs of the other. Therefore, the growth of antlers depends on the amount of testosterone they produce. The more testosterone does produce the more antlers grow. Large or small, they would probably stay in velvet all year. The buck level of testosterone produces hard antlers.How does a deer grow antlers?Antlers grow in stages, young buck’s antlers, velvet antlers, velvet to the bone, and casting off.During summer, the testosterone levels in deers increase due to decreasing levels of daylight, which is a vital factor that impacts the growth rate of antlers. Antlers grow faster when compared to any other bone. Pedicles are two soft spots of the heads of males that act as a base for antlers. Two nubs develop on pedicles that are covered in sensitive velvet skin. The blood vessels in the velvet transport nutrients, oxygen, and blood needed for the antlers. Antlers start as cartilage and harden as they grow. If there is any damage faced by the velvet then it can cause abnormalities in the antlers. Injury to any other body part will also result in an abnormal antler. Once the antlers are fully grown, velvet dies before the animal rubs it off. Throughout the rut, the link between antlers and pedicles starts to weaken and falls off around winter. This cycle starts again a few days after the old antler sheds. Why did deer evolve to have antlers?Deers have antlers to dissipate body heat, attract mates, show dominance, use against predators, and for intraspecific combat.The more sunlight, the higher is the growth rate of antlers. Pineal glands track any changes in light and alert the pituitary gland to produce testosterone. Antlers will grow each week with enough testosterone.Antlers are evolved to use up the body heat during the growing period of antlers. Males use antlers to impress females in the breeding season (rut). It is also used to show dominance over other young males. Antlers also act as a weapon against predators. When their antlers fall off deer run when cornered or use their canines and hooves to attack predators. The most important reason for antler evolution is for a male to male intraspecific combat. This is also a way of showing dominance over other weaker males. However, antler growth in females serves no such purpose and is only because of hormonal imbalance. In reindeer species, antlers may be a source of calcium as they are retained in winter.Impacts Of Nutrition On Antler Growth In DeerProper nutrition filled with energy, proteins, and minerals is necessary for reaching a good size of an antler.The antlers of a male reindeer can reach up to 50 in (127 cm) in length whereas female reindeer’s antlers can only reach up to 20 in (50.8 cm). The growth of huge antlers on the head of male deers does cost them. Nutrition is vital for healthy antler growth, especially protein from their food sources. Mobilization is drawing out nutrients from other bones for the better health of antlers. So, for the fast growth of antlers, they will need phosphorus and calcium. Males who do not consume enough vitamins and minerals due to poor access to food sources will have stunted antlers. The growth can also slow down if deer eat the wrong food. A deer’s diet must be rich in phosphorous, calcium, and protein vitamins.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestion for do does have antlers, then why not take a look at how long are deer pregnant or white tailed deer facts?

An antlered doe has a small rack.